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Monthly Reset (March) | Online


Monthly Reset

Wednesday | March 18 | 8:15pm PT/ 10:15pm CT/ 11:15pm ET

The Monthly Reset is regular housekeeping for the frequencies of objects and intentions that we hold precious and meaningful in our daily lives such as jewelry, pets, crystals, charms and even short or long term goals....all of which influence our life experiences with their subtle yet steady frequencies. Like a recording device, these items are capable of harboring the memories and frequencies that surround them such as anger, tension and depression. Homes and living spaces absorb the energies within their walls, and cell phones are particularly strong recorders of frequencies.

The monthly reset helps to clean out all distortions that have been accumulated over time and restore frequencies to the vibratory perfection of their original creation which was designed to serve our highest interest. The process can effectively recharge each item for peak performance and is essential spiritual hygiene for a successful life.

Mas Sajady’s Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.

Available à la carte or via the MARCH 21 Day - The Accelerated Program ONLY