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I can’t WAIT for the rest of this lifetime

I would imagine Mas already knows this, but last night blew my capital M mind wide open. I don’t even know if Mas knows how powerful he is at this point already…
The experience of having him shut me down to reboot me with my will in agreement of course, was such a profound teaching by experience for me I can’t even express it in words. I’m reborn today with the double-drive to go all the way with waking up. It’s unbelievable how real and true this process is.
JESUS CHRIST MAN. I can’t WAIT for the rest of this lifetime now. From total throw away to feeling lucky to have found you. God bless you man. I am truly humbled.”

Nathan L.

Just the pick me up I needed to re-invigorate my vitality

Whoa! I only bought the Frequency Spa to show my appreciation for all the help and support that XI, especially Mas have provided. I didn’t expect to feel so good! Just the pick me up I needed to re-invigorate my vitality…….absolute bargain! You superstars….  can’t thank you enough! “*

Carol J.

Telepathic Connection

Mas mentioned today after the Frequency Spa that he cannot gauge his abilities when they change and asked those of us that are sensitive to comment. Yes, Mas, they have changed. You took us much deeper and it was really smooth. It was much easier to see my body from the space around my body and my internal vision was elevated because you were able to easily remove filters in my space and there was no fight. It’s almost like we’re communicating using telepathy. I haven’t experienced that with another human the way it seemed to happen during the call. It wasn’t just with me- it was with all the beings, humans or not.I also could literally feel frequencies floating around me and through me and I could feel your own signature essence combined in all the swirling energy and frequencies that was very distinct. Also, the way you conduct frequencies was visibly clearer and done with more confidence. It felt like there’s a whole new language and visible interaction between us all (including you) as you conducted the frequencies and taught us how to do it too. There was a whole dialogue going on unlike before. It was amazing to witness. “*

Jackie B.

From Swirling Cosmos to Radiant Light

I just took part in the Frequency Spa and Mas asked for some feedback. I have done the THR and the last 18 days and I did notice a difference in the frequencies that I normally see while my eyes are closed. I used to be able to see something that resembled a swirling cosmos of tiny particles but today was different. That cosmos appeared, then it pulsed on and off almost like it had a heartbeat, then it was replaced by a shining bright warm light. It was very similar to the Jesus frequency I could feel on the last day of the 18 days recently. I hope this feedback is useful and makes sense. “*

Kiara B.

Transformative Power of Mas’s Frequencies

I am so heartened by what is happening now with Mas’s frequencies. Even when I’m very distracted, as I was during this May session, it is strong, firm, deep and gentle. It feels like being held safe and without judgment in the most loving embrace, bringing the possibility of true discipline. I have never experienced anything like it. Also, right now is the end of a long day of socializing with ‘normal’ humans and absolutely not being depleted or shattered on arriving back home. Thank you Mas, and thank you team. So much!!! “*

Carolyn K.

Limitless Clarity

I re-listened to the frequency spa from last night. It was so crisp and clear… Bringing us to the highest frequencies …Cutting through everything not necessary and filling us with this beautiful and limitless consciousness…feeling more and more like a private session.”*

Marc L.

The Lasting Impact of Frequency Spa

The frequency spa started an ongoing process of renewal. I now ‘sense’ what my body needs and my products and treatments work better and last so much longer. Amazing. “*


Clarity, Energy, Confidence

I feel so clear all around…cravings gone, tons of energy, and a new found confidence I never had before. And all for half the $$ of a facial! Thank you!!”*


Deep Cleansing: Releasing Generations

The Frequency Facelift was so strong, that I was a bit emotionally distorted for a few days after it. In my case it felt like a disentangling of a thread in the physical heart down to the cell and DNA level with a bunch of buried feelings coming up from there which I mainly would classify as being hereditary. It also feels that it is still a bit ongoing and as if it is the last layers of filters which have to be deleted by having to use a high-pressure cleaner because the “material” is so sticky.”*


Seeing the True Me with Frequency Facelift

I participated in the Frequency Facelift medihealing and saw immediate next day results. My skin was a lot firmer, my face was radiant and looked healthier. Wrinkles around eyes were practically gone and a new person looked at me from the mirror: The real true me”*


Glowing and Transformed

I took a shower during the Frequency Facelift meditation (wasn’t planned), and scrubbed my face and body like never before. That night my face looked more glowing than ever, my facial structure seemed more symmetrical, I swear my bone structure changed, and I look more vibrant too. Thanks!”*


Feeling Younger at 45 Than in My 20s

I remember my mom looked like a grandma in her 40s…and as a little girl I thought to myself I don’t want to grow old looking like that. But now I can say now I’m 45 years old and I look nothing like my mom when she was in her 40s. Doing your work has absolutely made a huge difference in the way I age…I feel younger than in my 20’s. I have tons of energy as a mom of 3…I don’t stress…I never lie about my age because I enjoy people’s surprised look. I feel young from the inside out…it really shows!!”*


Brighter Eyes, Clearer Vision

My eyes are hazel and they have gotten noticeably brighter, lighter and more golden since I started working with you. What’s even better is my eyesight is almost back to 20/20 and I don’t need my glasses anymore. “*


Grey hair to black!

My chest hair is turning black and I got dark roots again in my gray hair!”*


Frequency Facelift Recalibrated My Life and Family

The Frequency Facelift was so effective and powerful that I started feeling the changes around 10 days before the actual date of the frequency spa. EVERYTHING CHANGED…my diet, my energy, my body, my goals, my emotions, my attitude. And my 2 girls were simultaneously going through the same as they both listened to it all night for the last 2 weeks. At the end my brain was clearly worked on as a preparation for the next frequency spa.”*


I specialized in anti-aging

I specialized in anti-aging as a medical doctor, and nothing compares to XI.”*

Leslie D.

I could “pass as an 8th grader”

I participated in the Frequency Facelift Medihealing and have been listening to the replay on a loop at night for most nights. I feel that my face is a bit softer and noticed a family member had an offhand remark that I could “pass as an 8th grader” because I looked so young. Mind you, I will be celebrating my 42nd birthday next month.”*


It has taken my awakening and ascension to a new level.

The upgraded frequency spa has taken my awakening and ascension to a new level. I felt like I received a mini-upgrade or download this afternoon listening to it. I dipped into a deep state and emerged feeling very crystalline.”*


It put me back on track

This was by far one of the most powerful frequency spas …. Straight to the source and who we ARE! Pure love of light …. This frequency spa was a huge confirmation and it put me back on track with the motivation to move straight forward to what and who I AM !!! Thank you again !!! ”*

Deborah C. 

I was absolutely floored

I wanted to tell you that the Frequency Spa this past Wednesday evening was absolutely amazing and share a story with you.

I had always had regular cycles until I was diagnosed with cancer. At that point my cycle just stopped for good. This past weekend I did not feel well. My ovary hurt and it finally dawned on me that I felt like I was ovulating. I had all the symptoms, and I said to my friend, “I know this is not possible, but I feel like I am ovulating.” and she replied “No, that is not possible at your age”. Anyway, fast forward to the Frequency Spa on Wed night and I was absolutely floored when Mas said we were going to focus on hormones and talked a lot about women’s cycles. I think I may have been feeling the effects prior to the Medihealing, which I do sometimes but never this intense. Then Mas said something about clearing chemicals from cancer therapies and it felt like he was speaking directly to my soul. The MediHealing was SO intense and deep. I felt his presence like a laser in each area he was working on. I have had such a tough journey, the gift he has given me of helping me to heal myself has been priceless. ”*

 Elena D.

My bones feel stronger

My bones feel stronger, especially in my knees where I have arthritis. ”*


Felt like a Chiropractic adjustment

It felt like a Chiropractic adjustment. I feel very flexible! ”*



If you want to transform and blossom with Grace, the Frequency Spa works. I have lost twenty pounds and kept it off for over a year. I listen daily. Gamechanger.”*

 Jacqueline T.

Everything feels new

I feel so different and everything I look at feels new. Thank you Mas. ”*


I no longer look like my grandma

After several Frequency Spas, I no longer look like my grandma! ”*


Beyond anything we have yet experienced.

The frequency Spa last night was at an expansive new level. Your frequencies are beyond anything we have yet experienced. It was a new level of Coming Home and Remembering. ”*

Jill C.

I had my cycle appear!

Two years ago, Mas told me I would begin to get younger and my feminine cycle would return. I didn’t believe him. He didn’t know I went through menopause at age 42. Last week at age 64, I had my cycle appear! ”*

Michelle Z.

Aging slowed down almost immediately

I’ve been doing XI for ten years and my aging slowed down almost immediately. I’m 47 but people think I’m in my mid-thirties. Nobody thinks I look nearly 50. Nobody. ”*

Alice E.

I’m dating a much younger man

I’m 40. I look better than ever!!! I’m dating a much younger man. XI works!! ”*

Ciara H.

Never been in better shape

My body has never been in better shape since I started XI!”*

Miriam L.

Looking younger thanks to XI

I’m 52 but look and feel like I’m in my late 30’s thanks to XI.”*

Geraldine P.

10 years younger

I look 10 years younger, no joke!”*

Nessa G.

It truly works

I’ve worked with Mas off and on for 10 years. I’m 50 years old and people ask me if I’m 35. It truly works.”*

Stella S.

Nothing compares to XI

I did my fellowship in anti-aging medicine……of everything available in the anti-aging market, nothing compares to XI.”*

  Tamara L.

I am shifting at warp speed

I am shifting at warp speed at the moment. I am like a bullet. Exploding with finding myself. Also exploding with happiness. Like don’t touch me or I will explode happiness all over you! ”*

Pete W.

Surviving to thriving

Before XI, I didn’t want to communicate with anybody, just existing to be here for my son. The environment that you created during the spa session and the library of previous services brought me back from the dead, enabling me to not only survive but thrive. No words exist to fully express my appreciation. ”*


Liberated from fear

I just wanted to express my thanks to you all. I’ve enjoyed another wonderful day and wanted to share my experiences with you so far.  This is indeed confirmation that this process works and progress is assured. I feel like I’ve been granted a second chance at life! 

The most profound and gratifying change though, has come about through shedding my fear, you would not believe how liberating that feels. ”*

Caroline J.

I’m a totally renewed human

I seriously can not put into words how I feel today! The best way I can describe it is like a totally renewed human!!! I got a splitting headache after working with Mas which he said was a possibility from all of the reprogramming. Eventually it went away… I felt the effects of everything Mas did almost immediately following the session and it has continued on into today. I’m just so incredibly grateful to your entire team. You are all truly amazing! Mas, I don’t even have the words right now for how grateful I am. My heart is so full! Thank You. ”*


Expanded but still in my body

I had an interesting experience on the Sunday You Tube live. I sat to watch the talk and felt expanded in my being. It was so interesting, like I`m huge and expanded but still in my body. ”*


Solid confidence

It’s so strange, this knowing… the solid confidence, the unflappability. Such a beautiful opportunity for me to finally thrive; no limits. I’m loving this. ”*

Ann R.

Understanding my true self

Always grateful for your assistance Mas to help me understand who I truly am! I appreciate your purity and wisdom! I am excited to see how far my journey will take me during this lifetime…

Going on 5 years but recently committed myself and WOW…I have been blessed. ”*

Kalle P.

Total alignment and harmony with time and space.

After an 18 Day Medihealing  replay last week, I was strongly aware of being in total alignment and harmony with time and space.  I felt completely at ease and comfortable with time: no fear of being unable to fulfil my heart’s desires, no sense of urgency, not feeling that it was later or earlier than the actual time.  Fears over lost time have given way to a confident, silent knowing within.  I guess I’m at peace with the pace of life. ”*


I am blessed

Thank you Mas for your time, energy and insights into my life. Many changes have occurred. Change is not always easy and takes work, however, I am amazed how fast my life has shed the automatic negative response I used to go to. I am happy and know I am blessed. So thank you again for giving me a hand and walking a few steps with me. ”*


I see my real self

I was able to follow Mas’ meditation. I reconnected with my mother and dad. They are both now in the higher consciousness. I learned the meanings  of my own issues as Karen in this life related to my parents. I was able to set aside Karen and see the real Self. Thank you again. I am grateful. ”*

Karen R.

Life altering

Being once again, in person with Mas… His kindness and compassion and the generosity of his time spent with each of us…Unselfishly sharing his abilities…

For me, Is difficult to even put into words.

I experienced healing and transformation with just his touch. My body became stronger, more in alignment, as I was reminded to bring my body into the higher consciousness with me and not leave it behind.

He healed my body and my mind, allowing this amazing shift to flow as a natural state of being.

This was a life altering day for me and a massive, more comfortable shift into my higher Consciousness. ”* 

Linda H.

Full of Joy

Mas, I just want to say- I am in so much appreciation and gratitude for your assistance in helping me level up during this time in our evolution. I am dancing in my body, full of joy, knowing that I did the damn work to get through and to assist in raising the consciousness on this planet. Thank you Mas! ”*

P. Morris

The past has lost it’s hold

The session was very helpful and I can feel the upgrade.  It feels very very different. The new reality/ frequencies have left me in an interesting place.  Although I can remember the past if I want to:  1.) I don’t want to. 2.) I don’t care much.  It is like the past is there, but it isn’t.  It seems to have lost its hold. 


The best gift in the world.

I have been working with Mas for 5 years, and I experienced a lot of detox in the past. I would like to share my story because I think it will help other people. 


All my life I have been scared of things on the other side (and this side). When I was little, I used to see things, and looking back I am realising now that I also had some abilities. 


When I started working with Mas, everything that I was scared of my whole life, and everything that I tried to ignore and forget about, was just exposed and out in the open. It was very scary and very disturbing for me. 


I was unable to sleep properly for months because of all the things around me, and I was exhausted both physically and mentally. Eventually, I had the thought that this wasn’t for me, and it wasn’t going to work for me. Although it was clearly working for other people, I had the belief that I was too distorted for it to work on me. I was annoyed with Mas and wished that I hadn’t worked with him because I could see and feel things around me now, and I felt like I was just stuck with it. This is when I stopped doing Mas’ work for  about 6 months. Although I never blamed Mas for my issues, I was definitely annoyed because I thought that he should have never worked on me, and he should have known that I was too distorted for XI to work on me. 


After about 6 months, things were getting worse, so I decided I needed to start working with Mas again. I reminded myself of the positive things that I experienced while working with Mas and decided to really face my fears and just push through. I’m glad I did! 


I am so grateful and so glad that I carried on working with Mas. I cannot thank him enough for his help and for changing my life! Although I experienced a lot of detox, and it took me a long time, I am so glad I did it. I am stronger than ever, and I am not scared of anything. My spirit is awake, my awareness of things both in the physical world and the other side is on another level. I am a whole new person. No matter what happens around me, I am internally peaceful. Most importantly, my spirit is awake, and this is the best gift in the world. Thank you Mas!!! 


For all those people experiencing negative feelings and going through detox, just be patient and stick with it! In the end, it is all well worth it. I think sharing negative experiences and challenges will help other people, and that’s why I wanted to share mine. Hopefully this will help those people that go through heavy detox. ”* 




Finding joy in the little things

The shift has been quite noticeable since I have been doing XI.

Let me start out by stating that I am trying to describe and figure out the indescribable and the unfigure-out-able.  Totally experiential therefore words fall short.  So here goes nothing:

More easily staying present.  Finding joy in doing the little things.

More easily staying centered, balanced and focused.  Can’t say that I am more inspired but definitely more passionate about life.  Even making love with my wife has shifted tremendously in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms!

Everything just seems to be OK!

I have the claircognizant “knowing” that no matter what happens in society, that the future is positive. 

It’s so much easier to stay in that state of  “illuminated neutrality” that is a characteristic of my higher self / Pure Source within.

 “Looking at the big picture” seems like a piece of cake now more than ever!

As a Shamanic Practitioner, the holographic images that I am envisioning for my clients and the information coming through have gotten much sharper and easier to access as well as my channeling!  This is HUGE for me and my service to humanity.  

There’s something churning inside and it’s just waiting to be awakened! 

 All-in-all, just more relaxed! No need to accomplish anything.  (Which is huge because I used to be a Type A, now I’m more of a B+)

Cruisin’ through life with nothing tracking me! 

So, so much gratitude!


Peter B.

Impossible to put into words

It keeps getting better. The feeling of expansion is incredible. During this morning’s meditation, as I felt the connection and expansion, it was a whole body healing experience, impossible to put into words. Thank you for your graceful guidance and humble way of teaching, feel so blessed to have you as a guide. I’m learning to have this connection more and more on my own, sign of an excellent teacher. ”*

Katrina K.

I am so at peace

This summer has been incredible…..I have felt especially this past month more still inside than ever before……it used to take me 7 days to relax on a vacation and now I am just relaxed….when I go to the beach it is so beautiful, blissful and I am so content….just being!  At home I am so at peace!!

These past 2 weeks I notice more and more stillness and expansion… I experience that expansion is knowing who I am…..less identification with mind/thought….and more of a sense of spaciousness/connection to the universe…. .It’s brilliant freedom. ”*


I came back from the void

This message is feedback for you and a thank you for helping me so much. The 21 Days has been exponentially instrumental in changing my life and with each upgrade that I experience I become more calm, centered and balanced. It has been a week since you answered my question on the last night of the 18 Day. I had quickly fallen into a dark space and so much that I thought I had detoxed felt as though it had never gone or had bounced back. Death has not been a stranger in my life, but when my sister passed I fell hard into the void. Your words when you answered my question were absolutely spot on. I listened to it again the next morning, and not only was I able to come back from the void, but it was gone. And then I was able to fully appreciate how beautiful my sisters death had been. She knew that it was her perfect time to go. Thank you for all of the amazing work that you do. ”* 


Seemingly impossible situations have been working out

My creativity has been through the roof with my job. And I LOVE and appreciate my clients. My family situation that I felt was unbearable has been turning around. Seemingly impossible situations have been working out. I feel more powerful and happy. I already was but it’s on a higher level for sure . Thank you Mas! ”*


I’m not worried and trying to figure it out

There are some things from the past that I cannot recall, it’s like they are vague memories that don’t  pull me back. I find I’m in a very neutral space most of the time, and just don’t care. I have no idea what will happen to me next and I’m not worried and trying to figure it out. I can simply rest in the present more comfortably. My most important question now is connecting to myself, to my Spirit, and of course Pure Source more strongly than ever before.  ”*


Calm and centered

I went from being what I ‘thought’ was centered to REALLY being centered! I’m calm, centered, more artistic, patient, happy to work around the farm ALL day without needing to contact others or feeling like I’m missing out. ”* 

Cristi B.

Spherical abundance

My life has changed so much since embarking on this journey and have begun rendering myself as my highest form here, in this space  and time continuum. Looking forward to more spherical abundance. ”* 

E Boogie

I am finally seeing results

August of 2015, was a time of big shifts for me. I reached out to work with a Shaman, to help me understand what was happening. These sessions went on for 3 years at a starting point of $250 per session and more when my children were brought in. Being separated and not receiving financial support placed challenges on my finances. However, I did just about everything she suggested. Things were good, until I started to see deeper truths as she cleared the patterns and distortions through a process called “Soul Clearings”. This is when I began to question, why am I not seeing results? Why do we have to stay under this umbrella to do property clearings? I wasn’t seeing changes in my relationships, still going through the same shit I was going through when I started in 2015. I filed for bankruptcy in 2017. It wasn’t making sense. As I look back, it seems that she was not removing the contracts that were attached to me and this tribe. That frequency was still running my program. 


I came across a shared Facebook post from someone that was connected to Mas. June 4, 2018, is the day I registered  for a group session and that was the day I decided to end the sessions with the Shaman. 

I devoured Mas’s everything. I  listened to his podcast, participated in IGHs, more than several 21 days, both Human Resets, Crystalline Skulls. Anything I felt could help me make quantum leaps, I was doing it, because I felt that I had gotten behind in my evolution. Things started to unveil. I realized in moments when I would submit payment, I enjoyed doing so. I was in such gratitude because I was seeing results and noticing and becoming aware of the truth of who I am. My children were thriving and evolving into the truth of who they are. I no longer see myself as separate from anything. It just is. My finances are turning around. They are still not the best – however, I am not concerned, because I know it is not the truth and I control my reality. My health and wellbeing is becoming a place of embodiment. I walk as if I am the frequencies of Joy, Happiness, Beauty, which emanates Love.  I am able to observe and delete patterns as they arise in seconds. The relationship between me and my ex-husband is really good. He sees the changes in me, and he is changing within himself. I no longer play the victim of that relationship. My mother is no longer trying to jump into my body. She is waking up herself.  Mas appeared in my field in exact timing. If I would have not questioned, I would definitely still be in the distorted fields of my reality. There is so much more I could say about the changes in my life and within myself. ”*


Powerful shifts

I’ve been following the XI Podcast for a while now and was excited to do the new 18 Day program. I’ve been feeling multiple, powerful shifts through the last few days. I’ve heard music when I was the only one awake and felt myself both expanding and becoming more grounded within my own body.

When I started the 18 days I hoped to get help with my history of failures and interference whenever I try to move forward in life. I feel like this is already shifting and the world is starting to move around me as I change. Thank you!

