Join Masati for a powerful World Frequency Meditation broadcast from the stunning island of Ibiza, where he is attending Mindvalley’s A-Fest: Soul & Seduction. This exclusive event delves deep into the intersection of intimacy and spirituality, creating the perfect atmosphere for transformation.
In this meditation, Masati taps into the transformative energy of A-Fest and the raw, untamed power of Ibiza, blending them with potent XI frequencies. This unique triad of energy creates a meditation experience like no other—elevating your consciousness and awakening the depths of your true self.
On Mas on Sunday livestreams, Masati breaks the code to life’s most perplexing questions and provides simple yet profound answers to help massively change the course of humanity including your own. These are not feel good answers or recycled solutions from the past, but timeless knowledge sourced from a realm of higher consciousness accessed after his multiple near-death experiences.