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XI Seminar & Medihealing: Human Dis-Ease and the Purity Wave


XI Seminar & Medihealing:
Human Dis-Ease and the Purity Wave
And the Consciousness of Coronavirus

Wednesday, March 25 | 8:15pm PT / 10:15pm CT / 11:15pm ET 

Mas Note: This is an advanced event for the pioneers and leaders who are ready to bring in a new consciousness …who have the strength and passion to elevate humanity and save it from the demise experienced by many past civilizations.

Throughout the course of human history, illness and disease have been present. From small and rare instances to mass-scale pandemics,  people have struggled with the breakdown and suffering of the physical body.

Our history is filled with diseases such as black death, cholera, Spanish flu and others. And as the current corona virus makes its way through the world population, far more insidious elements are surfacing across the globe that are not limited to race, gender, culture or country....fear, anxiety and mass panic.

While current statistics are a tiny fraction of the number of infections and deaths of the 2018 flu season (*over 49 million infections and approximately 80,000 deaths in the United States alone), an infectious and global terror has spread causing stampedes on resources, international cancellations of communal events and extreme stress and alarm. Stress and dis-ease which on their own have the ability to hinder the immune system, hormone balance, cardiovascular health, brain functioning and more. In many instances, fear can be more damaging than the illness itself.

So why have we collectively responded with such intense fear? Are fear and suffering related and is it necessary for the human condition to include physical and emotional dis-ease? Join Mas Sajady in an enlightening seminar as he discusses the function of illness and dis-ease from a new and higher perspective, as well as the purity wave that is washing over the world, helping humanity to rise to a new level of heightened consciousness and awareness.


During times of illness, pain or suffering, it is all too easy to get swept up in emotions such as fear, worry and panic.  And as we connect to and identify with these emotions, we become increasingly more fragile and unstable, both individually and as a collective. But in this instability lies enormous opportunity. Join Mas as he works on our collective frequencies to help us more clearly see and reevaluate our patterns, thinking, habits and worldviews, shed all that doesn’t serve us, and re-emerge stronger, more solid and with the ability to create new, healthier and more elevated life experiences. Mas will work at the sub-quantum level to help you:

  • Release underlying patterns of dis-ease and suffering

  • See from a higher perspective to quell unnecessary fear and anxiety

  • Bolster physical and mental immunity

  • Connect to internal calm, strength and guidance

  • Have confidence to grow and thrive in any circumstance

$100 (Live Call + Replay)

Click to Register

Mas Sajady’s Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.