The July 23rd evening exercise was excellent. I could feel myself scrolling through realities and picking the one where money and other forms of abundance flow to me effortlessly and constantly. I was smiling and joyful and the feeling of frequency change lasted for some time afterwards. ”*


An eternal weight has lifted

At my first IGH, EVERY dead ancestor showed up. There is not enough money in the world to even begin to cover this eternal weight lifted from my lineage! ”*


Reality is different

I feel like reality is definitely different.  There seems to be a softness, and an expansiveness, and a slowness and being present too….  to subtle nuances.  There is no “doing the same habit” unconsciously in me anymore … I’m being present now.  It seems that the reality or atmosphere is thicker or fuller and “cleaner”. ”*


So profound and ground-breaking

So profound and ground-breaking. A couple of decades ago this would have been offered or even mentioned to only a few chosen ones. Making it available on a global scale says a lot about consciousness and the current situation. Terrific times! Thank you enormously Mas! ”*


My upgrades are ridiculous

Every time I decide to get on a call, to be present, for others, my upgrades are ridiculous! ”*


I felt so light and joyful

I listened to the recording of the Frequency Spa year end reset. It was amazing! I felt so light and joyful afterwards.”*  


I’m still in awe

Words cannot express nor even describe what I experienced during The Acceleration of Consciousness & The Crystal Skulls events on Zoom. Both yesterday’s and today’s events were powerful, but today’s events were absolutely amazing to say the least! My experience with Mas and his Council as well as the Crystal Skulls were, to put it bluntly, out of this world. I am still feeling the effects of the various healings I received from Mas and the Council members. I’m still in awe and so happy that I was part of this experience. I am continually thankful for you and Mas coming into my life. ”*


True freedom from within

I’ve done energy work from the best in the world. Although they are amazing, the outcome wasn’t fast enough for me; the many sessions led back to square one over a short period of time. It felt as though I shelled out so much money for little impact. Then I met Mas. After just two sessions with him, I basically finished detoxing and started evolving into a stronger, healthier human being. Everything happened quickly, which I favor. First, my mind expanded, then my heart…and then my physicality. I finally feel this constant inner peace that I have longed for for quite some time. After a couple months of Medihealings that Mas conducts on the regular (and a couple sessions for good measure), I then and now feel true Freedom from within. It’s like a dream come true to be able to say this with utmost conviction. Thank you, Mas. You and your team are amazing and keep up the OUTSTANDING work.”*


A new way of seeing

I found you when I was lost in the darkness of the old consciousness- trapped and thinking that death would be the only relief I could find to free me from the prison that was my life.
I knew that you had the answer to my burning question “how can I see things differently?”
I truly give thanks to you, for you have helped me remember what I really am over these past six years. I had forgotten that I was a gift- that I was special and that I mattered because everyone in my life abused me.
You showed me a new way of seeing things so I could begin to be my best possible self, my limitless self – and you guided me into a higher consciousness where there is much needed hope.
Please know what a complete blessing you are to so many. ”*

Heather S.

Regaining my creativity, strength and power

I would like to thank Mas for all the work he has done with me for the last 5.5 years.
I feel better than ever before, regaining my growing creativity, strength and power, starting to have my own way of expression and creative manifestation.
I “use” Mas as my inspiration for different subjects that I talk about with creative women I work with and have the need to share my gratitude, joy and livelihood with him.
Please let him know how happy I am that I’ve finally come to a stage I was always waiting for, and it’s getting better and better every day.
Difficult moments are always used to jump to the higher step and there is much more clarity in my life now.”*

Yael A.

I see my own brilliance

I love working with Mas. It has made such a huge difference in my life. It creates amazing changes from the inside out and I am seeing my life through new higher consciousness perspectives every time I do a class with him. I have begun to see my own brilliance and I am blown away that it has been there this whole time! I am extra excited because it’s in me and is innate to me and I don’t need to pay anything to access it. I just have to be disciplined with my focus and practice! ”*

Lisa R.

Changed my understanding of consciousness

I cannot express just how this particular program has changed my entire understanding of the word CONSCIOUSNESS! Absolutely an incredible journey so far. ”*

Sarah P.

No fear, sacrifice or control

What a ride I was on during these 18 days. Processing, rebooting…

This is where I landed…

My original blueprint has a foundation strong enough to build a mansion. There is no fear of lack, no need to sacrifice and no need to control. There is only abundance to support my foundation created from my blueprint for the grand version of my mansion.”*


Dramatic changes with XI

What I’ve gained in the 4 plus years of XI work are significant dramatic changes; just to name a few- hardcore inner strength, true confidence, real safety & security from within, daily peace of mind & tranquility – especially during the chaos, As a result of doing XI, my world/identity did fall apart in a way that made my head spin. I literally had to stand up strong for myself so that I could win myself back. As a result, I got my REAL self back, and IT IS AMAZING!”*

~Jessica M.

Mas is the real deal

I’ve been following Mas’s progress for six years now and I’m still amazed that millions of people haven’t noticed that this person is indeed the real deal and without parallel in these or any other times. I also feel so fortunate to have been connected with this gutsy little group of people who are willing to reach deep and really do the hard and sometimes uncomfortable work of change.”*

Leo P.

I feel more myself than ever

The frequency spa with Mas last night was amazing!! It felt deeply healing and this morning I feel more myself than ever…….the best way to put it is that I feel home! Thank you so much Mas for all you do, for your dedication, commitment and unwavering support to help all of us in living our best selves everyday!”*

Hannah G.

The metamorphosis has begun

I was stuck and had absolutely no idea how to get free of the distortions that were literally destroying me.

I was introduced to you when I had left work as a public school teacher riddled with anxiety and depression. I played your recording for artistic children and surrendered in a wide-open park as EVERYTHING became illuminated and fluid. The ground was no longer solid and things started manifesting quickly. The magnificence and oneness of all creation became undeniable. 

With your help, a ripple effect was initiated that extended well beyond me to those I was associated with. The most chaotic and tragic events of this life were no longer sucking me in. The metamorphosis has begun. Still feel like I’m in a chrysalis, but the breaking down is okay and my attachment to things, even stories, is decomposing.

Everything you’ve said is SO true and now I can see beyond. 

I’m excited about the tremendous changes and I cannot thank you enough for your help!  ”*

 Betsy C.

It’s quite amazing how potent this session was

The day that Mas scanned me, I felt a lot of energy. I felt kind of disoriented. Today I feel a lot of crazy emotions. Lots of detox leaving my body. Every time I’ve had a release today I shake from right to left. It’s quite amazing how potent this session was. When I went back to watch our session on YouTube, I saw my face change to my Dad’s face. I know my connection (WiFi) wasn’t the best, but when I was watching the video it didn’t even look like me. After watching it, I looked in the mirror and felt like I was back, as if I was missing all this time. I dived in and saw myself in my mother’s womb. She really wanted me to be a boy and it makes sense why I was running a masculine frequency. Still feeling a lot of great energy even though I’ve been detoxing. ”*

Mira R.

Becoming a higher version of myself

I am not the same person I was even yesterday. So much shifting, observing from my higher self, not debating with others or criticizing. Just watching the old self and programs dissolve into a better and higher version of myself. ”*

Jill S.

Pure Gold

Working with Mas made me become more pure and solid ‘gold’ from the inside out- complete and whole. Working with others made me feel like ‘plated gold’, still missing the best of me, the essence that makes the gold ‘real gold’  ”*


More powerful than counseling

I took over 100 hours of counseling after a big accident but this is the most powerful experience I am going through. ”*  


If only more parents knew about Mas

I discovered that my teenage daughter had been cutting herself. I immediately scheduled a session with Mas and I honestly believe he saved my little girl.

She had been struggling with emotional turmoil due to social harassment via a toxic friendship at school.  But for months I had noticed that she wasn’t herself energetically. She didn’t seem like my daughter.

Within a minute of my session, Mas had detected that the spirit of an angry teenage boy had overtaken her. I know it sounds weird, but this resonated so deeply with me. It explained so much!

When my daughter walked down the stairs the morning after my session with Mas, I nearly broke into tears. She felt lighter, brighter, happier. She felt like herself. I got my baby girl back!

There are no words to describe the depth of a parents’ pain when they know their child is suffering. Too often, we look to physical circumstances to explain an inexplicable shift but with the help of Masati, we were able to pinpoint and remove the non-physical issue that was changing my daughter, her attitude, behavior, and even her appearance! My gratitude is infinite. Thank you, Mas for helping me and my child,

P.S.: If only more parents knew about Mas! ”*

Renee S.

DRASTIC improvement in my neice

Over the past few years my 7 year old niece’s personality had shifted. She increasingly seemed to live in her own little world, and seemed to be losing a sense of connection or empathy for other beings. Dropping tiny kittens from several feet up with no remorse, or pinching her infant sibling for no reason. If asked a question she would just not respond, as though she heard nothing at all … and not out of defiance, she truly on some level wasn’t aware of someone speaking to her.

As a toddler and young girl, she had been nothing but a ball of pure love. Mas worked on her for about 5 mins last November. I don’t remember exactly what he said at the time, but it was along the lines of she had been leaving ‘this reality’ because the adults around her weren’t able to ‘be present’ with her. So she found it more comfortable to drift away. He also said it was the type of behavior that if not caught could lead to a cutting/self-harm personality later in life.

It is now July the following year. I’ve seen her maybe 3 times since and have noticed a DRASTIC improvement! She is so much more HERE and answers when you speak to her. She has empathy and compassion for other beings again (played so kindly and lovingly with my puppy all weekend, as well as her younger siblings). What is truly fascinating to me, is that the rest of my family (her grandparents, aunts and uncles) all notice the shift in her.

I am so grateful to have this loving and precious lil spirit back!”*

Annie L.

I feel like such a “load” has been taken off me

There are no words that can completely express my gratitude to you for your life changing abilities. Last night’s session was amazing and as I slept, more and more connections continued to come through for me. I feel like such a “load” has been taken off me – (which you did) – and this has left me all empowered. ”*

April S.

I could write a book about how XI has changed my life.

I feel like I could write a book about how XI has changed my life. It’s like waking up but not knowing you were ever asleep. It’s empowering and for the first time in my life I’m starting to take control. I am fighting to be the authority in my life.  Emotions have dictated my life… but that’s coming to an end !!!!”*

Lynne P.

My daughter is more solid and present than she has ever been.

I have noticed that my youngest daughter is more solid and present than she has ever been. I have been bringing her into the meditations and also playing them in the background. She was very depressed and confused about her life and path before, but has literally come back to life. She has started to do her music again and singing and songwriting which she had become very disillusioned with. ”*

Anaiya B

It’s like a brand new life.

Lying on the floor of my apartment, I looked up at the ceiling and said out loud, “Help me, please.” With my phone by my ear, I waited for my first ever Mas on Sundays episode to begin. I had spent a decade trying everything else and nothing had helped me. I had worked with many other people and programs in the past, such as psychologists, NLP, hypnosis, depth psychology, intuitive massage, spirituality, life coaches, shamans, and plant medicines but nothing had helped me with my deep feeling of sadness or with living a seemingly futile life. “Love yourself”, I was told, but “How do I DO that?!” I wondered. “Live in the present moment” and “Learn to let go” I was also told many times, “But HOW??” I just had no idea what to do. Then a trusted friend recommended Masati to me. “I will try one last thing before giving up,” I thought.

Throughout the Mas on Sundays talk, frequencies were sent to me by Mas and it was like he was speaking directly to me. “What the….??” I wondered. How did he know everything about me without first having to listen to me talk and cry for months and months about how I screwed up my life? None of that was necessary. This approach was very different. I could feel my body vibrating as I laid there on the floor, desperate for change. And something was definitely happening. Feeling these higher frequencies, I finally felt hope. I just knew I had found my answer. This was different.

I signed up for some more programs. The most recent one I completed was the 18 Day program where I actually began to feel good being in my body, for the first time ever, and I mean to the point where I LIKED being in my body! Finding Mas gave me the life experience I needed to completely turn my life around.

I will never forget in the middle of the 18 days, during a deep mirror meditation, I met my higher self for the first time and I literally fell in love with MYSELF for the first time in my life! That experience alone completely changed my life and I am forever grateful to Mas for it. I now had the experience to finally understand the HOW to, when it comes to hearing the phrase “Love yourself”.

Once the 18 days ended, I kept up with the daily practice of spatial referencing. And oh my gosh the effects were mind blowing! Life became a richer experience. I started seeing things around me I had never seen before, and more quickly and with more depth perception. While paddle boarding, I saw fish swimming below me. Sounds were resonating at a different pitch and I started hearing things in songs I had never heard before. My sense of smell was stronger and food and drinks tasted better than ever! The spatial referencing tool finally gave me experience to understand the HOW to, when it comes to hearing the phrase “Live in the present moment”.

And another huge change from doing the 18 days has been the process of letting go of my old self, which really had no true identity attached to it. Building my new, true self and discovering my real identity is an ongoing process where I am actually starting to live my own life, for myself, and not for anyone else, and I am having a total blast trying new things out to find out what it is I truly like and what it is I truly want! It’s so incredibly exciting! It’s like starting over. It’s like a brand new life.

No one on Earth has the level of abilities like Mas. Nothing inside of him gets in the way of helping others. He is enlightened. He is clear. He understood my higher self and he was able to connect me with mine. With Mas in my life, I feel like for the first time ever I have someone who is on my side.

Having this strong man in my corner brought me to a level of self-empowerment that I never thought I’d be comfortable with attaining. Throughout my whole life, people told me I was “too nice” but I had no idea how I was supposed to improve on that and still be a kind person. Mas helped me realize how I was being a doormat and taking on other people’s burdens. I am so strong now in my own power that I have become a force that cannot be reckoned with! It’s such an empowering way to live and it’s such a beautiful life now!

You see, Mas is teaching me how to live. I am forever changed. I take responsibility for, and have learned from, the mistakes I made in the first half of my life, and now the second half of my life will be pure abundance in all aspects, with NO turning back! ”*


Amy M.

I just can’t stop smiling.

I am just so belligerently happy. I’ve been meditating all morning like a grinning idiot. I just can’t stop smiling. I am finally free…on the darkest day of the year, my light shines brighter than ever! So thankful for all my dedication to doing the XI work for all these years. IT IS WORTH IT!! ”*

Jamie L.

My life will never ever be the same

Just a huge THANK YOU note for Mas. After this activation my life will never ever be the same …what a beautiful cosmic divine gift from Mas …to experience every single cell inside and outside of you and yet to stay complete …to be everything and nothing …to be fragmented in all the cosmos and yet be complete in each fragmentation …to be everywhere and nowhere …full of everything yet light and empty …to be, in every single cell, the ocean of pure cosmic light, pure love ….

I am full of love, the love of the new consciousness…so happy I made it that far and can’t wait to stabilize more in that ocean of completeness ….

This elevation has changed me and since that day noticed that everyone is feeling me differently 

What a huge impact we can have with that gift !!!!

Thank you Mas ”*


 Noreen C.

I’m complete

I am totally complete on the inside. ”*

David W.

It’s like magic

My whole life is changing in every way and it’s just unfolding all on it’s own. Everyday I encounter synchronicities. It’s like magic watching things just coming to me now. ”* 

Jenna L.

The future looks bright!

The more I do this work, the better I feel. My progress has been very evident that I’m no longer the person I was many years ago. The future looks bright! ”*

Maya S.

Enslavement to freedom

I went from spiritual enslavement to spiritual freedom…only through the power of XI! ”*


Self- actualization

I am becoming ageless and self actualized through XI. ”*

Tommy P

Never felt so complete

My whole life was a void but now with XI I have never felt so complete. ”*

Jackie N.

I once was lost and now I’m found.

Before XI, I was an amazing actress, laughing on the outside, crying and suffering inside. The facade was a staple of my identity back in the day.

That ship has sailed away into the black darkness of the ocean, far, far away

Now I am an authentic limitless soul who is gifted every day

Thank you Mas.

I once was lost and now I’m found. I once was blind, and now I see. ”*


Alice P.

Heaven on earth

These days I feel the heaven that earth is. It wasn’t always like that for me. I heard about it but XI has brought me into the reality. ”* 


Awakening fast- tracked

I have awakened more in the 7 months with XI than in my 30 years of working to awaken. I’m so thankful for your work Mas. ”*

Kassandra L.

Unshakeable and powerful

I feel like an elegant giant walking peacefully around…so fucking powerful. It feels so safe to be where I am…unshakable…unbelievably powerful…Thank you Mas. ”*

Laura D.

My frequency is high

I’m feeling super. My frequency is high and I’m solid in this time-space. ”*

Alexandra R

I feel powerful

I feel expanded, solid, grounded and powerful.”* 

Nasda P.

This goes to the Source

XI goes beyond DNA. Beyond the quantum field. Into the sub-quantum field. To the Origin. Nothing out there goes this deep because this goes to the Source. ”*

Leah S.

Beyond affirmations

You often see people using affirmations for a positive mindset. The changes XI uses goes beyond that. ”*

Michael O.

True Self

I found my true self ”*

Aidan B.

Leaving family patterns

I feel like I am leaving all the hard patterns of my family lineage thanks to XI. ”*

Liam B.

Mas’ work has helped me to generate that calm from within

Since I have started working with Mas, I am so much more centered and neutral about what life throws at me. While I was unaware of it, my whole life I have sought out external things to calm me down. Mas’ work has helped me to generate that calm from within, so that I am way less reliant on external forces to dictate my state of mind. I am just calm. Period. Pretty much nothing rattles me. I have a sense that no matter what, everything is going to be okay.  This is 1000% different from how I used to be. I still have things to work on, but actually, I have a framework now, an understanding of how I can be in control of my own life. Instead of being constantly buffeted by the ever changing winds of my environment, I can stand strong and even better, cause some of those winds to shift in my favor. This consciousness is still new to me, but the implication is enormous: that I can change anything that I do not like in my life. It is very freeing to know that I do not have to be a victim of my genetic lineage. It may take some work, but it is possible. And that is a very good feeling indeed. ”*


Violet D.

Unshakable trust in the higher version of myself

I think the biggest change that I’ve had with XI is the unshakable trust that I have with a higher version of myself. That no matter what is going to happen to me and around me, I know it is actually happening for me, to teach me. Of course I get scared from time to time about mundane things, and I worry too. But when I am able to sit back and gain some perspective, the knowingness and trust in my pure version is strong and that makes me brave and resilient. ”*


Terra J.

Mas comes with something entirely different

Mas comes with something entirely different. It’s like tuning a radio station from one radio channel that’s sketchy and blurry to another radio channel that’s pristine, accurate, loud, with good quality sound. In a way, now I see that’s what Mas basically does for you, so that you become a pristine transmitter of your own essence, rather than a mishmash of borrowed frequencies. He enables you to come into that pristine transmission, so that you want to kind of up level your diet, your exercise, detox, your health, physical physicality, as well as having spiritual experiences so that there’s no separation between the physical, the material and the spiritual. ”*

Isaac S.

The 18 Day is so powerful I have no words

I experienced a huge shift after yesterday’s 18 Day. What Mas said about financial integrity was ground-breaking. What’s fascinating is that the $$ frequency was automatically integrated during the 18 Day so that $13,000 appeared the next day followed by another $18,000 soon after. The change was seamless and effortless but I definitely felt an earth-shattering break through the deepest layers of my finance distortions. The 18 Day is so powerful I have no words. Thank you Mas!”*


I serendipitously landed a $1 million dollar project

I’ve been financially living on a hope and a prayer for the past couple of years while doing my deep dive healing. After recently moving back to Minneapolis from California and getting a sales job at a dynamite roofing/exterior company, I serendipitously landed a $1 million dollar commercial project on Tuesday, after being with the company for only two weeks. You keep saying the possibilities are endless. I’m deeply grateful to be unfolding into them. ”*

Ann R

I feel incredibly abundant

I am experiencing tremendous ease to my life……my practice as a health professional…has continued in a unique way… is flowing in and I have been able to save money where in the past because of old patterns I just could not hold onto money….my money is also providing more….I feel incredibly abundant and open to continue to expand. ”*

Jeff R.

Money flowing in

I was so complete on Monday after the ‘Letting Shit Go’ Medihealing on Sunday night. It felt so good. Good news is that on Monday $1,100 came in to me, and then on Wednesday another $1,400 came to me. That ‘Letting Shit Go’ Medihealing is so powerful. I keep saying this one is the most powerful and then Mas does a new one and that becomes the most powerful.  Each one steps up in power and intensity. It is awesome. ”*


Our company has been thriving

My husband and I have a small software business that has been struggling for 12 years. We were on the verge of bankruptcy when we had our first sessions with Mas. The very next week we landed a large consulting contract and our company has been thriving ever since! Mas shifted something that ended over a decade of suffering for us… we can’t thank him enough for that. ”*


Only very powerful energy could have brought these results

Incredible results! Fifteen days after starting to work with Mas, a multimillion dollar investment which was going bankrupt, will now return a huge profit. Next, today I settled a lawsuit in my favor that was really nasty. Finally, the company I was going to close is now successful. I am speechless. Only very powerful energy could have brought these results in such a short time; this really works! ”*


I have found my dream job

Ever since starting with Mas a couple of months ago my entire life has changed. I have found my dream job and attracted absolute dream clients in my business. Financially, I’m doing better than I’ve ever done before. Have a beautiful apartment and I’m feeling centered in myself. ”*


Simone N.

I have gained the confidence to pursue my aspirations

I am so impressed with Mas! I first heard him on Billy Carson’s 4bidden Knowledge TV. I knew right away he was authentic! I then took two of his 18 Day Programs, the Total Human Reset, and the 13 Ways Program along with listening to many of his podcasts and ‘Mas on Sunday’ sessions. My life has changed so much in so many ways since then. I have gained the confidence to pursue my aspirations, and I am now on a path to inspire others and create a community of like-minded people, incorporating a new way of educating youth, a new way of eating, and a new way of living. I feel extremely liberated after going through Mas’ courses, and I see things even clearer than beforehand. I feel stronger, and I look younger. My energy has increased, and my magnetism to attract other like-minded people has increased! I highly recommend Masati!! ”*

Shona A.

