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DEBUT - Significant Success | Commanding Your Future - Goal Setting that Works | Part 1 - Foundational Talk + Medihealing

Mas Sajady Programs | Significant Success Series



COMMANDING YOUR FUTURE - Goal Setting that Works

The myth about goal setting and why it hasn’t worked for you.  

Thursday, Mar 21st | 9am PT / 11am CT / 12pm ET


Success rhetoric is filled with the importance of setting and achieving goals. Yet the majority of people abandon their goals long before they are reached. 

The true reason behind this goes beyond conviction, motivation, determination or will power and lies deep within our core frequency programming. When misaligned, this programming can sabotage our very best efforts and the strongest of intentions.  

If goal setting has historically failed you year after year, then it's time to throw out everything you have ever known.      

Mas Sajady presents Goal Setting, the debut series of the Significant Success program, consisting of two live sessions with profound insights and potent medihealings to help push you past your blocks and barriers. 

Learn the secrets of how truly successful individuals make their goals a reality. 


Part 1 - Foundational 

Introduces goal setting mechanics going beyond conventional techniques 

Talk + Medihealing (30min)  

An introduction to the mechanics of goal setting that goes beyond conventional techniques in order to understand what separates the successful from the ordinary. During the talk and medihealing, Mas will dissect the psychological elements behind goal setting, help to remove limiting blocks and generate frequencies necessary for lasting and significant success. You will learn and apply: 

- the function of time and space and how they can distort goals 

- the fatal flaws of traditional practices and root cause of goal setting failure - how popular methods can trick the brain with de-motivating effects  

- the removal of antiquated methods of goal setting from your programming 

- lifting the block of limited possibilities 

Mas Sajady’s Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.


Thursday, Mar 21st
9am PT / 11am CT / 12pm ET


Commanding Your Future - Goal Setting that Works | Part 1 - Foundational
30min Talk + Medihealing

“Part 2 Accelerated - 60min Medihealing” takes place Saturday, March 30th 2019

Visit the Significant Success Series to Register for Part 1, Part 2 or both