Mas Sajady XI Podcast 126: Getting Fit 360

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This week's episode is unique because it marks the beginning of a collaboration with my son Alex and his innovative company Sajady Fit to bring your physical and spiritual health to a whole new level. By the end of this episode you will have a greater understanding of the critical role your physical health plays in your spiritual development, and how our upcoming programs can help you get there faster and more powerfully than ever before. 

One of the biggest things I've learned in my own journey of ascension is how the state of your physical health is often a direct reflection of your connection to spirit. Our body is deeply connected to our higher self,  and in order to shift into higher vibrational states and maintain those frequencies it's essential that we honor ourselves with exercise and proper nutrition.

Unfortunately poor health is rampant in this country. Healthy practices are hard for many people because of the deeply ingrained unhealthy and distorted patterns many of us run. This is why I'm so excited to join forces with Sajady Fit for our upcoming 30 Day Challenge.  You will get a full month worth of the 21 Day Medihealing® (including 9 bonus days) designed to interrupt your distortions around fitness, and their fitness experts will give you the best practices to revolutionize your physical health through proper exercise and nutrition tips. This will create a foundation for you to upgrade your body and health in amazing ways, and enjoy the process as well. 

We end this episode with a potent Medihealing designed to begin the process of removing damaging unhealthy frequencies and infusing you with the vibrations that will empower you to be disciplined with your diet and exercise regimen. 

There are several powerful ways to get involved with Sajady Fit. To register for our upcoming 30 Day Challenge, sign up here.  To learn more about what Fit 360 is all about and how it can transform your life, tune into our Fit 360 Teleforum on 05/19 through this link.  

 You can Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google PlaySoundCloud, or Stitcher 

"Once you reach a certain level of vibrancy, you'll return to the beauty of your default age."

Show Notes:

  • What is Fit 360

  • What are Alex and Jovan's credentials

  • How does a dietician differ from a nutritionist

  • What are the roadblocks to getting into shape

  • How will XI help you remove the roadblocks to being fit

  • Are there downsides to exercising

"As we start to resonate at higher frequencies, we are drawn to be healthier because it takes a strong physical body to maintain that level of vibration."

  • What are the benefits of exercising

  • What are important factors to staying youthful

  • How much of a child's diet is influenced by their parents

  • What will you get with the Sajady Fit 30 Day Challenge

  • Do you need access to a gym to get fit

  • Where can you find out how to eat and be healthy

"If you're not going to be healthy for yourself, do it for your kids."

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