A brand new life is appearing right in front of me

I am really expanding quickly and effortlessly with this 18 Day. My business is growing and shifting into more abundance and it’s like the details are working themselves out. People are flying across the country and driving hundreds of miles to come to see me for sessions. My health is coming back and food and sugar cravings are almost gone. I have been craving nature, water and healthy foods instead.  I have released a lot of distortions and am seeing a brand new life appear right in front of me. ”*

Jane O. 

I found the best job ever.

Mas, you helped me find the best job ever after a long period where very evil clients kept showing up. I was working 20 hours per day with no food or access to a kitchen, payment issues and I was treated like a slave if not worse. I was sleeping in a freezing cold room.

I invested my last money (that I had to really fight for) in the recent Success seminar and a £10,000 per month job with super nice vegan people showed up. I’m really really happy! ”*


I cleared my business debt.

Thanks to XI, I cleared my business debt after two decades of scarcity and breaking even. ”*

Joan J.

Finances are lasting longer.

Seems like my finances are lasting longer, going farther. ”*

Sierra R.

Money situation improving

Every time I’ve done the 18 Day my money situation improves. ”*

Even M.

For the first time I am financially independent

Since I started with Mas this year, I cannot express how much my life has transformed.

I got into an amazing and healthy relationship which I never thought possible. I have deleted these patterns I never thought would leave me and I have changed the relationships across the board. For the first time I am financially independent. The abundance that’s taken over is hard to believe. It truly brings me to tears

I just look and feel like a different person I couldn’t even recognize myself . My skin is glowing, You wouldn’t believe it unless you see it.

I am so grateful to finally be able to step into myself. ”*


 Hema S.

My income has quadrupled

My income has quadrupled. I just got my first ‘new’ paycheck yesterday….feels so good! ”*


Joseph F.

I’m beginning to thrive

This is my 5th 18 Day. I’m noticing my business is busier and I’m beginning to thrive .”*


Harry W. 

Confidence speaking in public

I had 3 sessions with Mas in the last month. I have had a lot of trouble showing up live on social media and speaking in front of people. I have spent many years trying to make progress and not forget what I am saying and trip over my words.

I just had a live event in a women’s group and I think I did the best I ever have. I was confident, the information flowed through and it was amazing. It has been a true shift and I thank you Mas from all of my heart. I have been working with you for the last 5 years and will continue my journey to becoming my ultimate limitless self.  ”*

 Josephine B.

Jobs are coming along so easily

I’m so happy. I signed two big contracts and jobs are coming along so easily. I have nice clients. I did not take the first job that came in, but leaned back and observed. It really paid off. It feels so good! ”* 


Income went from $60K/yr to $270K/year.

Holy s#%t! I can’t believe the freedom I’m stepping into. Big move, different slant on my career, income literally went from $60K/yr to $270K/year. Whatever is happening , it’s good. Love is also big on the horizon. I can feel the shifts into my power. The hard work is paying off. Hallelujah! ”*

Carlos C. 

Freedom from debt

I decided to take a travel position as a nurse & in doing so, my income is now nearly tripling, which is incredible. I usually make about 68K/yr, and now I’ll be making 68K in just 13 weeks, 250K/yr, which is incredible for me. I don’t know who to give credit to, but I feel my work with Mas has helped create this shift for sure. I’ll be able to pay off all of my student loan debt in one year and all of my debt in general- debt that has been so suffocating to me, but this shift is going to allow me the freedom in my life to travel and enjoy the lifestyle that I have always known is meant for me. ”*


Layla M.

It is nothing short of a miracle

After 24 years with the same organization I have decided that I am not valued and decided to update my resume and start a new job search.  I worked hard on my resume and sent it out earlier this week and have been AMAZED at the response.  People love my resume and I even had an interview and job offer yesterday!  I never in a million years thought people would be coming to me, seeking me out, but that is what is happening.   My future is not here with my current position and it is as though when I finally realized it, a shift happened.  I am okay leaving and am going to jump in with both feet to whatever good opportunity comes my way.  This is not my normal pattern-I am risk averse and reticent by nature, however if opportunities open up for me, I am now going to take them.  Enough of giving away my power.  I want the new me to come out. 

Even though there has been a lot of heavy detox, part of me feels amazing.  Just pure bliss.  So many good things to be thankful for.  I am seeing and feeling the results of working with Mas and it is nothing short of a miracle. ”*


 Elena F.

My lack patterns have gone

The other big area in which I can readily see a change is around money.  I used to work my fingers to the bone, always working, always sacrificing in every way.  Saving every penny, refusing to spend money on myself or anything else because I need every penny for the future.   A big pattern of lack.  It was not a fun way to live.  I recently got a new job which is so much better for me in every way.  I am sure it was a result of the work I have done with Mas!  As I reflect on my attitudes about money, I am in such a different place!  I cannot get upset about a “lack of money”.  It simply doesn’t exist. It’s like I have a calm steadiness, that whatever happens is for a reason and I will always be able to think of a way to make money, should I need it. ”*


Elena F.

I am changed forever

This s**t is real! Mas is legit! I had a mini session last Sunday. Within one week my dream beach apartment opened up AND a job opened up. Both places contacted ME. I am changed forever. ”*

Larry F.

I am much more relaxed, happy and in the moment. 

My life was a mess and I was a mess, but now I am much more relaxed, happy and in the moment.  I used to have to write everything down.  I had a to-do list every day that never seemed to get done.  Now, I do not even write anything down, it just seems to get done.  I used to be so crazy, always running around with no time to do anything, but now, I have so much time on my hands.  At first it was awkward because I was so used to always having something to do, but now I like this more relaxed pace.  It is a much better way to live life!  So grateful for the changes I have experienced. ”*


Violet D.

I became a better boss

I was able to be the boss that I needed to be without being destabilized, feeling guilty or being manipulated. I really stood my ground. My husband started standing up for me too, creating a united front in our business. ”*


Rachel F.

Frequencies of Wealth

We had an impromptu dinner with another family last night. They are financially very wealthy people. The father spoke of how he had a conversation with another person who shares the same trade as my husband and he told this other guy to call my husband to get tips as to how we make so much money. I laughed because we are not as financially wealthy as this father suspects. He said this other guy said “yeah but Luke’s (my husband) wife is super wealthy so he has her backing”.  I left thinking about how my frequency must portray me as a wealthy individual to my external world. And I am okay with that. The conversation made me smile. ”*

Monica B.

Opportunities just flow to me

Mas.. thank you thank you thank you… I finally don’t have a goal.. and that is so freeing. I just roll with it. That works for me because I had a really hard time letting go. So I go with the flow. And opportunities just flow to me. It’s surreal. ”*

Lisa T.

Strengthening our relationship through XI

I love when my lady looks sexy when we’re in public. It amplifies the attraction we have for one another, and amplifies our solidity. She’s become more feminine and sexy since we’ve strengthened through XI together, as I’ve become more masculine and solid. Love it so much. 

Mitch B.

‘The Mas Effect’

I’ve been playing the meditations downstairs where my Dad sits watching TV while I’m at work. The volume is way down so you don’t hear it on a loop. Yesterday was my birthday. Because it’s at Thanksgiving it’s always been just another day to me. I had a surprise call from someone who is like family. Then I had a chat with his Mom. All the while Mas is silently playing in the background. Just as I’m getting ready to end my call my Dad starts to approach me holding onto a chair bent over and eyes red. I’m thinking he’s dizzy again and something is going on. May have to go to the hospital for the 4th time this year. NOPE!!! He was upset, he said, because he forgot it was my birthday. Now mind you, this is a man who has not said to me directly Happy Mother’s Day or Happy Birthday FOR YEARS!!!!! I told my sister about it and she’s the one who brought it to my attention that it could be “the Mas effect”! ”*

Nicole S.

I enjoy my own company

Here I am now, eagerly awaiting my 3rd 18 Day program, feeling free and happy to be alone at this time.  I believe I may be experiencing how it feels to enjoy my own company, to truly like and love ME as I am right now; to claim my own space, to feel strong in my Identity; solid, grounded, present to myself, my grander self, my Life. ”*


Anguish has vanished

A couple of Sundays ago, I asked in the MOS chat for help releasing negative relationship programs that my parents had graciously bestowed upon me in my early youth.  Mas had evidently read my request and worked on me, for later that day I was filled with peace and stillness in my hearts pace.  As if the energetic memory of the screaming arguments between my parents was finally silenced forever. Today I found myself thinking differently about my interactions with male co-workers.  Why would I blame them for something that’s not their fault, and take my frustration out on them?  I felt my energy soften, and realized that my mother’s sharpness, criticism, anger and pain had been speaking through me for decades.  Her anguish now seems to have vanished from me. ”*


People are treating me with kindness

My relationship with myself is shifting, more loving and nurturing to me…..people are treating me with kindness. My relationship with my mom has shifted from painful and tedious to upbeat and enjoyable….I am seeing shifts in her that I have never seen in her ever!!!  I am so appreciative to you Mas  ”*


People respect me now.

People respect me now. People are nicer to me. I used to get walked all over. My life has changed TREMENDOUSLY. I can’t even begin to express myself on this subject! ”* 


I am comfortable with myself

I am comfortable with myself. I feel very strong and resilient. I am comfortable interacting with other people. I don’t need to make my point so intently to others even when I know what I know is the truth. Distortions are so much more obvious, whereas before it was like being in a cloud. I feel calm and I feel happy internally. I don’t care what other people think about what I say or do anymore. I don’t feel the need to justify what I’m doing, especially to my family. ”*


 My family connection is sweeter

 My family connection is sweeter and family issues seem to have dissolved. ”*

Cristi B.

I can pick myself first

All my relationships with friends, and my husband, were always based on people being smarter than me, which left me less than. Wow I knew I was insecure all my life and always working on that aspect of my life, but I didn’t realize why I picked them. Now  going through this process. I can pick myself first because I am smart and I count. Thank you for all you do for me in these programs with your guidance and removing the underlying  frequencies. AWESOME!!!! ”*

Sally H.

My son reached out

I’ve been apart from my two oldest sons for many months without communication from them and it’s been hard at times, but I just keep doing the work, releasing, changing my frequency and learning from Mas. Trusting. Mas worked on all my son’s earlier tonight. Then, what felt like a miracle, just a little while ago, my son reached out to me saying “we’re all stronger together than apart” and apologized. I’m so thankful!! I’m just amazed over and over again by your integrity, commitment and abilities. I’m finally starting to really get it! ”*


Friends want to hear my wisdom

My relationship with my immediate family has improved and changed to a beautiful flow of acceptance. I observe how others act, listen to their perception without any judgement and with understanding. Friends seek to talk to me more and want to hear my “wisdom”.”*

Melinda M.

My co-workers treat me like I am their boss

I have noticed that people behave quite differently towards me now. My co-workers treat me like I am their boss when I’m not. Management won’t challenge me on things they are being rather aggressive about to the custodians. They instead leave me alone or behave a bit submissively. ”*


Lisa R.

Ninja-like presence

I’m developing a beautiful relationship with myself that I never thought was possible or even knew I cared to have. I am so present- it’s ninja-like. I can see through situations, people and events as a normal way of being which some people would call intuitive or energy reading. ”*

Jessica M.

You showed me a different way

I always had bad relationships and tried to practice being a seductive seducer. I was wrong. You showed me a different way and why I have bad relationships. Thank you for that! ”*


Tim R.

Thanksgiving experience transformed

I went to be with my kids and grandchildren for Thanksgiving  and something amazing happened. I had listened to the Personal Optimization on relationships a number of times before I got there. I really worked on staying with my body as much as possible by doing spatial referencing. I felt great while I was there. My daughter in law was very nice to me. She even talked more to me than she ever did before and they have been married for 10 years. The best part is I didn’t take on any of their stuff. I felt great when I left. I really had a great time and being with my grandkids was the best.”* 

Martha A.

The results are so quick!  

The Singles event was Mas’ best event ever! This afternoon, a beautiful young lady came up to me and actually told me her higher self wanted her to introduce herself to me. That never happens to me! Wow, so impressed that the results are so quick!  ”*


 Timothy A.

You can’t make this up!!

You are not going to believe what happened to me today during this singles event which was so incredibly powerful, thank you!

During the afternoon part I had to run a couple of errands (I fell asleep for a bit during the morning meditation). I had you on my phone speaker as I was running errands. I popped into a store in a mall and as I was looking at something on the rack by the entrance. A man walked into the store from the mall and stopped me and said “Excuse me, do you mind if I ask if you have a significant other?” I smiled and replied that I did not. He then said, “I would love to take you to coffee sometime if you would be interested.”

Seriously, this stuff NEVER happens to me!! All of my old programming wanted to put up my walls and politely decline his invitation, but instead, just feeling into the frequency vibration and recognizing that this clearly is an experience FOR me, I said, “Sure, thank you.” He then asked for my name, how to spell it, and asked for my phone number and said, “if you wouldn’t mind, I will text you sometime so that we can grab coffee.” You can’t make this up!!

I mean, I knew the frequency of this event was powerful because I could feel it, but this is proof positive about how immediate this work is. Thanks again for an amazing event!! ”*


Sadie R. 

My heart is opening up

I’m loving how much my heart is opening up! I feel a greater capacity to love, regardless of anyone else’s resonance. It’s wonderful and I keep crying tears of joy to live at this level.”*

Jenna C. 

My husband likes my vibe more

I want to thank Mas for my last session. In addition to working on my kidney issue, Mas removed some male frequencies for me (I’m a lady) and my head was hurting that night. The next morning my face was more V shaped instead of square and my lips literally got smaller! My husband likes my vibe more too now and there is more harmony in the house! Thank you so very much! That was only one session, I know it’s the new science but it certainly feels like a miracle to me! ”*

Tina R.

I finally snapped out of a spell

It gave me tremendous clarity and assisted me in finally ending an incredibly toxic and narcissistic relationship that I have been allowing to drain my energy for 5 years. The words ‘thank you’ can not possibly describe the level of appreciation I have for you and your profound work. It was as if I finally snapped out of a spell and woke up. ”*

Kyle C.

My marriage is stronger and better than ever.

As a psychologist, my patients have continued to report increased benefit from their mental health counseling with me. My marriage is stronger and better than ever. My personal, professional, and familial relationships are more meaningful and no-nonsense. My relationship with myself is genuine and kind. I’ve learned to continually move toward my center, and through this process, my life has become more neutral and increasingly playful. ”*


Lindsey G.

My son wants to spend time with me

I wanted to share something that happened to me this morning which I found very, very interesting.  Last night Mas said he moved us into a higher frequency.  Well, this morning, when I woke up, my 17 year old son, who is very independent and just wants to live his own life, actually came downstairs to hang out with me before I went to work.  He actively sought me out and wanted to have a long conversation with me.  Which of course, I love, but I had to go to work.  I never see him in the morning (he gets up for school after I leave for work) and usually even when I do, he is not inclined to talk.  So I stayed and talked to him, knowing that I would be late to work, but that is okay because time with him is priceless.  He was happy and in a good mood and continued to text me even after he got to school.  Anyway, I am bringing this up because it was so out of character and context that I thought maybe I really did shift overnight. ”*

Alana T.

I feel loved and protected

My parents are visiting now.  I must admit I was dreading their visit as they are always so negative and critical of me. I have forgiven them, but what is so interesting about their visit is that I feel protected.  I think it is because of the meditation Mas did where he strengthened us to protect us against any negativity coming in. It is so hard for me to stay stable when I am around them-it always has been my whole life.  So, I was dreading their visit, but now that they are here, something strange is happening.  I actually feel so good!  Like an internal kind of good.  They still say things to try to cut me down, but I now see how completely unstable they have been their whole lives. Their barbs actually do not sting much anymore and the strangest thing is that they are not attacking me like they did in the past and like I anticipated.  I feel loved and protected by my higher source. ”*


Eleanor C.

Love that is lasting and true

I did not even realize until I met Mas, that it is possible to generate your own love for yourself, that is lasting and true, which fills up all the deep cuts and thousands of holes inside. ”*


Violet D.

My relationship is fresh and exciting

My relationship with my husband is going really well. I’m noticing small changes in him, he is willing to listen more and be more playful.  We’ve been together for 20 years, and I learned new things about his past this weekend.  It’s extraordinary.  It’s making things more exciting like there is still room to grow together, still space to learn.  I like that it keeps things fresh. ”*


Kylie M.

I find people want to be helpful

Since I started with Mas in December of 2021, I started to notice patterns in the people that I was meeting. I’m starting to attract the right people to me and I have a strong team who is helping me get better. I’m choosy about who gets my time and energy even if it’s short interactions.  Overall, my days go smoother, and happier because all these people around me are balanced and smiling at me.  My last interaction was with a cashier, we only exchanged 30 seconds of pleasantries, and at the end, he said, “Mam, I want to tell you I think you are a very nice person.”  I mean, who says that anymore?  Did I just get the best cashier or what!  It’s just lovely to feel appreciated and to behold the kindness in people each and every day.  I find people want to be helpful and appreciate what I have to say, and generally relationships are getting smoother. ”*


Terra J.

I was a pillar of calm in the middle of the storm

There have been several instances where the old me would have been triggered, but the new me had a completely different reaction.  For example, last week someone in my family broke down, went crazy and screamed at me (on the surface, their issue, not mine).  The old me from several years ago would have cried like crazy and sunk into a deep depression for days, thinking they didn’t love me, but the new me just sat there and let all of the harsh words roll right off me.  The new me could see that they were severely stressed and lashing out for no apparent reason.  While it is not okay to scream at someone, I noticed that I did not take it personally. It was like I was watching a movie.  Yes, I could hear the bad words but the negativity did not penetrate.  I didn’t even have to try and deflect, I was just a pillar of calm in the middle of the storm. ”* 


Layla S. 

More harmony in my family life

The relationship with my husband has been amazing this past month.  He did have more love to give, and now I’m able to accept that.  My children in turn look at us and get along better now too.  There is generally more harmony in our lives as a family. ”*



 Elizabeth F.

The transformation in my husband is startling

For a long time I have been praying that something would come along to wake up my husband so that we can go on this journey together.  Now, I know that this is a solo journey, but it would be nice to ascend at a similar rate so that I could share my experiences with him.  Alas, I am way far ahead of him on this crazy journey.  Anyway, for years I prayed for something to wake him up.  Well, during my private session, Mas did that.  I didn’t bring it up, Mas suggested it-that we wake up my husband.  Well, what I could not achieve in the last 10 years, Mas did right away.  And ever since then, my husband has been starting to watch videos about how to eat better and even started going to the gym!  He actually is starting to think about the food he puts in his mouth, which he has never, ever done before.  He is reading labels and is actively trying to cut down on sugar and processed foods.  The transformation is startling and amazing because it is so opposite of how he was before-a complete transformation!  He still is not at the point where he believes in any of this “woo-woo” stuff, but I can see a little glimmer of his awakening clear as day and have absolutely no doubt that this was from Mas.  Moreover, my relationship with him has improved.  Things that he does that used to make me crazy just roll over me now.  Our relationship flows smoother and more effortlessly.”*



Jennifer Y.

Human Reset is an absolute must!

Human Reset is an absolute must! Very powerful and transformative! All my relationships have changed for the better.”*


physically feel very impacted by the frequencies generated

I physically feel very impacted by the frequencies you generated for us this morning. My elimination system has been sluggish for years and I take a daily natural supplement to support me. After our morning session, I was super thirsty (I already drink a lot of water) and eliminated multiple times.”*

Ann R

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness after the last Human Reset last April. Everything in my life is amazing……love that you and Fei give so much of your time to make this available to people all over the world. It is going to be a great October and I am looking forward to discovering and using my gifts and abilities.”*

Jenny D.

All cells at a deep deep level have been reset

Though it wasn’t easy and there were moments of the mind playing tricks and release of deep cellular memories and patterns, I feel absolutely AMAZING today.

The body feels totally new. All cells at a deep deep level have been reset. I can feel everything operating at an extremely high level of efficiency.

And it’s a lot easier to maintain the timeless spirit and timebound physical body in absolute equilibrium.

For those that are gung-ho and have the burning desire to fully embody their highest and purest potential in physical form, I highly highly recommend a deep cleanse and reset such as this.”*


My mind is so sharp and alert

This is a super cool feeling. I was up at 5. Hockey game, got one kid at 7 and then three chores done before 9 am !! My mind is so sharp and alert and all I want to do is complete tasks.

Bernis S.

23-Hour Fasting Success with Total Human Reset

Hi everyone, did 5 days of 23hr fasting. Got hungry yesterday about 20hrs in. Most of the time I had no inclination to eat. During my HR eating I enjoyed my dinner and desserts with no worry about Keto or low fat or any sort of diet meals.

I lost 10lbs weight and had huge energy, cleared out rooms and stuff from the house, reorganized furniture, etc. Car loads of things gone to the charity shop and more for the rubbish dump.

This has been so easy. Thanks Mas”*

Diana A.

Gaining my vision back in a blind eye.

Gaining my vision back in a blind eye. People respect me now. I’ve always had death patterns and could never hold onto anything and now I know for a fact that nothing is going away. People are nicer to me. I used to get walked all over. My life has changed TREMENDOUSLY. I can’t even begin to express myself on this subject! “*

Destiny M.

I am really thankful to be doing this work with Mas

Today I have felt like an old version of myself. I certainly am recognizing differences in how I used to be and how far I have come working with Mas as today felt like a massive step back in time and realities. The difference is shocking.

I am really thankful to be doing this work with Mas and the Team.”*

Tim G.

Healing and Hair Growth with Total Human Reset

I have been battling an auto-immune disease which causes hair loss (similar to alopecia) for eight years. At my latest checkup with my dermatologist yesterday she said it seems to be no longer active. There are signs of vigorous hair growth and the redness and itching are gone. I will be weaned off the medication I have been taking for 6 years. Also, I have lost 23 pounds on the Human Reset program.

Thank you Mas and Alex for helping me to reset my body and my life!”*

Jemma M

My Profound Experience with Total Human Reset

After the Human Reset from 2019 I had a shift in the first week of January 2020 (Same week Mas had his upgrade). Mas was guiding the pm medihealing and told us to settle down on our pedestal and base. I saw myself stepping on my pedestal and as soon as I settled down, the base of my pedestal started ascending without mercy. It was as if I was in an elevator but without any protection or anything to hold myself, it was so fast that I got dizzy. I put all my attention on my spine and stayed centered until my base decided to stop. The next few days I felt weird until I got used to whatever happened to me that night.

My pedestal and base had a lot of changes, the last transformation I saw was like they were covered with light like lightning (Just like the picture above), it didn’t allow me to see my pedestal until a couple months later, it looks clear and transparent like an ice block, crystalline maybe.”*

Elle O.

Overcoming Sciatic Pain with Total Human Reset

This morning’s medihealing was really powerful for me. I did the last two Human Resets but my sciatic nerve started screaming with a vengeance when I tried to do the exercises, so I wound up just doing the medihealings. But after this morning’s call I was prompted to do the HIIT session. Alex Ali Sajady you nailed this one for me. Got through all 3 sets and did not get so much as a whimper from my sciatic nerve!”*

Petra N.

Feeling so clear and happy!

On day 6 feeling so clear and happy. Thank you so much for this program. The Medihealings are especially powerful- Mas is obviously upgraded in his abilities, and I am learning so much from Alex and Kristin about how my body works! Very exciting times we are all living in and through. I am so grateful for this opportunity to accelerate my awakening”*

Stella S.


Excellent job putting HR together! Mas, Alex and Kristin, it’s well organized and thought out, based on sound theories and supported by research, science and your experience. This is elevated by Mas’ incredible talent.”*

Kia K

13 Pounds Deleted with Total Human Reset

I was curious as I stepped on the scale and found that I have deleted 13 pounds since we started”*

Lorraine F

I can’t stop dancing!

Can’t stop dancing- fasting 23 hours today and feel like a 6 year old!”*

Stella S

I’ve  been feeling like.. WOW with so much energy!

I’ve  been feeling like.. WOW with so much energy. I’m doing so great and never felt so alive in my life. Plus my Turkish neck has become non Turkish. I can’t wait for the next Human Reset.”*

Anna V

It’s absolutely life changing

This program is so amazing. It’s absolutely life changing. I did the October one  and I just keep doing it every 18 days. It’s literally the BEST money I’ve EVER spent!”*

Sam S

I have more energy today than ever.

I lost about 9 lbs in the past two weeks since starting the 20 hour fast.  I really like the 23 hour fast and even going longer. I will make it a part of my weekly routine as I find the benefits of having my body cleaned of all the junk very valuable.

I have more energy today than ever. I feel more aware of when my patterns with food are running things. I’m also more aware of detox and past things coming up. I am finding when I become aware of them, it’s easier to delete them now more than ever.”*


Kyle G.

I am seeing my own brilliance more every day.

I really loved this Human Reset! I am experiencing many big shifts. I can very clearly see my spirit body and physical body as frequencies, seeing /sensing the underlying frequencies / operating systems that really operate in and through people, media ect. It’s very interesting…..  I have been doing well to just observe, notice what I notice and stay present in my body and focus on my own emerging inner brilliance.

So many knowledge and technique bombs dropped by Mas! I love it! I have been practicing them on my own a lot. I now see unpleasant life experiences as an opportunity to observe the intensity of it so I can use them as valuable tools. Once I get the hang of it I’m sure I’ll blow my own mind. The cool thing is I can practice anywhere and it’s all inside me already. I don’t need anything or anyone to do them. Aha! moments..

I am seeing my own brilliance more every day.”*

Leanna R.

After cancer, I felt strong because of Human Reset

I have been doing the Human Reset…wow is all I can say… 

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


I have truly shifted and healed

I have noticed that I have truly shifted, healed,  and I continually choose to clear things that no longer serve my purest love here.I am so honored to finally know who I am so I know who I want to be! I FEEL FREE IN THIS SPACE. AND IT’S REALJOY! In the meantime, I will continue to take care of my mind, body and spirit through the tools that I have collected on my way. I KNOW I am not there yet though I AM EXCITED TO SEE where this journey will take me.The results that I am already witnessing are extraordinary, magical and so subtle sometimes”*

Diana B.

I really enjoyed the HR

I really enjoyed the HR altering Carbon 18 day! I noticed that my ability to see the underlying workings of people, things and situations from a neutral clear standpoint got really strong.”*

Leanna R.

100% Yays for Total Human Reset: A Life-Changing Transformation

100% Yays for Total Human Reset! 

When I quietly go into my thoughts, I realize with gratitude that these thoughts have massively changed.

Pre Total Human Reset, I would think of family members and their and my patterns and strategize constantly how to overcome. Now, post Total Human Reset, I scan my interior horizon to casually look for them but nothing is there — none of these previous thoughts — no desire, no need. It’s like all of the unpleasant memories and urgent needs to eradicate these have literally vaporized. 

These days when I look around at my ‘reality’ I see for example the trees in front of me or the cars driving down the road and these seem unusual. The trees seem stable and solid but the cars seem fake and floaty, like in a movie or something.

Speaking of cars, when you spoke of our old ‘vehicles’ one night, i made a mental note to push my old vehicle off the cliff but instead it easily, effortlessly ground itself into dust, leaving only my shiny black winged turbo-charged ride.

And maybe halfway through Total Human Reset, I felt myself go through some kind of unexpected effervescent door when I woke — I felt wobbly and disoriented but felt grateful, happy, surprised by it.

I still notice issues with sugar but had a small victory last night which I will use as impetus to carry forward.

There is no false advertising with you, Mas, when you say that Total Human Reset is LIFE changing.

Thank you sincerely.”*


I have infinite more energy

Before Human Reset I was experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety. I did not sleep well and was looking outside of myself for fulfilment. I was emotional eating, my skin was not very elastic… After Human Reset I have infinite more energy, I feel this intrinsic joy inside of myself regardless of anything outside of myself. I sleep better, I feel more peace, I feel strong, I feel vital, I feel energized and I just look so forward to all the magical things showing up in my life on this new path with my highest infinite potential and embodiment in all areas of my life. I would highly, highly recommend this program Human Reset to anyone – it is powerful, it is transformational, it is incredible – THANK YOU!”*

Glennon R.

I feel youthful, vibrant, abundant

I am retired and I am 66 years old – BUT I feel like 39! Human Reset was such a beautiful and amazing journey with Mas, I did it the second time. So many of my belief systems etc have just been deleted. I feel youthful, vibrant, abundant – I can’t even express how thankful I am!”*

Martha T

I dropped 5.5 inches

I dropped a body total of 5.5 inches during this THR, Altered Carbon with 3 days a week of strength training. “*

Joan B.

I feel so youthful and vibrant

How do I express what I really feel? I am 77 years old and it feels like I am in my 40s or early 50s… I feel so youthful and so vibrant and it is incredible! I have been with many many masters, teachers and “Gurus”, but Total Human Reset topped everything! It is the second time I did it and the world should do THIS and everything would be completely different. “*


Harry B.

I feel full of hope

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


My body feels strengthened and vibrant.

The Health Optimization Medihealing is fantastic!  Highly recommend it.  After listening to the replay I felt balanced, physically healthy, and energetic.  Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I have a sense of my internals’ energy being about 30 years old (my chronological age is 60).  My body feels strengthened and vibrant. “*

Jean R.

I was suicidal

I was suicidal when I first came to you during a Mas on Sunday. Now, my life has positively changed forever. “*

Deirdre G.

This life long burden has simply disappeared

This is my testimonial about overcoming a lifelong addiction pattern. I am a 63 year old single male who had a compulsive sexual addiction, mostly on the internet but at times with others. I knew that there had to be other root psychological causes for my behavior but as with all addictions, insight did not stop this visceral autopilot need to satisfy my desires.  Any spiritual principles I have made no difference. Because it did not disrupt my life in too great a way other than perpetuating self hatred and a weakened physical state, I never admitted it to anyone privately or professionally. 

After the 18 Day I have not had the thought, the desire or the need to act on it in any way. I was not looking for this to be the end result of my 18 Day and in fact it was not even on my mind at the time. In short it was not a conscious or desired outcome when I started the 18 Day. I cannot link any other reason other than my work with Mas as the literal overnight cessation. I am so grateful and amazed that this life long burden has simply disappeared without any further explanation or need to find the root cause but attribute it to Mas and deletion of that frequency. It is truly incredible . 

This addiction prevented me from seeking out more healthier productive relationships because so much of my mindset was one pointed. I now see my life aligning with my true authentic holistic limitless self and know it’s never too late to make a new beginning. “*


Evan M.

I accomplished something I didn’t believe was possible

For the last 14 years, I was “crippled” by fear. For the longest time, I believed it was a physical illness. I tried different modalities, ate healthy, consumed herbs and supplements, did many detox regiments, you name it. The last diagnosis was Lyme disease.

It wasn’t till I cleared out multiple layers of my ill beliefs and programs while working with Mas and seeing the incredible power of fear that is pinning me down.

Today, I accomplished a strenuous hike of 11 miles and over 2,300ft of elevation gain to 12,600 ft. I burst into tears when seeing the beauty around me and realizing that I accomplished something I didn’t believe was possible anymore. Thank you Mas for lighting the way. “*

Sherri M.

The weight hasn’t come back

I have changed so much, resetting my frequencies in all areas. I lost 30.84kgs and the weight hasn’t come back….and so much more. Thank you “*



  90% of my symptoms are gone


At the beginning of January 2020, before my private session with Mas, I was experiencing extreme pain, numbness in my body, loss of movement in both arms  and paralysis in my right leg and torso that would come and go.

I was going to doctors but they didn’t have any diagnosis for me. At best they would only give me pain medication which would make me more ill and I ended up in the  emergency room on numerous occasions over a year and half.

After Mas’s private session I started feeling more in control of my brain and did some research. I found a doctor in San Francisco who reviewed my blood results and diagnosed me with chronic neurological Lyme disease. When he repeated the test a few months after I had sessions with Mas he was baffled because all the parasites in my blood were gone. At that point I hadn’t even taken any medication for it!. As for now I am on regiments of herbal drops to treat the chronic infection due to Lyme disease and  90% of my symptoms are gone.“* 

Alexandra G.

encouraged to stabilize on my own and be solid on my own

I had lots of “Gurus” and Coaches and I have never been encouraged to stabilize on my own and be solid on my own. That is what you get with Human Reset. Before Human Reset, I was always looking for outside things to make me complete. Gratefully I had just finished an 18 Day Accelerated program the month before Human Reset, and I was beginning to reference myself and really touch who I truly am. And during Human Reset – from the weight loss, to the healthy eating…. I started defining who I am. I started reaching a very solid, original, primal state. From there I got really inspired, I started creating and wanting to do things at the highest level – and not out of the sense that that would complete me, but that is what I am, which is really cool. I recommend Human Reset to anybody – do it! “*

Aaron B.

My mental sharpness has increased

I got so many benefits from this program. I feel more youthful, more joyful. My mental sharpness has increased. I walk with more confidence, I lead with more confidence. The best benefit that I got from this program is definitely my relationship with my youngest daughter. She used to push me away and now she hugs me, she kisses me good night, goodbye and she says she loves me. So thank you Mas and thank you for the amazing group that we had. “*

Samantha D.

I had no idea that it could shift so quickly!

I did Human Reset – Altering Carbon and it really changed my life. Before Human Reset, I was just getting out of an abusive relationship, I felt sluggish, I had a hard time keeping my commitments and discipline and following through on certain things. After Human Reset, I feel super solid. I feel super centred. I feel like I am becoming more and more like me. I have no problem at all staying on the course and staying disciplined and  my body feels so much better. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.  I had no idea that it could shift so quickly…. but it did- in just 18 days! “*

Simone N.

I was in fear, after Human Reset, I was no longer in fear

Before Human Reset- I was in fear, after Human Reset, I was no longer in fear. I would  definitely recommend it- but I would also recommend that the person that undertakes this program is prepared to put in as much effort as they expect the results coming back. Meaning that you get what you put into this process.”*

Felicity M.

I’m really stepping into who I am and who I want to be.

The Human Reset program has been amazing. This is the second one I’ve taken. I’ve been working with Mas since January and every month I’m getting more and more connected to myself. It’s about me getting connected to myself and having the power to do that. Being a part of the Mastermind and having Mas help facilitate that has been amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see changes.  I’m more present,  I’m speaking my voice and I’m really stepping into who I am and who I want to be. “*

Karena B.

I’m stepping into my power and finding out who I really am

After the Human Reset, I’m much more confident in myself. I’m stepping into my power and finding out who I really am. The frequencies in this program were incredible.  I actually can now feel my higher self around me which I couldn’t before. Even though I have not seen the physical changes yet, I am sure now that whatever is true for me will show up.  I’m no longer seeking and searching for what it is. I’m just more confident that it will show up because I have a trust in my higher self. Thank you so much. It was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.”*

Emilia B.

Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time

Before doing the Human Reset program, I had digestive and intestinal problems. Now all of that has been improved. I am more here in this body- now than ever. Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time. In this program, there are exercises that are included that strengthen your core and now I am able to get up off of the floor without having to grab on to anything. This program is really amazing. It’s powerful and it is life changing and I would highly recommend it for anyone. Thank you Mas. Thank you Kristin and Alex and the Mas team.”*

Donna R.

Sensational changes

I just did the Human Reset  and had sensational changes. Physically, I felt  much more energy…. losing fat, building lean muscle. Mentally, I felt much more clarity, more sustained energy in the brain and a much more positive attitude. And spiritually, I had a lot of realizations. 

I would like to recommend the Human Reset to everyone who’s willing, no matter what your level, because you’ll change for sure in all aspects. You will have lots of exercises, diets, the  Mastermind  (which is a group of people who help to keep you committed), and then especially the frequency work, which is the basis of everything and keeps you going on in this amazing journey. “*

José S.

Discovering My True Self

Before the human reset program, I had been working with Mas for over a year, so I had some distortion patterns cleared. But during this program, I cleared real deep ones. I got to know who I am and what I am -strong and stable. My communications changed. They’re straightforward without any expectation of an outcome. I see things more clearly around me. I see more opportunities. I am a new version of me- I know it, I feel it. My thoughts, my consciousness-they are different on a different level. The old version of me is no more. My body changed, my body shape changed- it looks healthier. It is the form that I am pleased with. 

Do I recommend this program?  Of course!  To anybody- all walks of life. I think any person can benefit from a program that shows them who they are because that’s the best place to create your life from. Thank you Mas and the Human Reset team for making this available. See you later.”*


Mandy M.

The only program that can help you re-engineer your body

This Human Reset is my third one and it is beyond words -just beyond words! You see that I’m building muscle, I lost  fat under the skin, I lost visceral fat. It was simply amazing.  I just want to tell you from my heart, that Human Reset -Altering Carbon is the only program on planet earth that can help you re-engineer your body. I’m living proof. “*

Jenny N.

I could feel the expansion

Before Human Reset I didn’t feel good, I just kept getting tired and there was something missing and no matter what I did, it would seem to be like that. During Human Reset I enjoyed the diet, I managed to last for 26 hours. I felt clean and clean. I could feel the expansion, I felt my spirit body merge with my physical body and I am so grateful to you all. I am now 78 years young and I would recommend this 100%. “*

Sarah P

I own my health for the rest of my life

I would highly recommend Mas and Human Reset. I would say the biggest change is my attitude, my sense of peace and wellbeing, and that I own my health for the rest of my life. I’ve been with Mas for three months now and it has been a remarkable shift and change mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I am well grounded in who I am and what I want out of life and have the ability to love myself and love others more than ever. Thank you Mas and thank you to your team as well and to Alex and Kristen for the wonderful program.”*

Kia K.

I felt a stability, peace of mind, and an amazing state of being

I did my first Medihealings in August and September and I already had amazing results. I have to say with the Human Reset program I did in October, I really felt a stability, a peace of mind, and an amazing state of being. I recommend this program to everyone who is seeking for peace, inner peace, and joy. It really helped me to understand a lot of things around and inside. So thank you very much.”*

Bethany L.

Revitalized and Rejuvenated

I’m a medical doctor with a holistic approach. My passion is reverse aging, anti-ageing, aesthetics and beauty. Before Human Reset, I was sick, tired, drained, overweight, overwhelmed, I had a lot of pain, and I was broke. After working with Mas, XI and Human Reset I’ve recovered my vital force, my youthful look, my health and vibrancy. I even lost about 15 kilos in a short period of time. I’ve recovered my hair and its color. The reverse ageing process has been very intense. I was detoxing a lot at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

I highly recommend the Total Human Reset. I have high resonance with Mas and the HR team’s work,  tapping into the simplicity, purity and transparency of this process. I want to keep upgrading to higher levels of consciousness and fully integrate my spirit with this human reality for the benefit of myself and others. So thank you very much and a big hug from Colombia.  “*

Andrelo L.

From Couch Potato to Energetic

Before Human Reset in October 2020 I was a typical couch potato with lots of cravings, eating junk food, carbs, sugar, you name it. I felt heavy, energetically drained, and I didn’t feel like moving. I’d never fasted in my life, and had yo-yo dieted since I was a young teenager.

When I started the Human Reset program I was amazed at how easy it was to fast. I never thought I’d be able to even do 12 hours of fasting, but during the program I always fasted for longer.  

It was amazing – I lost 8 kg, I feel so energetic. The Medihealings, Mas and everyone were just amazing!  

If anyone is thinking of doing the Human Reset but they think fasting will be too difficult, don’t worry – you’re gonna do it, and you’re gonna breeze through it. It’s really, really easy. I felt so motivated that even my favourite chocolate bar wasn’t tempting anymore. That was so great!

So go for it! I’m still doing 18 hour fasts, and I’m still losing weight.

Thank you so much, Mas and everyone.

Marietta P

I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle

Before the Human Reset I was feeling really fearful about fasting, and  exercising while fasting. I was also fearful about doing longer meditations and fitting all of this into my  schedule. But as it turns out, it was really easy and pretty seamless. And I realised how strong I am and how capable I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle. I’m really looking forward to the next Human Reset and I’d recommend it to anyone as a way to feel empowered and in control of your own life. And I’m just so thankful.”*

Sarka T.

I began recovering myself

When I had my first IGH with Mas my entire lineage showed up, and it’s been a journey to separate myself from that. The first Human Reset I lost 46 lbs. In the next one, my pain body kicked in and I was not able to do anything but the Medihealings®. This time, I’ve finally awakened to the fact that my older sister, when she died, merged with me when I was just four. The reason why I couldn’t remember anything is because it became her life. I was finally able to recover that moment, and this month I began recovering myself. I was able to exercise and feel that I’m back in control of me. I am so grateful, thank you so much.”*

Petra N

my  scoliosis went away

During the last HR class, my  scoliosis went away, just minor muscle imbalance left which I’m working on. My eye color changed and I have started to notice my facial structure changes now.”*

Grace R.

I am so grateful for the Human Reset program

I am so grateful for the Human Reset program and that I took the time to invest in it. It’s just hard to imagine the shift in my energy, my self-worth. I thought I was doing well before… but now I am exponentially better than I ever was. Great things are happening, and they are happening synchronistically.  I got a contract right away, I got a place to live right away, I feel like I’m settled where I’m supposed to be. I can walk in the woods and know that I am everything I need to be. And the rest just flows. So thank you, it has just been amazing. And losing 25 lbs was a bonus too.”*

Lorraine F.

Total Human Reset Eased My Divorce Process

I am a stay at home mom going through divorce. Before Human Reset, I was a little bit frazzled, but at the same time, I was able to center myself. After human reset, I gained a greater clarity in the frequencies I was holding on to that was distorting me and that was lengthening that divorce process. I can honestly say that I am so much happier now. I’m almost done with the divorce and the process has been going more smoothly just because I was able to take ownership of my distortions and confirm my deletions. I was so happy to see myself going with the flow not holding on to certain outcomes, regardless of what happens, I am amazed at how at ease I feel. I wholeheartedly recommend human reset as well as 18 days. Good luck, everybody. I hope this testimonial will assist you in your journey”*

Anita A.

It’s been eye opening

I started working with Mas Summer last year and this will be my second Human Reset. With the first one I had huge changes and many old patterns dying off. It’s been quite eye opening. “*

Mandy S.

Total Human Reset Transformed My Life

I just remembered that I used to procrastinate and dream about living life to its fullest. Now I Just do it, no negotiation. The last Human Reset- reset my body. Easy weight loss balanced with no effort. It’s maintained. Yes, confirmation that Human Reset and Spirit really works! “*

Dramatic positive changes

Before I started working with Mas, my oldest daughter was not doing well. She was literally hitting her head against the wall and pulling her hair out. She would regularly threaten to kill herself. She even came after me with a bat. 

She kept having the same negative scenarios with her coaches and sports/performance where she would not be seen, not be treated fairly, and would injure herself or sabotage her performance. 

Physically, she had bad acne that wasn’t responding to any treatments. 

On top of it, and most importantly, she was having debilitating cramps and stabbing chest pains and passing out at school or whenever she did strenuous cardiovascular exercise.

Her father’s family has heart issues – a congenital prolapsed valve (supposedly asymptomatic) and her dad’s brother had to have a valve replacement at Mayo five years ago Needless to say, it was very scary. 

We tried traditional therapy which seemed to make things worse. 

We tried supplements, bodywork, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, flower essences with some improvement but not really getting deep, lasting change. She just wasn’t herself and she didn’t want to be here. 

A trusted friend told me about how Mas had helped her sister who had breast cancer so I checked him out. 

I was immediately impressed with Mas’s authenticity. What he said made sense and felt true. And best of all, it wasn’t about his ego. He wasn’t trying to be a guru, it was the opposite. He was trying to wake us up to the way reality works. It never felt like he was trying to profit or like he had any ulterior motives like so many other consciousness purveyors. He was able to answer so many of my questions, questions I didn’t know that I had, such as why goal setting doesn’t work, or why most of the self-help and spiritual growth work hadn’t been effective. 

I started doing the 18 Days and brought my daughter in, as suggested. 

I recognized that I’d clung to her when she was born as a way to render and identify myself and changed my smothering ways. This shift had an almost immediate, positive impact on her and on our relationship. 

I kept doing the 18 Days and kept bringing her in.

A lot of people thought I was crazy and made fun of me, but I could see and feel the changes so I kept signing up and showing up. 

In a surprisingly short period of time, my daughter started venturing out of her room more, and engaging. She found better coaches, teammates and training. Even her skin started clearing up. 

The most miraculous part is that when I took her to Mayo to have her heart checked so she could participate in sports, they couldn’t find a problem!!! They said it was a combination of allergies and hormones and that she would grow out of it. She didn’t even have the congenital prolapsed valve!! 

I literally sobbed with relief and I know with certainty that it was a result of working with Mas. 

I don’t try to explain this to too many people because it is too easily explained away as there never being a problem with her heart to begin with, but I know that it could have been a very different scenario if I hadn’t changed my frequencies and I am deeply, deeply grateful for the help and guidance of Mas and the team that makes it possible for him to deliver his gifts.

We still have a ways to go but she isn’t injuring herself and is better able to navigate upsetting situations without threatening to kill herself or sabotaging herself in other ways. 

All of these dramatic, positive changes in less than a year and without therapy! 



The possibilities are so amazing

My life has changed immensely through the work I have done with Mas. The 18 Day has helped me to recover myself from a place of no return. I was broken apart and scattered in different realities and time frames. I had a bunch of different identities and so many different control sources. I also had no conscious realization of all of the psychological abuse I had experienced and I was terrified to live in my body. 

I used drugs heavily including heroin and cocaine. I quit using them a while before working with Mas but had no idea that I was still holding onto the patterns. Also the 18 Day helped me to release all of the residues of the drugs from my body. My brain and nervous system was able to recover from extreme damage that doctors would have told me cannot happen had I gone to them. I also shed so many family patterns, belief systems, abuse patterns and physical issues. I strengthened myself and look totally different from before.

I never had good relationships and couldn’t grow and evolve in this lifetime because I never knew who I was. Now I have amazing relationships that help me to evolve and become an even better version of myself. I learn and grow from every experience now. My body is such a comfortable home now. It is lighter than even the feeling I was chasing through drugs. And now I am learning to expand into realties to get information. I am understanding my abilities more and more. The possibilities are so amazing and when I think back to all of the experiences I had before working with Mas it literally feels like another lifetime. I would recommend the 18 Day to anyone. It is the most profound and powerful product. Its value cannot be measured and the price for what you get is unbelievable! Thank you Mas and Team ~ “*

Steve R.

I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders

I am a 63 year old man who has lived a pretty sedate and quiet life. I usually will investigate extensively before I jump into anything. I did not do this with Mas . For whatever reason I found myself listening intently to him. I signed up for the Personal Optimization and 18 Day last month. Since then, I have received money from unexpected sources. An emotional pattern I have struggled with my whole life that I considered an addiction is gone and the addictive desire is as well. I have never weighed more than 120 lbs and as a 63 year old male I know that is underweight. Today my housemate bought a scale and I weigh 132. This is more than I have ever weighed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and despite the world situation I am the happiest I have been. While I still don’t know Mas particulars I can only go by what I have felt in frequency which is what counts most. Thank you for being a part of my journey. “*


Evan M., Holistic Nutrition Counselor and Massage Therapist

Freedom from Fibromyalgia


I have been doing Mas work for quite some time now and finally after quite a few 18 Days and Total Human Resets (THRs). I have come out on the other side. When I started I was almost bedridden with fibromyalgia. Nothing was working. I was actually quite suicidal. 

After working with Mas , I do not have any health symptoms anymore, workout almost daily, eat healthy and feel so much more present. I was on anti- depressants before and now I take no drugs at all. I have also stopped drinking alcohol to cope.“*  

Bernie S.

I’m finally healthy

My thyroid numbers were off the charts! I had a cyst and all. I got my blood work done after Mas worked on me on the 13 days and wow! My thyroid numbers dropped and swelling of the cyst is gone! It’s safe to say I’m finally healthy thanks to Mas!“*


Marena S.

I got off all antidepressants

I got off all meds and antidepressants within 2 months of practicing XI. Spatial referencing is everything. “*

Saoirse G.

It pulled me from the dark to the light

I listened to your podcasts while I was in a bottomless depression and I swear it pulled me from the dark to the light. “*


I literally can not be depressed

I literally can not be depressed after doing XI work. It feels like I forgot how to access the feeling of depression. My life was in heavy depression before XI. “* 

Jonas Y.

I have healed my scoliosis

Ever since starting with Mas a couple of months ago my entire life has changed. Most surprisingly perhaps, is that I have healed my scoliosis. I knew that Mas’ work worked on an emotional level, mental level, spiritual level and generally makes me feel more like ‘me’. But I was absolutely flabbergasted to see the physical changes as well: both my massage therapist as well as my physiotherapist confirmed that my scoliosis, which I have been born with, had been completely ‘healed’. I still hardly believe it but I know that this has been because of XI.“* 

Simone N.

I did not have migraines since

I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so lucky to receive a scan from Mas during the 18 Day Medihealing and I did not have migraines since. I had them for almost 23 years with not one single month of a break. It really is a miracle and I am so grateful!!!!!“*

Leanna B.

The doctors were surprised

I had a stroke and dehydration on January 31st and was hospitalized. I went through a series of tests for my heart and brain and the doctors were very surprised that I had no damage. Then on August 15, 2021 I suffered a heart attack and once again the doctors were surprised that I had no damage and that my heart repaired itself. It was when they reported this to me, I knew that the work I did with Mas saved me and I am doing well! It is a miracle. All the Doctors were so surprised and I was sent back home after all of my tests were good! I am going to continue to work with Mas to keep my blood flowing! I am very grateful!“*


 Iris L. 

It’s a miracle that I am still alive!

Thanks to Mas and all his great work it’s a miracle that I am still alive! Medical doctors as well as everyone else are impressed. Since being with Mas I’ve lived through blood clots to the brain, massive stroke, surgery, Covid, but take no medication prescriptions.

Swimming my laps a few times a week , walking, doing yoga, clean diet, and I’m 70 yrs young !“* 

Margaret N.

Now I thrive 360 degrees

I’ve overcome trauma, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, diseases, addiction, abuse and poverty. Now I thrive 360 degrees.“*

Amanda D.

Destructive Behaviour is Gone

I used to know an anxious and angry child whose outbursts and negative behaviour almost had her committed to a residential behavioural treatment program. Sara would destroy toys and  property, spit, throw her shoes and scream non-stop. She started picking at herself and eating her hair. Her outbursts of anger were destroying her relationship with peers and teachers and hurting her family. The stress it caused was overwhelming. I had regular calls from her school and she was often threatened with suspensions. After meeting Mas, Sara has changed. She is playful, empathetic, open to connections, has made friends and now has the ability to work through emotions in a healthy way.  She has started a business selling her own arts and crafts at school- all on her own, and she’s making a profit. She’s 10 years old. The child I once knew is gone. “* 


I have not had to get adjusted and went off pain medication

For over a year I have not had to get adjusted and went off pain medication. This was after 10 years of having my back/scar tissue worked on every 3 weeks and taking daily pain medication. “*


 Sandy T.

I have never had a migraine again.

In my first ever appointment with Mas (6.5 years ago), he picked up that I had a neck issue and asked if I had headaches. I had suffered severe migraines for years. I had around 8 plus per month with constant headaches in between. I was in high pain relief taking Tramadol (an opioid) for this. Other medications didn’t help and made things worse. MRIs could not find the cause.

A few seconds after Mas mentioned this I felt a release and the headache I had at the time went and I have never had a migraine again.

He explained the ‘spiritual’ reason around this, which was that I had had a noose around my neck, which he released.

I was fortunate to have a miracle cure on my first experience with Mas, (and I hadn’t even set up the appointment to discuss migraines!)- so I knew XI was powerful and like nothing else out there and have been working regularly with XI to this day. “*


 Giselle M. 

Chronic back pain, anxiety, IBS, and depression are all gone!

I had just begun a journey of healing when I was introduced to Mas in 2018.

I was on a leave of absence from my teaching position due to stress. My physical symptoms were acute anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, IBS, eczema, brain fog, and depression. Years of therapy, diets, supplements, exercise, meditation, yoga, and numerous doctors were only successful at helping me find temporary partial relief. 

My physical body was constantly itching and experiencing immense pain. Distractions and hours of meditation and yoga out in nature would help me find some peace, but the underlying patterns would return and play out again and again.

Since I began working with Mas in 2018, I am completely off anti-anxiety medication that I had for panic disorder for 20 years. All of my physical symptoms from stress disappeared without further therapy (just yoga, nature, and mindfulness) or medications. I have a healthy relationship with food finally! (I was bulimic off and on for more than a decade.) Chronic back pain, anxiety, IBS, and depression are all gone! “*


 Bethany C.

In awe of this incredible process

On the Day 7 AM HR session I experienced a heavy, heavy feeling that pulled me down like a strong magnet – a death experience perhaps? Then it changed. It began to bubble and glitter and the heavy, heavy feeling was transmuted into happiness and lightness! Afterwards I was all bubbly, silly and joyful for a couple of wonderful hours. Definitely in awe of this incredible process. “*

Hayley G


I participated in the last Total Human Reset and I wanted to report my progress.

I find that all in all, I have come into myself more than ever before in my life!

I feel more unity within myself!

A positive “defiance” has set in.

Also, a courageous kind of confidence is installed in my being.

I am also experiencing a oneness of my Spirit and physical state, the I Am presence!

The experiential realization that I AM HEALING MYSELF is coming through in a huge way!!!

I had a brain tumor in 1998 and ever since then, every 6-18 months have had mini-strokes that lasted a very short time. During THR, the mini-strokes increased in timing and duration and I began to get fearful. On one of the meditations, all of the fear resolved. It didn’t matter if I had a massive stroke and was totally debilitated! (On a side note, I am a pretty serious, some would say intense but a calm individual. I like to be even-keeled. That state of neutrality that is characteristic of the Source within.) 

During that particular meditation, I saw people walking around with masks on and envisioned their mouths erased!!! I cracked up laughing out loud during the meditation!

I have been to a neurologist who put me on a medication called Kepra. He told me that it may have the side effects of depression. Which after being on it for 2 days proved to be true. I now take it and set the intention that it will magnify my gifts, talents and abilities and to this point, it has done just that! Much to my amazement, the opposite of depression has occurred! 

The amplification of my gifts, talents and abilities has definitely shown up in my shamanic practice and is more than evident!!!

On another note, there are very few experiential times when I really felt like I found my home. One was when I stepped out of the airport in Peru and looked at a mountain. Another was when I entered a center in Vermont where I was met with applaud by long-lost like-minded individuals. 

 I have to say that that ever alluding frequency and EXPERIENTIAL feeling of family and home actually came through just this morning in doing a replay of one of the THR meditations.

I can truly state that ya’ll are my family even more so than my blood family.

Alignment is profound and everything!

From deep within my heart, I can sincerely state that I love Mas and his angels!!!!


I have found my home and I wasn’t even looking!

Blessings to you all!!!”*

~Paul B.

I literally felt the shift

Today was an amazing Day.  For me the experience went from ‘out there’ to ‘in here’.  I literally felt the shift.  After this morning’s session, as I went through my day, not one but two life events just opened up for me.  One I know is for me.  The other is an opportunity I will be looking into further.”*

Rachel C

clean my body and clear my soul

Today I woke up after three days of fasting. I never thought that I could do it with ease, in such a supported way. In fact, I was not hungry or desperate to eat. I want to continue to clean my body and clear my soul. “*

Carrie H

such a magical experience 

Last week during my fast I had so much energy and clarity. I kind of felt like I transcended my body at some point. I had no sense of discomfort physically at all, therefore I extended my fast to 95hrs and stayed active!! It was such a magical experience “*

Reena S.


Total Human Reset was phenomenal. Over the past three days, I just listened to it again and WOW! I understood what I experienced over February at a deeper level and had an amazing and intense three days listening to the replays so close together. “*

Laura K.

accelerated class was amazing

Last night’s accelerated class was amazing. What an amazing and wonderful feeling. I didn’t  know how good it felt to navigate through my body. I just wanted to stay there. Now I have a whole new tool to use, as well as  the understanding behind it. My body is amazing how it operates  and supports me.”*

Sandra A.

frequencies super-charged, so powerful

The [Total Human] Reset this month is super-charged, so powerful. I was barely functional after meditating for an hour and a half last night. Then I had all these brilliant dreams! I felt something around me in the middle of the night and instinctively invoked Mas’ frequency and I saw the cosmos with beautiful patterns of energy flow and symbols. It was so cool! I soon realized that what I brought in wasn’t ‘Mas’ per se, but that level of frequency…….obviously very very elevated.”*

Lauren S.

I feel totally loved by me

I feel totally loved by me. I’ve never loved myself before like this. Thank you. 

I feel confident, vibrant, healthy and strong.   I have noticed that my two daughters, aged 36 and 19, have changed their attitude towards themselves and others in their workplaces.  One works for aged care and the other works with childcare and they have become more understanding of me as their mum. And they do show me more love.

I have lost 5 kilos of weight as my waistline was 33 inches before I did the Total Human Reset and now it is 30 inches. l did the Keto diet and I borrowed Keto books from the library and a human anatomy book so I could understand my body.  

I am happy to have found Total Human Reset and Mas. Thank you for showing me how important I am and explaining the Keto diet and fitness exercises. “*

Dee R.

My skin looks amazing

My skin is looking amazing and I lost a couple of centimeters around my body. “*

Dee R.

I let go of old patterns that blocked me from my full potential

This last total human reset topped all of the programmes for me. It’s been such a wonderful journey, where I could let go of old patterns that blocked me from living my full potential.”*

Martha T

I feel l 20 years younger

After this total human reset, I feel l 20 years younger. I have been with many masters and teachers and gurus and, this Total Human Reset has topped everything. I feel such a gentleness for myself, for others and for the life itself. I have a quiet expanded silence inside. “*

Harry T

Everything I need just gravitates towards me

The recent Total Human Reset programme was amazing and I experienced a lot of changes. 

My awareness of time and space and realities shifted to a new level. I feel more independent and I don’t need help from Mas every time I feel disoriented. I had about 8 new job opportunities and everything I need just gravitates towards me. My skin renewed itself and I noticed my nails about 5 times stronger. Not that I had any issues with my skin or nails, or that I was trying to achieve a result by doing anything special, but I just randomly noticed these results. I feel healthier and stronger. “*


I deserve the most abundant XI life.

I started out being overweight, eating terrible, hating exercise, hating really everything-including myself.  Now I really love myself. I deserve the most abundant XI life.  I did lose inches, my joints don’t hurt as they did before, my skin is healing.  I don’t feel stuck.  I also have a new relationship with XI.  I used to “hang” on Mas’s every word for help.   Respectively, now I don’t need him. I see him as a tool, someone I can go to for advice. I don’t have any of this figured out. My life is not perfect……   that is ok, because I feel really lucky and special as I am now. “*

Aoife S

Fantastic Benefits from THR

The benefit of the Total Human Reset to me has been fantastic. I have been experiencing a much better body shape. I’ve lost heaps of weight. My digestion is much better, my sleep is much better. I have had just a more peaceful and calmer approach. Everything I do outside of the meditations now is much more efficient and effective.”*

Sherri S.

Rediscovering Health and Wealth

I have been in all the THR programs, but did it for the frequencies and the humans involved -not the weight and exercise benefits. I never took the diet and exercise program seriously before. I’m lucky. I’ve always been in great shape. That said, one serious concussion and a pandemic later, it isn’t so easy to just pop into yoga or whatever…It has been a long haul and the concussion has taken its toll. And I am looking at THR much differently. Autophagy is terrific and combined with keto…it is a game changer. The wealth part of THR is so incredible and for those who are first timers, it is such a BONUS! You can’t imagine. I am just so happy to be among such good loving wonderful humans. Twice a day, I get to be in the company of the best that humanity has to offer. I am honored and humbled”*

Kathleen K

Discovering My True Self

During the Total Human Reset, I met my identity, I think for the first time ever and that was a surreal experience. I cried, I laughed, it was almost like coming home. I’m two and a half centimeters taller, my eye color has changed. In total, I lost six kilogrammes, which was pretty amazing considering that I had tried a lot of times to lose weight, and I’ve managed to keep all of it off. I would highly recommend the Total human reset to absolutely anybody.”*

Monica B.

I’d 100% recommend this program

I’d 100% recommend this programme. Whatever you’re looking for, because it focuses on those key components of life, this programme has it for you.”* 

Kylie P

There’s nothing as unique as XI

Total Human Reset is a game changer. For the first time ever, I’m no longer here to fix myself, to find what is wrong. Rather I’m here to live out of my full potential and to access possibilities that I didn’t even think were possible. I feel whole, complete. I no longer seek outside myself. There’s nothing as unique as XI. “*

Emilia B

A deep cleansing of any old patterns

The past Human Reset was a deep cleansing of any old patterns that I had regarding my relationships, health and finances. I saw very clearly that they are very intertwined and I could experience way more peace and calm where I previously experienced stress and anxiety. I’ve been able to support people around me without being drained (which was my previous pattern, I would just ‘lose myself’ in others frequently) and I’ve built a beautiful relationship with my body. I now have days where I can’t wait to wake up and check myself out in the mirror to see how much more beautiful I have become (I know this sounds weird, but if you see before and after pictures you’d understand). “*

Simone N

From Broken to Vibrant

I went from broke, broken, feeling sluggish, depressed, self-doubt, all of that-  to now feeling vibrant, energetic. I’ve broken my cravings that I’ve had for years. I’ve broken through so many self-sabotage patterns. I’ve manifested my dream job. I’ve gotten promoted within my dream job. I’ve got new clients in my business. I’m feeling financially healthier than I’ve ever been. I’ve let go of abusive relationships and toxic relationships in my life without any guilt. It’s been actually a really beautiful letting go process. And I’ve healed my scoliosis! “*

Simone N.

Self-Destruction to True Self

Before the Human Reset, I was coming from a place where I was sacrificing myself and destroying myself, and I was getting a lot of injuries.  Mas helped me realise that and completely shed my identity, and helped me recreate my life through my true self. I feel like there are so many opportunities that I’m expanding into, that I can claim in a different way than before.”*

Kiona B

I’m literally living a new human version of myself

This Total Human Reset was the most powerful one yet. I experienced a lot of abuse, addiction, control, being controlling, fear, pretty much the full spectrum of lack patterns. I was able to disconnect from all of that on such a deep level, that when I look back on it, it seems like a different lifetime- and that’s due to the cellular change that I’ve experienced. I’m literally living a new human version of myself.  “*

Steve R.

From Toxic Patterns to True Love

I did the first THR and had the worst relationship patterns going in. And literally the day after THR ended, I started the most spectacular relationship with my true soul-mate!”*


Freed from Alcohol Addiction

THR took my alcohol addiction away – I’m so grateful.”*

Nancy M.

From Mini Stroke to Miraculous Recovery

A few years ago, the doctor said I had to take aspirin for the rest of my life for a mini stroke I had. I had numerous eye injections because of the incident. I have not taken aspirin since THR about 4 years ago and my optometrist said they have never seen anybody’s eyesight healed as well as mine, and to keep doing what I’m doing. In addition I went down 2 sizes and haven’t gained back the original weight. I eat so much cleaner and healthier. I’m thankful for THR.”*

I am 75 and look 20 years younger

I am 75 and look 20 years younger. My friends that I have known forever are always asking me my age. Last year I did the frequency facelift and my face did change and I was able to heal a rotten front tooth that was about to be extracted. My dentist’s mind was blown away the morning of extraction when I asked her to X-ray my tooth just one last time. I still have my tooth. I think to myself 75 is the new 55.“* 

Beth K.

Anti-aging that works

I am an expert in anti-aging medicine. This is the only thing that actually works.“*

Carla D.

Coming off my psych meds

Mas, I’ve been doing really well coming off my psych meds since my private session with you.“* 

Peter A.

I went from feeling depressed to feeling neutral

Simply listening today has transformed my experience. I went from feeling depressed to feeling neutral.“* 

Shane L.

The pain is so much less

I just needed to say thank you! It was such a big help I got from Mas today. I haven’t walked a single step without pain for the last year. Already now, a few hours after the private session, the pain is sooo much less. I’m so happy and so grateful…!“* 

Hayley P

Perfect blood work

I just had blood work done and it’s perfect. I’m 65 and people think I’m in my 40’s. “* 

Theresa W.

Alcoholism removed

The first time I saw Mas live, it was like a $20 event and he removed alcoholism from my DNA. $20 after hundreds of thousands of dollars of ineffective treatment.“*  

Leslie R. 

I came off all my medications

I came off all my medications through spatial referencing- such a freeing experience. This is the most amazing ‘prescription’ that I’ve ever seen work for myself.“*  

Liz D.

Helped me bring down the fever from 103 to normal

I had signed up for the Health Meditation last Sunday because right now I have a houseguest called ‘cancer’ and they found another abnormality in my pancreatic and bile ducts.  That evening I was so sick that I didn’t have the energy to turn on to the talk and just intended to be there in Spirit. In my mind I just put myself on the computer and the next morning  I listened to the replay. I am sure that I was ‘present’ at that live meditation. That health meditation and later playing the ‘infection’ meditation helped me bring down the fever from 103 to normal by the next morning and the infection meditation cleared up the discomfort in my lower abdomen. Please tell Mas “THANK YOU for who you are and bringing light and the new science into our world.“*


 Rose C.. Ph.D., BCPP, Integrative Health Practitioner

All tests came back 100% normal and healthy!

Hi Mas and Team, I have had a cool little win. I have had abnormal pap tests for years and subsequently was put in the pre-screening clinic at the hospital as they are looking for cancer. I was last there May 16 2022. I told my Dr. about autophagy and some of the other things I am doing and he told me I belong to the “Harry Potter school of medicine “and mocked me. Well well- I just got a call from him about my results and they found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, no bad cells at all, No HPV that apparently causes the abnormal cells and is only treatable by a nasty vaccine. He was stunned and told me all tests came back 100% normal and healthy! I admit I had to hold back from a told ya so “Harry Potter” for the win comment. Ha ha Ha Haaa I got “kicked out” of the pre-screening clinic. XI is eternally awesome! “*

Leah R.

I FINALLY have been able to let go of needing alcohol.

The most profound transformation during this 18 days that I have noticed (and it has only been one week!) is that I FINALLY have been able to let go of the feeling of needing alcohol.  I realized that my whole life I used alcohol as a crutch to stabilize myself.  While I officially gave up drinking 7 years ago, I still have always had those feelings of wanting a drink for many years.  Even though I rarely, if ever, gave in to it, it was still there.  During this 18 days, I was destabilized enough to where the feeling came up to the point where I went out and actually bought alcohol (haven’t done that in a long time), however, just as I was going to drink it, I had a very profound realization that my feeling like I need to drink is because I am destabilized and that is has been a crutch for me.  Guess what happened next?  I did not drink it because the feeling actually went away.  This is such a huge thing for me because I have battled with alcohol my whole life.  I realized there is a crack inside me that in the past was temporarily filled by alcohol (numbing the pain), but I don’t want that anymore.”*



 Elena D.

It wasn’t until I found Mas that my true healing began

5 years ago, just 2 days before my 49th birthday, I was diagnosed with very advanced cancer. I was only given 2 years to live. Since then I have embarked on a healing journey. I have literally tried everything under the sun- hyperbaric chambers, infrared saunas, essential oils, water and juice fasting, an intensive supplement regime, sound healing with tuning forks, craniotomy-sacral therapy, ozone, castor oil packs, grounding, magnet therapy, intensive detoxification, colonics, herbal remedies, crystal healing, grounding mats and sheets, and the list goes on. All of this has helped somewhat, but even with all of these modalities I have not seen even a fraction of the healing that I have experienced during the last year and a half while working with Mas. It wasn’t until I found Mas that I believe my true healing began. The changes are profound and deep. I am much more calm and centered. I am now cancer free and not only that, all of my labs and check-ups come back with flying colors. I still have some emotional healing to do, but I am happy and look forward to the future. People are floored when they look at me, especially if it has been awhile since they have seen me. My hair has regained its color and has never been thicker. Even thicker than when I was young. I look healthy and vibrant. In short, I have a new lease on life, where just a few short years ago I was fighting for my life. Words cannot describe my appreciation and gratitude for the work that Mas does. “*



Violet D.

25+ years of chronic physical pain was gone

When I first saw Masati, in person in San Francisco, December 2015, I had been struggling with 25+ years of chronic physical pain. I had been in a wheelchair for over 2 decades previous to meeting Mas. When I met Mas I still needed to use a walker, still struggling with daily physical chronic pain.

I had searched world-wide for relief and an end to this crippling pain. I had tried acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbs, Guru’s and various meditation, yoga, and physical therapy techniques. I felt some results but nothing that resolved my daily pain.

But from my first meeting with Mas, when he put his hands on my back for a few minutes, and another few short additional brief sessions with Mas, my 25+ years of chronic physical pain was gone, and it has not returned.

In addition, I have attended many online and in-person events with Masati over the past 7 years.

I find Mas to be an authentic, humble, and very generous person. Both with his time as well as his attention to my own personal concerns. And I have heard, at those Masati events, that many other people from all over the world have had profound results as well. “*


Michaela C.

So profound

I have had pain in my back where my liver is, as far back as I can remember. My liver has never worked right from the get-go and I have always had problems. All the years of liver flushes and nothing ever lessened the pain until this 18 days.  So profound. “*

Libby A. 

My menstrual cycle restarted

My menstrual cycle restarted during the last 18 Day.“*

Sandra Y.

No longer suicidal

Mas, you worked on my sister during my session with you. She was feeling very suicidal and I’m delighted to report that she’s totally shifted very quicky and has a zest for her future and her life again.“* 

Maria B.

I have been in remission for a year

I recently was able to change out my medication that protects my kidneys. The change has been very good for me and I have had no joint pain, reduced swelling all over the body, and my mental clarity has improved. My doctors are very happy that I have been in remission for a year now.“*


Terra J.

My son is now a strong, healthy young man

My younger son was very, very sick from birth.  He suffered from life- threatening asthma and was in and out of the hospital (mostly in) from birth to about age 2.  He was on heavy duty steroids from age 6 months to age 2.  The doctors told him that he would have to be on steroids and inhalers for the rest of his life.  At that point, I started to look outside the traditional medical establishment and began to search for ways to heal him. To make a very, very, very long story short, the most interesting thing that has happened since I started working with Mas two years ago, is that my beautiful young son has developed and blossomed into a strong, healthy, young man.  He is now 15 but is stronger, more emotionally stable, even keel, more confident etc. than his older brother who is 17. “*


 Lynne M.

Nobody can help us heal trauma like Mas

I was severely beaten and verbally abused as a child, as were my brothers. So it is no wonder that all three of us children have autoimmune disorders.  They are finding out more and more every day how trauma affects the development of the nervous system and unfortunately, we are all good examples of this truth.  The BEST thing that I have found, without a doubt, to help myself get rid of some of that trauma is Mas.  I have watched thousands of videos from every integrative doctor around the world.  I have tried every supplement and crazy thing out there.  Nobody can help us heal trauma and past hurts like Mas. “*

Loretta P. 

Total Human Reset shifts every aspect of you

Total Human Reset will shift every aspect of you….best thing I have ever done. “*

Bridget K.

My thyroid healed

I healed my thyroid during the last THR. During one of the Medihealings, I felt my thyroid working optimally and at the same time an amazing level of self love. It was transformational. “*

Eva P

I lost 30 pounds

I lost 30 pounds from the first Human Reset and have kept it off. I always felt that when I had that extra weight, it wasn’t the real me.”* 

Jenny E.

I finally like what I’m seeing in the mirror

For the first time in years, I finally like what I’m seeing in the mirror. I’m 54 so this means a lot to me.”*

Gemma F.

THR Shifted My Partner’s Frequency

It’s fascinating how doing THR has been a catalyst for my partner to have a total shift without him even listening to the meditation. He has changed to match my changing frequency..and mirrors my shift…it is amazing…he just got it…amazing stuff. I’m so grateful. “*

Maria G.

THR truly changed my life.

THR truly changed my life. Everyday is getting better and better! The diet is amazing! “*

Valerie C.

I don’t think I have ever felt this safe in myself

Lots has changed this month. New opportunities have arisen, I’ve been having fun and trusting myself in ways I haven’t before. I feel safe in my home, body and work and I don’t think I have ever felt this safe in myself. I know THR has been the catalyst. “*

Liliya T.

I’m 51 but look and feel like I’m in my mid 30’s!

I’ve done all of the Total Human Resets- I’m 51 but look and feel like I’m in my mid 30’s!”*

Shannon L.

My senses are brighter than ever before

Today I took a walk in the forest and all my senses were brighter than ever before and nature took me into a deep stillness. I also felt so young. Even though I am 80, I felt like I was 60 or younger.  Thank you again. “*

Harry T

30 Years of Pain Relieved

I am so glad I did the THR!!!.  I have always eaten well but honestly, was afraid of consuming fat.  So I was very reluctant to try MCT oil and Ghee but I trusted Mas (and by extension Alli) and do think the keto has really made a difference.  I would not have tried keto (and I have tried everything else!) if it were not for Mas.  I just finished a two day fast (with nothing but keto coffee).  The crazy thing is that since the THR started, I have gone through two bottles of MCT oil and two jars of ghee, but I think I am losing weight! More importantly, I think my liver is healing, as well as my brain.  For the last 30 years I have had a pain in my back near my liver.  Doctors were not able to figure out what it was- I had CT scans, MRIs, liver enzyme tests, sonograms, chiropractic care and no one could figure out why I had a constant pain.The closest I ever got to figuring out what was going on was from my acupuncturist, who told me I had a weak, congested liver and that I was experiencing nerve pain.  Well, every single day on the THR (and even every single day since then), I opened up my fast with Alli’s lemon and blueberry slushy.  And lo and behold, after a few weeks, I could tell that I was experiencing less pain, which is something that has not happened to me in 30 years!!!!!!”*

Violet D.

My liver feels better

I am so very looking forward to THR.  I started to feel the effects as soon as I signed up.  Already after just 2 days, my liver feels better and I am hopeful and optimistic.”*

Violet D

medicine for my soul

THR is off the charts!  Each session has been crafted with love and inspiration.  Mas’ Medihealings are medicine for my soul “*

Violet D.

loving every moment of this wild experience

I’m loving every moment of this wild experience…thank you Mas. “*

Alexandra R

The Global Impact of Total Human Reset

This THR has been the most empowering and results driven program that I have ever experienced. There was zero coincidence in the global timing. The work being done here is also on behalf of humanity and the impact of this collective with Mas at the helm has profound beneficial effects. Do not think for one moment that what trials we face are simply our own. We signed up for this magnificent event on a multitude of levels.”*

Leon B.

The 18 Hour Fast was miraculously easy

I never thought I could ever fast for 18 hours and not eat food for so long. It is my first time and it has been miraculously easy. “*

Michelle K.

I released decades worth of patterns

I released decades worth of patterns in just 10 days with Total Human Reset.”*

Petra G

Most profound and healing experience in my life!

This THR has been the most profound and healing experience in my life! Everything I have been searching for on an emotional and spiritual level I am experiencing and more. It is beyond words! So much has and still is being cleared and replaced with PURE LOVE and PURE JOY! It is so beautiful! I am sitting here as I write this crying tears of pure joy! Thank you Mas and Team!”*

Donna R.

My true self is shining

Thank you Mas and team. I’ve changed so much and even my family is commenting. So many deep filters are leaving and my true self is shining.”*

Nicola D

Purging the Past

This is the first THR where I was off meds and I have definitely been purging the cellular debris of all the old medications during this THR.”* 

Hope C.

This THR Awaken has been awakening on steroids.

This THR Awaken has been awakening on steroids. I’m feeling very very solid right now. So many downloads and physical shifts. Incredible and profound. “*

Jamie P.

I’m excited to see my life from a higher perspective

Such a wild ride. I’m excited to see my life from a higher perspective and all the patterns that I released from a new awareness “*

Parker L

A humbling journey

It’s been a humbling journey and I am in gratitude for everything I accomplished and for being a part of the group. “*

Belinda A.

An amazing reset

This has been an amazing reset. I don’t crave sugar or chocolate now! “*

Jacinta M.

Its beautiful and brutal at the same time

Just want to say how much of a pleasure it’s been to take this journey over the past weeks. It’s been beautiful and brutal at the same time, tears of pain to tears of happiness. Thank you Mas for the frequencies and guidance to find this higher version, and Alli for your guidance in finding a healthier intake. Words don’t come close.”*

Sebastian R

results are incredible

I did the whole diet and fasting and hardcore exercise with the THR this time and results are incredible”*

Carrie P.

I feel more free

THR was amazing! I feel more free. Thank you team!”*

Gloria D.

Life changing and powerful

This THR was the most transformative THR so far. Life changing and powerful.”*

Sol L

THR changed my life AGAIN 

THR changed my life AGAIN “*

David W

Total Human Reset was unreal

Total Human Reset was unreal. Such huge changes”*

Alberto B.

I felt like I was meeting my body for the first time

As a result of the Total Human Reset Program, I felt as though I fully came to inhabit every part of my body, and in some ways, I felt like I was meeting my body for the first time. I was aware, as if with an epiphany, that I completely trusted my body. And lastly, I completely trusted the universe and therefore my journey in it. “*


Sandra T

Transformed My Relationship with Food

The way Alli set up the entire meal plan was beautiful and  she primed the group with her take on nutrition, food, and fasting. It was not about  lack but about recapturing the essence of our relationship with food, to allow it to nurture and not be such a negative struggle. I have never encountered such a nice way to go about changing my relationship with food, or to frame a new eating program. Wow. Personally, I have struggled with sugar cravings a lot. I had been diagnosed with insulin resistance and took Metformin for years which is something diabetics take. But I’m not diabetic. Nutritionally, I was in crisis in many ways. 

Now, I am no longer on any medications. “*

Sandra T.

From Medication to Mindful Living

I took anti depressants and anti anxiety medication for nearly 25 years, and for the past 10 years I also took medication for blood pressure and insulin resistance. I don’t take anything anymore. I don’t eat packaged foods, gluten, corn products or sugar. I treat myself and my body with more love and reverence. It’s made a world of difference.”*

Jennifer B.

THR changed how I eat and feel about my body

I did the Total Human Reset program with Mas back in October and it totally changed how I eat and how I feel about my body. I no longer take any medications and I have lost nearly 40lbs. I’ve begun to see everything in a new way.”*

Jennifer B.

Two years alcohol free

I’m two years alcohol free this year after THR “*

Tara W.

Unlocking Vocal Freedom: A Singer’s Journey with XI

Loving the Total Human Reset! As a performing singer, it’s so interesting to notice the impact on my voice. So much freedom, strength, openness. this happened when I did the 18 Day too. When frequency is elevated and attuned, there is a natural freedom in expression. It’s beautiful and I’m grateful for this work and this community! “*

Chad E.

My Mental Focus is Much Sharper

My mental focus is much sharper and I’m able to do many more things within the same time frame and have the stamina to get more done.  I’m able to do about 2 hours of intensive cleaning and sorting three times a week.  Progress is steady. I’m pleased to see results each day. My physical symptoms have gotten so much better, I have no joint pain, no headaches, generally not symptomatic.  My next blood test is in a week so I’ll be able to comment more about that then.  In January I signed up for a Pilates class and a yoga class once a week.  That is more physical exercise than I’ve done in a long time. “*



Tia B.

The Pain is Gone

More than 40 years of pain that never subsided, no matter what I did is now gone.  That right there would make me a believer in the power of frequencies.“*


Violet D.

I’m Alcohol Free

I’m two years alcohol free this year after Total Human Reset.“*  

Tara W.

What a Miracle!


I just wanted to share my feedback about the special brain meditation that Mas did. My son had a concussion about 5 days before this meditation. It wasn’t as severe as the ones that he had previously. His last concussion took 12 weeks to heal from and we noticed residual effects like extreme anger when he was tired. This concussion had a lot of symptoms with his balance and a large goose egg on his forehead. Since he has had so many concussions in his short life we were referred to a pediatric neurologist to see if he can even continue to play contact sports. After the brain meditation my son listened to it every night at bedtime. I would also play it in the background during the day.

When he had his neurologist appointment 3 weeks after the concussion, the doctor was impressed that my son no longer had any symptoms of his concussion and he approved him to go back to full contact sports. 

What a miracle! The frequencies clearly work! Without frequency it took 12 weeks to recover with residual effects and with just 3 short weeks he was completely recovered. 

Thanks Mas!“*


Marie E.

Mas Saved My Life That Day

I first met Mas over 10 years ago. I was having questionable health symptoms. He knew precisely what the cause was (my new medication was too strong) and suggested I follow up with my doctor. I visited my doctor within days to change my medication and my symptoms resolved quickly. It was a newly prescribed medication for women. This same medication made the news two years later. It was linked to serious side effects, some fatal. Women suffered from blood clots resulting in thousands of lawsuits. It is still on the market. Mas saved my life that day. “*

Leanne F.

I Feel Healthier Than Ever

Physically I feel healthier than ever and I found that my face shape has changed! My face now looks more feminine and petite.  My skin has also cleared up and looks shiny.  This is a huge bonus!  I just feel better about myself. In addition to my facial features, my muscles seem to retain themselves better.  To give a reference point, for the past 7 years I have had a very hard time keeping muscle on me.  The underweight issue was a big thing and now I’m starting to gain some muscle mass!  I’m happy to report that in my last hospital visit I gained 5 lb.  From 110 to 115!  The doctor said I’m doing so well that they switched my medication and reduced my blood work to every 3 months.  Now I don’t even feel like I have any physical limitations. I’m just focusing on building the best version of myself.  That is a very big jump in perception for me.  And I’m very appreciative of the help that I’ve had along the way to get to where I am right now. “*


 Terra J.

Lighter than ever before

A year of 18 Day meditations and I’m more stable and happy, and lighter than ever before. I take longer than some to let go but I’ve healed layers and layers of distortion and trauma in a short time.”*

Eva P.


This has been the most transformative experience for me”*

Silvia M.

A totally fresh slate

Wow, so much has shed from me this 18 Day- layers I didn’t even know were buried. Today I felt like I’d woken up with a totally fresh slate.”*

Samuel F.

More vibrant

Everything looks clearer and more vibrant. Thanks Mas”*


Truly magic

Thank you Mas! These 18 Days have been truly magic. So many moments of pure connection and bliss. Thank you so very much for shining your light.”*

Shonda A.

I feel a calmness

I feel a calmness that I haven’t before. My heart rate lowered and my body relaxed like in no other meditation. I’m staying in this place- it’s awesome.”*

Sammy R.

XI Has Catapulted Me

My life has changed. I feel solid and calm, and so present. I’m incredibly thankful.

I was introduced to XI by my gorgeous cousin nearly 11 months ago. My cousin started over 7 years ago, and has been my personal support and teacher as I stumbled my way through.

Just over 7 years ago, I had a work accident. A steel frame slid, and it’s cross-bar hit me on top of my head.

My whole life blew up. I spent 2 years homeless and suffered a complete mental breakdown. 7 years later I have managed to not kill myself, re-learn how to cook and clean for myself, and get on top of my physical, mental, and cognitive health.

XI has catapulted me to a place that I never believed was possible. It feels fantastic to be solid, to let go of old patterns, and to continue expanding and connecting to my Higher Source. I love how I ‘live’ from a higher frequency perspective, and I love who I am. “*


Roslyn M.

I Haven’t Touched Booze

I knew I had to quit drinking but it felt impossible. I’ve been a heavy drinker for over a decade. I did a live Mas on Sunday and the next day this male spirit was standing in my room staring at me. I instinctively knew he was living in me. I told him to go away and he left out the front door.

A few days or a week later and another Mas on Sunday, I couldn’t tolerate swallowing anything. I threw up to the point of blood, and prayed to God for help. I slept sitting up most of the night. It was one of the worst days/ nights of my life.

I haven’t touched booze since, and I credit you and God. It’s a miracle.

Bless you all for everything.”*

Patrick M. 

My Hair is Thicker

I went to get a haircut last week and the lady who cuts my hair marveled at how long my hair was.  She has been cutting my hair for years and remembered how my hair used to be thin and mousey.  I hardly had any hair at all!  Well, my hair has really gone through a transformation since I started working with Mas.  She commented last week that she has never seen anyone whose hair has changed like mine for the better as I have gotten older.  Yes, I eat better than I used to, but it wasn’t the food.  It is because I am now a higher, stronger, healthier version of myself.  My hair is growing in thicker and is almost as thick now as when I was pregnant with my second child.  Not only that, but the color is slowly reversing from gray to my natural color.  Not 100%, but it is definitely rejuvenating itself.  I actually like my hair now! “*


 Violet D.

I’ve Rebuilt My Lungs

I had two NDE’s in 2022 and had terrible lung issues. It’s been a year now, I’ve totally rebuilt my lungs and feel great! The doctors have been impressed all along the way. XI and especially ‘Spatial Referencing’ has been key to this success. “*

Tommy P.

I Slept All Night

My main problem is that I seldom get a good night’s sleep. After your entity removal meditation, I slept all night and now….all week! Even the pain and inflammation is diminishing on my right frontal lobe, thinking and speech is more clear and rapid and not one person reminded me that I ‘might have Alzheimer’s ‘. “*

Sam H.

 I am Happy for no Reason

I have been depressed my whole life, but now it seems like such a distant dream.  I am a completely different person and just so in love with life.  I am happy for no reason and in love with the simple pleasures.  Mas has helped me heal myself. “*


Violet D.

Better than 10 Years of Therapy

Mas, my friend had a session with you and she said that 10 years of therapy did nothing for her while a 10 minute session with you helped a lot. “*

Eric L.

Panic Attacks Are Gone

I had taken medication to cope with panic attacks for three years before XI. The symptoms were still growling in the basement with taking pills. But thanks to XI, all is gone. Now I know the monster in the basement is not there anymore. XI works! “*

Leslie P. 

Fibromyalgia Healed

I healed from fibromyalgia which is caused by many forms of trauma. I’ve had no symptoms for over a year now. “*

Brittany S.

Depression and Anxiety Resolved

Since starting XI, I have resolved lifelong depression and anxiety. I am just happy. “*

Peter D.

Mental Health Issues Dissipated.

Once I started XI, most of my mental health issues dissipated. “*

Sarah A.

Staying Youthful with XI

I have been doing Mas’s meditations for about 3 years now. I went to a health fair recently and one of the vendors was offering an OMRON body scan. This scan lets you know your BODY age. I am 76 years old and my body age is 43. I have no doubt that all the work I have done with Mas has helped me to stay healthy in so many ways including staying youthful physically. Thank you Mas!!! “*

Edele M.

My Vision is Clear

When I was around 11 years old I started to lose my vision. It was connected to the car accident that I had at the age of ten. I also had vitreous floaters in my left eye and my vision had become foggy. After the live scan with Mas it was clear, the haziness was gone, the vitreous floaters also lessened. “*

Sophia J.

Living the dream, Living the XI Magic!

I just wanted to share what has unfolded for me lately

So, for the last 8 years, I have been working on healing myself after a  work accident where I suffered brain and spinal trauma.

Post accident, I ended up in a wheelchair and could not process or engage in conversation. I have always been a person who had hope, but I found myself with none. Quite a scary feeling. Slowly I worked hard to change my situation, (relearning everything; how to cook, clean etc.), and gained much progress.

But my recovery really took off when I was introduced to XI nearly 17 months ago. Now I can walk with No pain. My thought processes have accelerated. And I’m feeling pretty amazing!

Abundance has exposed itself to me in so many incredible ways. And this abundance has enabled me to get back into my remedial massage business. Being able to help people in that way has been my passion for nearly 4 decades (although helping others has been a lifelong thing).

What has astounded me is how my work is affecting people. I’ve realized that my abilities have been so enhanced by XI, that I am witnessing Xponential changes in my clients. When they get off the table, I see that their faces have changed. Darkness gone, and youthfulness exposed. The feedback after a session has blown me away! Wow! Seeing the power of XI through my hands is ……. I have no words.

I  see my future. I see myself financially able to move away from government handouts and housing, and Live how I choose.

Just one more thing, I’m witnessing the power of my raised frequency. Its quite interesting watching people’s reactions to me; positive or negative. Loving my XI mind; being the observer, and being open to cleaning more rubbish out as it presents itself. No longer buying into trauma that is mine or somebody else’s. So powerful Mas.

Living the dream, Living the XI Magic!

Thank you for my True Life Mas and beautiful Team, and XI family. Onwards and Upwards XI style. “*


Sharon L.

I finally feel like I’m living MY life. 


While there are so many things that have changed, the biggest thing that has happened for me recently is my hormones. I have never had a stable cycle or hormonal balance. Doctors would look at me and tell me that it’s my genes or that they didn’t know what was wrong with me- they would load me up on medication and tell me to go home.

Within the last year I have been letting go of that pattern, and for the first time in my 28 years of living, I had a stable and regular cycle for the last three months – on top of so many other changes.

This is something that my grandmother had and all my sisters have. Something I never thought would change for me. I have been able to find supplements and creams to assist me in this process that I did not see before.

I finally feel like I’m living MY life. “*



 Hayley P.

I am healthy and I am healed

I had an accident 3 years ago and since then needed to use a cushion to sit on, but after the healing, I do not need anything to sit on. I am healthy and I am healed. Thank you so much Mas!! “*


Marta S.

I had my cycle appear!

Two years ago, Mas told me I would begin to get younger and my feminine cycle would return. I didn’t believe him. He didn’t know I went through menopause at age 42. Last week at age 64, I had my cycle appear! “*

Michelle Z.

The only thing that has ever helped my ADHD and Bipolar

When I found Mas a couple of months ago, it was the first time I could ever have my mind peaceful enough to just think! This is the only thing that has ever helped my ADHD and Bipolar. “*

Audrey B.

I got to the root cause of the pain

It is only through your help that I got to the root cause of the pain I have been experiencing for the last 11 years. And whilst I am not completely free of it yet, I feel much better. “*


Eleanor F. 

The heaviness in my head was lifted

On day one when Mas started talking I could feel the frequencies right away. It sounds strange but there was a lightness in my body and the heaviness in my head was lifted.

For the days leading up to day one of the 18-day meditation I had been feeling very positive and good and I wonder if the frequencies actually took effect a little bit before the 18 days started. My life was going much smoother than usual. Something I could get used to.”*


Terra J.

No signs of macular degeneration or cataracts

Six months ago, I had an eye appointment and the doctor said there were some signs of possible macular degeneration and cataracts. This time at my appointment there were no signs of macular degeneration or cataracts. “*

Linda C.

Stick with it!

Those facing challenges- stick with it! I quit previous 18 Day programs because I became sick. I was ‘called’ to this 18 Day and it has been transformative! I’m experiencing fabulous new financial opportunities and relationships, a marvelous enhancement in my relationship with my wife (who is also doing this 18 Day), and a healthy attitude towards work.”*

Ian M

Feels like a graduation to a new reality

This is my first Accelerated 18 Day and holy fucking shit, it feels like years of transformation! I’m getting to the core of my childhood anxious attachment wounds and really stepping into a new self and reality free from those patterns! It’s the deepest work I have ever done and clearing this feels like a graduation to a new reality.

I’m feeling so connected to my higher self and I’m stable on the inside, whatever is happening to me. It’s like I’m ready for anything.”*


I am SO MUCH clearer

The 18 days has been mega – perhaps the most penetrating one of all the 18 days I have done over 7 years. Mas’s frequencies have been epic. They have enabled me to go even deeper to break apart all the old buried trauma from my past and literally extract it out of my DNA. I have felt resolutions to many of my niggly interpersonal and intimacy patterns rising into my awareness. I am SO MUCH clearer who I am in my identity and am solidifying in relationships so they are more fruitful and enjoyable and I can set really good clear boundaries when people try and anchor into me, without the old dramas and annihilating patterns that used to accompany those challenges.”*

Isaac S.

I’m looking forward to the future

The last 18 Day broke me down completely. My job terminated me without cause and my 15 year abusive relationship is ending. It’s such a peaceful process. The 18 Day changed my whole perspective and I’m looking forward to the future.”*



Now I savor the richness of life

This last 18 Day was super strong and I often feel like I am dying. But I know this is because I have shed frequencies that are no longer beneficial. I feel different on the inside. Much happier and calmer. I feel like before, I was a walking zombie. Just doing what everyone does, going to work, coming home, cooking dinner, like I was definitely on the hamster wheel of life. I feel like now I savor the richness of life and appreciate the little things.”*


Violet D.

There are no words

Wow, there are no words anymore for the 18 Day transformation! I’m really feeling today’s Medihealings settling in. No words, just love.”*


Extremely powerful meditations

The extremely powerful meditations with Mas’ high frequency transmissions became the platform to experience, to sit, and to breathe each morning and night during our 18 Days and even more so now as my body adjusts and readjusts to new frequencies and new ways of thinking and being.”*



They just keep getting more amazing.

Every 18 Days I tell myself this one is the best one yet! But they just keep getting more amazing.”*


I have noticed a huge shift

I have noticed a huge shift in how I take in “things” in general – even bad news does not affect me emotionally as prior to starting the 18 day program. And we are not even finished yet!”*


My lungs were stronger

By the end of the 18 Days my lungs were stronger and I was not coughing so much. My spine, which was silent for so many years, was also waking up.”*


Grace P.

This is what Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad were trying to convey

After a few years of XI work, you realize that this is not a therapy program, or a success program, or a program to delete patterns. It is a tool to open our eyes and we realize this is a ‘way of life’. It is a tool to help us think and remember beyond our limited mind. That’s when we stop complaining, because we know why our life is the way it is. We continue our XI journey because of our desire to connect to the purest source. It’s not about maintenance. We use everything and every opportunity to connect to our purest self. This includes the 18 Days, because it’s the fastest and best out there. At least the best I have come across. Money, joy, love, peace are all bonuses along the way. This is what Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad were trying to convey with the limited vocabulary they had during their times.


Aisha N.

Mas’s contribution to Humanity is Over and Above

The 18-day XI experience has been fantastic..It’s been 7 years since my 3 XI Limitless 21-Day Classes with Mas and a huge part of my sensing of My awakening in Body, Mind and Spirit is contributed to those past classes. Mas’s contribution to Humanity is Over and Above what is offered out there to change your DNA, Frequency mind consciousness, back to who We originally were created to be..releasing, taking our power back, never living for the Matrix of society ever again and all of the millions of years of deliberate programming. Deep Gratitude for you Mas and XI Team for bringing this together. Much Appreciation, Love to Mas, team and loved ones..Thank you!!”*

Miranda T.

Most definitely life-changing

I feel the frequencies on the replays….most definitely life-changing still”*

Amanda T

XI is my continual reference to the Truth

During my first 18 Day Human: Upgrade I immediately began to understand how little I knew of my True self. Although staggering, it was the most welcome revelation on my path as I began to realize through XI and Masati how our reality actually works. As a long time “Truth Seeker”, XI is my continual reference to the Truth of our reality, helping me realize experientially that I do have the courage to find my Truest nature. The difficulty on the path is deceptive because the Truth is so simple, and so are the XI tools.”*


It ripples out through my life

The 18 Day transformation is like dropping a pebble into a lake. It ripples out through my life. It is seamless, so quite hard to describe.”*


My life has changed immensely

My life has changed immensely through the work I have done with Mas. I used drugs heavily including heroin and cocaine. I quit using them a while before working with Mas but had no idea that I was still holding onto the patterns. The 18 Day helped me to release all of the residues of the drugs from my body. My brain and nervous system was able to recover from extreme damage that doctors would have told me cannot happen had I gone to them. I also shed so many family patterns, belief systems, abuse patterns and physical issues. I strengthened myself and now look totally different from before. The possibilities are so amazing and when I think back to all of the experiences I had before working with Mas it literally feels like another lifetime.

Steve R

cholesterol level had dropped


Now I take no drugs at all

I have been doing Mas work for quite some time now and finally after quite a few 18 Days and Total Human Resets (THRs). I have come out on the other side. When I started I was almost bedridden with fibromyalgia. Nothing was working. I was actually quite suicidal.

After working with Mas and doing the 18 Days and THRs, I do not have any health symptoms anymore, workout almost daily, eat healthy and feel so much more present. I was on anti-depressants before and now I take no drugs at all. I have also stopped drinking alcohol to cope.*

Bernie S.

I am the happiest I have been

I signed up for the Personal Optimization and 18 Day last month. Since then, an emotional pattern I have struggled with my whole life that I considered an addiction is gone and the addictive desire is as well. I have never weighed more than 120 lbs and as a 63 year old male I know that is underweight. Today my housemate bought a scale and I weigh 132. This is more than I have ever weighed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and despite the world situation I am the happiest I have been.”*

Evan M.

My entire life has changed

Ever since starting with Mas a couple of months ago my entire life has changed. I have found my dream job and attracted absolute dream clients in my business. Financially, I’m doing better than I’ve ever done before. Have a beautiful apartment and I’m feeling centered in myself.*

Simone N.

I love my partner but

I love my partner but over the years some of our quirks began to create pain for each other. After an online relationship event with Mas something shifted in me and I realized that my happiness was independent of whether he changed or not. I got back into my own joy and stopped worrying about him, which led to him changing and he didn’t bother me anymore. Our relationship is beautiful now.”*

Sylvia Revela

My business is growing

My business is growing and shifting into more abundance and it’s like the details are working themselves out. People are flying across the country and driving hundreds of miles to come to see me for sessions.*

Jane O.

Strong in my identity

I find myself during the past few days feeling and thinking, “I don’t want a love relationship now,” FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ADULT LIFE!! This is a total WOW moment for me, as I have felt the deep anguish of being a single female for about 20 years. And yet, here I am now, eagerly awaiting my 3rd 18 Day program, feeling free and happy to be alone at this time. I believe I may be experiencing how it feels to enjoy my own company, to truly like and love ME as I am right now; to claim my own space, to feel strong in my Identity; solid, grounded, present to Myself, my Grander Self, my Life.*


I can’t WAIT for the rest of this lifetime

I would imagine Mas already knows this, but last night blew my capital M mind wide open. I don’t even know if Mas knows how powerful he is at this point already…
The experience of having him shut me down to reboot me with my will in agreement of course, was such a profound teaching by experience for me I can’t even express it in words. I’m reborn today with the double-drive to go all the way with waking up. It’s unbelievable how real and true this process is.
JESUS CHRIST MAN. I can’t WAIT for the rest of this lifetime now. From total throw away to feeling lucky to have found you. God bless you man. I am truly humbled.”

Nathan L.

I am finally seeing results

August of 2015, was a time of big shifts for me. I reached out to work with a Shaman, to help me understand what was happening. These sessions went on for 3 years at a starting point of $250 per session and more when my children were brought in. Being separated and not receiving financial support placed challenges on my finances. However, I did just about everything she suggested. Things were good, until I started to see deeper truths as she cleared the patterns and distortions through a process called “Soul Clearings”. This is when I began to question, why am I not seeing results? Why do we have to stay under this umbrella to do property clearings? I wasn’t seeing changes in my relationships, still going through the same shit I was going through when I started in 2015. I filed for bankruptcy in 2017. It wasn’t making sense. As I look back, it seems that she was not removing the contracts that were attached to me and this tribe. That frequency was still running my program. 


I came across a shared Facebook post from someone that was connected to Mas. June 4, 2018, is the day I registered  for a group session and that was the day I decided to end the sessions with the Shaman. 

I devoured Mas’s everything. I  listened to his podcast, participated in IGHs, more than several 21 days, both Human Resets, Crystalline Skulls. Anything I felt could help me make quantum leaps, I was doing it, because I felt that I had gotten behind in my evolution. Things started to unveil. I realized in moments when I would submit payment, I enjoyed doing so. I was in such gratitude because I was seeing results and noticing and becoming aware of the truth of who I am. My children were thriving and evolving into the truth of who they are. I no longer see myself as separate from anything. It just is. My finances are turning around. They are still not the best – however, I am not concerned, because I know it is not the truth and I control my reality. My health and wellbeing is becoming a place of embodiment. I walk as if I am the frequencies of Joy, Happiness, Beauty, which emanates Love.  I am able to observe and delete patterns as they arise in seconds. The relationship between me and my ex-husband is really good. He sees the changes in me, and he is changing within himself. I no longer play the victim of that relationship. My mother is no longer trying to jump into my body. She is waking up herself.  Mas appeared in my field in exact timing. If I would have not questioned, I would definitely still be in the distorted fields of my reality. There is so much more I could say about the changes in my life and within myself. ”*


Powerful shifts

I’ve been following the XI Podcast for a while now and was excited to do the new 18 Day program. I’ve been feeling multiple, powerful shifts through the last few days. I’ve heard music when I was the only one awake and felt myself both expanding and becoming more grounded within my own body.

When I started the 18 days I hoped to get help with my history of failures and interference whenever I try to move forward in life. I feel like this is already shifting and the world is starting to move around me as I change. Thank you!

The July 23rd evening exercise was excellent. I could feel myself scrolling through realities and picking the one where money and other forms of abundance flow to me effortlessly and constantly. I was smiling and joyful and the feeling of frequency change lasted for some time afterwards. ”*


Changed my understanding of consciousness

I cannot express just how this particular program has changed my entire understanding of the word CONSCIOUSNESS! Absolutely an incredible journey so far. ”*

Sarah P.

No fear, sacrifice or control

What a ride I was on during these 18 days. Processing, rebooting…

This is where I landed…

My original blueprint has a foundation strong enough to build a mansion. There is no fear of lack, no need to sacrifice and no need to control. There is only abundance to support my foundation created from my blueprint for the grand version of my mansion.”*


It’s like a brand new life.

Lying on the floor of my apartment, I looked up at the ceiling and said out loud, “Help me, please.” With my phone by my ear, I waited for my first ever Mas on Sundays episode to begin. I had spent a decade trying everything else and nothing had helped me. I had worked with many other people and programs in the past, such as psychologists, NLP, hypnosis, depth psychology, intuitive massage, spirituality, life coaches, shamans, and plant medicines but nothing had helped me with my deep feeling of sadness or with living a seemingly futile life. “Love yourself”, I was told, but “How do I DO that?!” I wondered. “Live in the present moment” and “Learn to let go” I was also told many times, “But HOW??” I just had no idea what to do. Then a trusted friend recommended Masati to me. “I will try one last thing before giving up,” I thought.

Throughout the Mas on Sundays talk, frequencies were sent to me by Mas and it was like he was speaking directly to me. “What the….??” I wondered. How did he know everything about me without first having to listen to me talk and cry for months and months about how I screwed up my life? None of that was necessary. This approach was very different. I could feel my body vibrating as I laid there on the floor, desperate for change. And something was definitely happening. Feeling these higher frequencies, I finally felt hope. I just knew I had found my answer. This was different.

I signed up for some more programs. The most recent one I completed was the 18 Day program where I actually began to feel good being in my body, for the first time ever, and I mean to the point where I LIKED being in my body! Finding Mas gave me the life experience I needed to completely turn my life around.

I will never forget in the middle of the 18 days, during a deep mirror meditation, I met my higher self for the first time and I literally fell in love with MYSELF for the first time in my life! That experience alone completely changed my life and I am forever grateful to Mas for it. I now had the experience to finally understand the HOW to, when it comes to hearing the phrase “Love yourself”.

Once the 18 days ended, I kept up with the daily practice of spatial referencing. And oh my gosh the effects were mind blowing! Life became a richer experience. I started seeing things around me I had never seen before, and more quickly and with more depth perception. While paddle boarding, I saw fish swimming below me. Sounds were resonating at a different pitch and I started hearing things in songs I had never heard before. My sense of smell was stronger and food and drinks tasted better than ever! The spatial referencing tool finally gave me experience to understand the HOW to, when it comes to hearing the phrase “Live in the present moment”.

And another huge change from doing the 18 days has been the process of letting go of my old self, which really had no true identity attached to it. Building my new, true self and discovering my real identity is an ongoing process where I am actually starting to live my own life, for myself, and not for anyone else, and I am having a total blast trying new things out to find out what it is I truly like and what it is I truly want! It’s so incredibly exciting! It’s like starting over. It’s like a brand new life.

No one on Earth has the level of abilities like Mas. Nothing inside of him gets in the way of helping others. He is enlightened. He is clear. He understood my higher self and he was able to connect me with mine. With Mas in my life, I feel like for the first time ever I have someone who is on my side.

Having this strong man in my corner brought me to a level of self-empowerment that I never thought I’d be comfortable with attaining. Throughout my whole life, people told me I was “too nice” but I had no idea how I was supposed to improve on that and still be a kind person. Mas helped me realize how I was being a doormat and taking on other people’s burdens. I am so strong now in my own power that I have become a force that cannot be reckoned with! It’s such an empowering way to live and it’s such a beautiful life now!

You see, Mas is teaching me how to live. I am forever changed. I take responsibility for, and have learned from, the mistakes I made in the first half of my life, and now the second half of my life will be pure abundance in all aspects, with NO turning back! ”*


Amy M.

The 18 Day is so powerful I have no words

I experienced a huge shift after yesterday’s 18 Day. What Mas said about financial integrity was ground-breaking. What’s fascinating is that the $$ frequency was automatically integrated during the 18 Day so that $13,000 appeared the next day followed by another $18,000 soon after. The change was seamless and effortless but I definitely felt an earth-shattering break through the deepest layers of my finance distortions. The 18 Day is so powerful I have no words. Thank you Mas!”*


A brand new life is appearing right in front of me

I am really expanding quickly and effortlessly with this 18 Day. My business is growing and shifting into more abundance and it’s like the details are working themselves out. People are flying across the country and driving hundreds of miles to come to see me for sessions. My health is coming back and food and sugar cravings are almost gone. I have been craving nature, water and healthy foods instead.  I have released a lot of distortions and am seeing a brand new life appear right in front of me. ”*

Jane O. 

Money situation improving

Every time I’ve done the 18 Day my money situation improves. ”*

Even M.

For the first time I am financially independent

Since I started with Mas this year, I cannot express how much my life has transformed.

I got into an amazing and healthy relationship which I never thought possible. I have deleted these patterns I never thought would leave me and I have changed the relationships across the board. For the first time I am financially independent. The abundance that’s taken over is hard to believe. It truly brings me to tears

I just look and feel like a different person I couldn’t even recognize myself . My skin is glowing, You wouldn’t believe it unless you see it.

I am so grateful to finally be able to step into myself. ”*


 Hema S.

I’m beginning to thrive

This is my 5th 18 Day. I’m noticing my business is busier and I’m beginning to thrive .”*


Harry W. 

I enjoy my own company

Here I am now, eagerly awaiting my 3rd 18 Day program, feeling free and happy to be alone at this time.  I believe I may be experiencing how it feels to enjoy my own company, to truly like and love ME as I am right now; to claim my own space, to feel strong in my Identity; solid, grounded, present to myself, my grander self, my Life. ”*


Human Reset is an absolute must!

Human Reset is an absolute must! Very powerful and transformative! All my relationships have changed for the better.”*


physically feel very impacted by the frequencies generated

I physically feel very impacted by the frequencies you generated for us this morning. My elimination system has been sluggish for years and I take a daily natural supplement to support me. After our morning session, I was super thirsty (I already drink a lot of water) and eliminated multiple times.”*

Ann R

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness after the last Human Reset last April. Everything in my life is amazing……love that you and Fei give so much of your time to make this available to people all over the world. It is going to be a great October and I am looking forward to discovering and using my gifts and abilities.”*

Jenny D.

All cells at a deep deep level have been reset

Though it wasn’t easy and there were moments of the mind playing tricks and release of deep cellular memories and patterns, I feel absolutely AMAZING today.

The body feels totally new. All cells at a deep deep level have been reset. I can feel everything operating at an extremely high level of efficiency.

And it’s a lot easier to maintain the timeless spirit and timebound physical body in absolute equilibrium.

For those that are gung-ho and have the burning desire to fully embody their highest and purest potential in physical form, I highly highly recommend a deep cleanse and reset such as this.”*


My mind is so sharp and alert

This is a super cool feeling. I was up at 5. Hockey game, got one kid at 7 and then three chores done before 9 am !! My mind is so sharp and alert and all I want to do is complete tasks.

Bernis S.

23-Hour Fasting Success with Total Human Reset

Hi everyone, did 5 days of 23hr fasting. Got hungry yesterday about 20hrs in. Most of the time I had no inclination to eat. During my HR eating I enjoyed my dinner and desserts with no worry about Keto or low fat or any sort of diet meals.

I lost 10lbs weight and had huge energy, cleared out rooms and stuff from the house, reorganized furniture, etc. Car loads of things gone to the charity shop and more for the rubbish dump.

This has been so easy. Thanks Mas”*

Diana A.

Gaining my vision back in a blind eye.

Gaining my vision back in a blind eye. People respect me now. I’ve always had death patterns and could never hold onto anything and now I know for a fact that nothing is going away. People are nicer to me. I used to get walked all over. My life has changed TREMENDOUSLY. I can’t even begin to express myself on this subject! “*

Destiny M.

I am really thankful to be doing this work with Mas

Today I have felt like an old version of myself. I certainly am recognizing differences in how I used to be and how far I have come working with Mas as today felt like a massive step back in time and realities. The difference is shocking.

I am really thankful to be doing this work with Mas and the Team.”*

Tim G.

Healing and Hair Growth with Total Human Reset

I have been battling an auto-immune disease which causes hair loss (similar to alopecia) for eight years. At my latest checkup with my dermatologist yesterday she said it seems to be no longer active. There are signs of vigorous hair growth and the redness and itching are gone. I will be weaned off the medication I have been taking for 6 years. Also, I have lost 23 pounds on the Human Reset program.

Thank you Mas and Alex for helping me to reset my body and my life!”*

Jemma M

My Profound Experience with Total Human Reset

After the Human Reset from 2019 I had a shift in the first week of January 2020 (Same week Mas had his upgrade). Mas was guiding the pm medihealing and told us to settle down on our pedestal and base. I saw myself stepping on my pedestal and as soon as I settled down, the base of my pedestal started ascending without mercy. It was as if I was in an elevator but without any protection or anything to hold myself, it was so fast that I got dizzy. I put all my attention on my spine and stayed centered until my base decided to stop. The next few days I felt weird until I got used to whatever happened to me that night.

My pedestal and base had a lot of changes, the last transformation I saw was like they were covered with light like lightning (Just like the picture above), it didn’t allow me to see my pedestal until a couple months later, it looks clear and transparent like an ice block, crystalline maybe.”*

Elle O.

Overcoming Sciatic Pain with Total Human Reset

This morning’s medihealing was really powerful for me. I did the last two Human Resets but my sciatic nerve started screaming with a vengeance when I tried to do the exercises, so I wound up just doing the medihealings. But after this morning’s call I was prompted to do the HIIT session. Alex Ali Sajady you nailed this one for me. Got through all 3 sets and did not get so much as a whimper from my sciatic nerve!”*

Petra N.

Feeling so clear and happy!

On day 6 feeling so clear and happy. Thank you so much for this program. The Medihealings are especially powerful- Mas is obviously upgraded in his abilities, and I am learning so much from Alex and Kristin about how my body works! Very exciting times we are all living in and through. I am so grateful for this opportunity to accelerate my awakening”*

Stella S.


Excellent job putting HR together! Mas, Alex and Kristin, it’s well organized and thought out, based on sound theories and supported by research, science and your experience. This is elevated by Mas’ incredible talent.”*

Kia K

13 Pounds Deleted with Total Human Reset

I was curious as I stepped on the scale and found that I have deleted 13 pounds since we started”*

Lorraine F

I’ve  been feeling like.. WOW with so much energy!

I’ve  been feeling like.. WOW with so much energy. I’m doing so great and never felt so alive in my life. Plus my Turkish neck has become non Turkish. I can’t wait for the next Human Reset.”*

Anna V

It’s absolutely life changing

This program is so amazing. It’s absolutely life changing. I did the October one  and I just keep doing it every 18 days. It’s literally the BEST money I’ve EVER spent!”*

Sam S

I have more energy today than ever.

I lost about 9 lbs in the past two weeks since starting the 20 hour fast.  I really like the 23 hour fast and even going longer. I will make it a part of my weekly routine as I find the benefits of having my body cleaned of all the junk very valuable.

I have more energy today than ever. I feel more aware of when my patterns with food are running things. I’m also more aware of detox and past things coming up. I am finding when I become aware of them, it’s easier to delete them now more than ever.”*


Kyle G.

I am seeing my own brilliance more every day.

I really loved this Human Reset! I am experiencing many big shifts. I can very clearly see my spirit body and physical body as frequencies, seeing /sensing the underlying frequencies / operating systems that really operate in and through people, media ect. It’s very interesting…..  I have been doing well to just observe, notice what I notice and stay present in my body and focus on my own emerging inner brilliance.

So many knowledge and technique bombs dropped by Mas! I love it! I have been practicing them on my own a lot. I now see unpleasant life experiences as an opportunity to observe the intensity of it so I can use them as valuable tools. Once I get the hang of it I’m sure I’ll blow my own mind. The cool thing is I can practice anywhere and it’s all inside me already. I don’t need anything or anyone to do them. Aha! moments..

I am seeing my own brilliance more every day.”*

Leanna R.

After cancer, I felt strong because of Human Reset

I have been doing the Human Reset…wow is all I can say… 

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


I have truly shifted and healed

I have noticed that I have truly shifted, healed,  and I continually choose to clear things that no longer serve my purest love here.I am so honored to finally know who I am so I know who I want to be! I FEEL FREE IN THIS SPACE. AND IT’S REALJOY! In the meantime, I will continue to take care of my mind, body and spirit through the tools that I have collected on my way. I KNOW I am not there yet though I AM EXCITED TO SEE where this journey will take me.The results that I am already witnessing are extraordinary, magical and so subtle sometimes”*

Diana B.

I really enjoyed the HR

I really enjoyed the HR altering Carbon 18 day! I noticed that my ability to see the underlying workings of people, things and situations from a neutral clear standpoint got really strong.”*

Leanna R.

100% Yays for Total Human Reset: A Life-Changing Transformation

100% Yays for Total Human Reset! 

When I quietly go into my thoughts, I realize with gratitude that these thoughts have massively changed.

Pre Total Human Reset, I would think of family members and their and my patterns and strategize constantly how to overcome. Now, post Total Human Reset, I scan my interior horizon to casually look for them but nothing is there — none of these previous thoughts — no desire, no need. It’s like all of the unpleasant memories and urgent needs to eradicate these have literally vaporized. 

These days when I look around at my ‘reality’ I see for example the trees in front of me or the cars driving down the road and these seem unusual. The trees seem stable and solid but the cars seem fake and floaty, like in a movie or something.

Speaking of cars, when you spoke of our old ‘vehicles’ one night, i made a mental note to push my old vehicle off the cliff but instead it easily, effortlessly ground itself into dust, leaving only my shiny black winged turbo-charged ride.

And maybe halfway through Total Human Reset, I felt myself go through some kind of unexpected effervescent door when I woke — I felt wobbly and disoriented but felt grateful, happy, surprised by it.

I still notice issues with sugar but had a small victory last night which I will use as impetus to carry forward.

There is no false advertising with you, Mas, when you say that Total Human Reset is LIFE changing.

Thank you sincerely.”*


I have infinite more energy

Before Human Reset I was experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety. I did not sleep well and was looking outside of myself for fulfilment. I was emotional eating, my skin was not very elastic… After Human Reset I have infinite more energy, I feel this intrinsic joy inside of myself regardless of anything outside of myself. I sleep better, I feel more peace, I feel strong, I feel vital, I feel energized and I just look so forward to all the magical things showing up in my life on this new path with my highest infinite potential and embodiment in all areas of my life. I would highly, highly recommend this program Human Reset to anyone – it is powerful, it is transformational, it is incredible – THANK YOU!”*

Glennon R.

I feel youthful, vibrant, abundant

I am retired and I am 66 years old – BUT I feel like 39! Human Reset was such a beautiful and amazing journey with Mas, I did it the second time. So many of my belief systems etc have just been deleted. I feel youthful, vibrant, abundant – I can’t even express how thankful I am!”*

Martha T

I feel full of hope

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


This life long burden has simply disappeared

This is my testimonial about overcoming a lifelong addiction pattern. I am a 63 year old single male who had a compulsive sexual addiction, mostly on the internet but at times with others. I knew that there had to be other root psychological causes for my behavior but as with all addictions, insight did not stop this visceral autopilot need to satisfy my desires.  Any spiritual principles I have made no difference. Because it did not disrupt my life in too great a way other than perpetuating self hatred and a weakened physical state, I never admitted it to anyone privately or professionally. 

After the 18 Day I have not had the thought, the desire or the need to act on it in any way. I was not looking for this to be the end result of my 18 Day and in fact it was not even on my mind at the time. In short it was not a conscious or desired outcome when I started the 18 Day. I cannot link any other reason other than my work with Mas as the literal overnight cessation. I am so grateful and amazed that this life long burden has simply disappeared without any further explanation or need to find the root cause but attribute it to Mas and deletion of that frequency. It is truly incredible . 

This addiction prevented me from seeking out more healthier productive relationships because so much of my mindset was one pointed. I now see my life aligning with my true authentic holistic limitless self and know it’s never too late to make a new beginning. “*


Evan M.

encouraged to stabilize on my own and be solid on my own

I had lots of “Gurus” and Coaches and I have never been encouraged to stabilize on my own and be solid on my own. That is what you get with Human Reset. Before Human Reset, I was always looking for outside things to make me complete. Gratefully I had just finished an 18 Day Accelerated program the month before Human Reset, and I was beginning to reference myself and really touch who I truly am. And during Human Reset – from the weight loss, to the healthy eating…. I started defining who I am. I started reaching a very solid, original, primal state. From there I got really inspired, I started creating and wanting to do things at the highest level – and not out of the sense that that would complete me, but that is what I am, which is really cool. I recommend Human Reset to anybody – do it! “*

Aaron B.

My mental sharpness has increased

I got so many benefits from this program. I feel more youthful, more joyful. My mental sharpness has increased. I walk with more confidence, I lead with more confidence. The best benefit that I got from this program is definitely my relationship with my youngest daughter. She used to push me away and now she hugs me, she kisses me good night, goodbye and she says she loves me. So thank you Mas and thank you for the amazing group that we had. “*

Samantha D.

I had no idea that it could shift so quickly!

I did Human Reset – Altering Carbon and it really changed my life. Before Human Reset, I was just getting out of an abusive relationship, I felt sluggish, I had a hard time keeping my commitments and discipline and following through on certain things. After Human Reset, I feel super solid. I feel super centred. I feel like I am becoming more and more like me. I have no problem at all staying on the course and staying disciplined and  my body feels so much better. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.  I had no idea that it could shift so quickly…. but it did- in just 18 days! “*

Simone N.

I was in fear, after Human Reset, I was no longer in fear

Before Human Reset- I was in fear, after Human Reset, I was no longer in fear. I would  definitely recommend it- but I would also recommend that the person that undertakes this program is prepared to put in as much effort as they expect the results coming back. Meaning that you get what you put into this process.”*

Felicity M.

I’m really stepping into who I am and who I want to be.

The Human Reset program has been amazing. This is the second one I’ve taken. I’ve been working with Mas since January and every month I’m getting more and more connected to myself. It’s about me getting connected to myself and having the power to do that. Being a part of the Mastermind and having Mas help facilitate that has been amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see changes.  I’m more present,  I’m speaking my voice and I’m really stepping into who I am and who I want to be. “*

Karena B.

I’m stepping into my power and finding out who I really am

After the Human Reset, I’m much more confident in myself. I’m stepping into my power and finding out who I really am. The frequencies in this program were incredible.  I actually can now feel my higher self around me which I couldn’t before. Even though I have not seen the physical changes yet, I am sure now that whatever is true for me will show up.  I’m no longer seeking and searching for what it is. I’m just more confident that it will show up because I have a trust in my higher self. Thank you so much. It was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.”*

Emilia B.

Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time

Before doing the Human Reset program, I had digestive and intestinal problems. Now all of that has been improved. I am more here in this body- now than ever. Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time. In this program, there are exercises that are included that strengthen your core and now I am able to get up off of the floor without having to grab on to anything. This program is really amazing. It’s powerful and it is life changing and I would highly recommend it for anyone. Thank you Mas. Thank you Kristin and Alex and the Mas team.”*

Donna R.

Sensational changes

I just did the Human Reset  and had sensational changes. Physically, I felt  much more energy…. losing fat, building lean muscle. Mentally, I felt much more clarity, more sustained energy in the brain and a much more positive attitude. And spiritually, I had a lot of realizations. 

I would like to recommend the Human Reset to everyone who’s willing, no matter what your level, because you’ll change for sure in all aspects. You will have lots of exercises, diets, the  Mastermind  (which is a group of people who help to keep you committed), and then especially the frequency work, which is the basis of everything and keeps you going on in this amazing journey. “*

José S.

Discovering My True Self

Before the human reset program, I had been working with Mas for over a year, so I had some distortion patterns cleared. But during this program, I cleared real deep ones. I got to know who I am and what I am -strong and stable. My communications changed. They’re straightforward without any expectation of an outcome. I see things more clearly around me. I see more opportunities. I am a new version of me- I know it, I feel it. My thoughts, my consciousness-they are different on a different level. The old version of me is no more. My body changed, my body shape changed- it looks healthier. It is the form that I am pleased with. 

Do I recommend this program?  Of course!  To anybody- all walks of life. I think any person can benefit from a program that shows them who they are because that’s the best place to create your life from. Thank you Mas and the Human Reset team for making this available. See you later.”*


Mandy M.

The only program that can help you re-engineer your body

This Human Reset is my third one and it is beyond words -just beyond words! You see that I’m building muscle, I lost  fat under the skin, I lost visceral fat. It was simply amazing.  I just want to tell you from my heart, that Human Reset -Altering Carbon is the only program on planet earth that can help you re-engineer your body. I’m living proof. “*

Jenny N.

I could feel the expansion

Before Human Reset I didn’t feel good, I just kept getting tired and there was something missing and no matter what I did, it would seem to be like that. During Human Reset I enjoyed the diet, I managed to last for 26 hours. I felt clean and clean. I could feel the expansion, I felt my spirit body merge with my physical body and I am so grateful to you all. I am now 78 years young and I would recommend this 100%. “*

Sarah P

I own my health for the rest of my life

I would highly recommend Mas and Human Reset. I would say the biggest change is my attitude, my sense of peace and wellbeing, and that I own my health for the rest of my life. I’ve been with Mas for three months now and it has been a remarkable shift and change mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I am well grounded in who I am and what I want out of life and have the ability to love myself and love others more than ever. Thank you Mas and thank you to your team as well and to Alex and Kristen for the wonderful program.”*

Kia K.

I felt a stability, peace of mind, and an amazing state of being

I did my first Medihealings in August and September and I already had amazing results. I have to say with the Human Reset program I did in October, I really felt a stability, a peace of mind, and an amazing state of being. I recommend this program to everyone who is seeking for peace, inner peace, and joy. It really helped me to understand a lot of things around and inside. So thank you very much.”*

Bethany L.

Revitalized and Rejuvenated

I’m a medical doctor with a holistic approach. My passion is reverse aging, anti-ageing, aesthetics and beauty. Before Human Reset, I was sick, tired, drained, overweight, overwhelmed, I had a lot of pain, and I was broke. After working with Mas, XI and Human Reset I’ve recovered my vital force, my youthful look, my health and vibrancy. I even lost about 15 kilos in a short period of time. I’ve recovered my hair and its color. The reverse ageing process has been very intense. I was detoxing a lot at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

I highly recommend the Total Human Reset. I have high resonance with Mas and the HR team’s work,  tapping into the simplicity, purity and transparency of this process. I want to keep upgrading to higher levels of consciousness and fully integrate my spirit with this human reality for the benefit of myself and others. So thank you very much and a big hug from Colombia.  “*

Andrelo L.

From Couch Potato to Energetic

Before Human Reset in October 2020 I was a typical couch potato with lots of cravings, eating junk food, carbs, sugar, you name it. I felt heavy, energetically drained, and I didn’t feel like moving. I’d never fasted in my life, and had yo-yo dieted since I was a young teenager.

When I started the Human Reset program I was amazed at how easy it was to fast. I never thought I’d be able to even do 12 hours of fasting, but during the program I always fasted for longer.  

It was amazing – I lost 8 kg, I feel so energetic. The Medihealings, Mas and everyone were just amazing!  

If anyone is thinking of doing the Human Reset but they think fasting will be too difficult, don’t worry – you’re gonna do it, and you’re gonna breeze through it. It’s really, really easy. I felt so motivated that even my favourite chocolate bar wasn’t tempting anymore. That was so great!

So go for it! I’m still doing 18 hour fasts, and I’m still losing weight.

Thank you so much, Mas and everyone.

Marietta P

I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle

Before the Human Reset I was feeling really fearful about fasting, and  exercising while fasting. I was also fearful about doing longer meditations and fitting all of this into my  schedule. But as it turns out, it was really easy and pretty seamless. And I realised how strong I am and how capable I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle. I’m really looking forward to the next Human Reset and I’d recommend it to anyone as a way to feel empowered and in control of your own life. And I’m just so thankful.”*

Sarka T.

I began recovering myself

When I had my first IGH with Mas my entire lineage showed up, and it’s been a journey to separate myself from that. The first Human Reset I lost 46 lbs. In the next one, my pain body kicked in and I was not able to do anything but the Medihealings®. This time, I’ve finally awakened to the fact that my older sister, when she died, merged with me when I was just four. The reason why I couldn’t remember anything is because it became her life. I was finally able to recover that moment, and this month I began recovering myself. I was able to exercise and feel that I’m back in control of me. I am so grateful, thank you so much.”*

Petra N

my  scoliosis went away

During the last HR class, my  scoliosis went away, just minor muscle imbalance left which I’m working on. My eye color changed and I have started to notice my facial structure changes now.”*

Grace R.

I am so grateful for the Human Reset program

I am so grateful for the Human Reset program and that I took the time to invest in it. It’s just hard to imagine the shift in my energy, my self-worth. I thought I was doing well before… but now I am exponentially better than I ever was. Great things are happening, and they are happening synchronistically.  I got a contract right away, I got a place to live right away, I feel like I’m settled where I’m supposed to be. I can walk in the woods and know that I am everything I need to be. And the rest just flows. So thank you, it has just been amazing. And losing 25 lbs was a bonus too.”*

Lorraine F.

Total Human Reset Eased My Divorce Process

I am a stay at home mom going through divorce. Before Human Reset, I was a little bit frazzled, but at the same time, I was able to center myself. After human reset, I gained a greater clarity in the frequencies I was holding on to that was distorting me and that was lengthening that divorce process. I can honestly say that I am so much happier now. I’m almost done with the divorce and the process has been going more smoothly just because I was able to take ownership of my distortions and confirm my deletions. I was so happy to see myself going with the flow not holding on to certain outcomes, regardless of what happens, I am amazed at how at ease I feel. I wholeheartedly recommend human reset as well as 18 days. Good luck, everybody. I hope this testimonial will assist you in your journey”*

Anita A.

It’s been eye opening

I started working with Mas Summer last year and this will be my second Human Reset. With the first one I had huge changes and many old patterns dying off. It’s been quite eye opening. “*

Mandy S.

Total Human Reset Transformed My Life

I just remembered that I used to procrastinate and dream about living life to its fullest. Now I Just do it, no negotiation. The last Human Reset- reset my body. Easy weight loss balanced with no effort. It’s maintained. Yes, confirmation that Human Reset and Spirit really works! “*

Dramatic positive changes

Before I started working with Mas, my oldest daughter was not doing well. She was literally hitting her head against the wall and pulling her hair out. She would regularly threaten to kill herself. She even came after me with a bat. 

She kept having the same negative scenarios with her coaches and sports/performance where she would not be seen, not be treated fairly, and would injure herself or sabotage her performance. 

Physically, she had bad acne that wasn’t responding to any treatments. 

On top of it, and most importantly, she was having debilitating cramps and stabbing chest pains and passing out at school or whenever she did strenuous cardiovascular exercise.

Her father’s family has heart issues – a congenital prolapsed valve (supposedly asymptomatic) and her dad’s brother had to have a valve replacement at Mayo five years ago Needless to say, it was very scary. 

We tried traditional therapy which seemed to make things worse. 

We tried supplements, bodywork, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, flower essences with some improvement but not really getting deep, lasting change. She just wasn’t herself and she didn’t want to be here. 

A trusted friend told me about how Mas had helped her sister who had breast cancer so I checked him out. 

I was immediately impressed with Mas’s authenticity. What he said made sense and felt true. And best of all, it wasn’t about his ego. He wasn’t trying to be a guru, it was the opposite. He was trying to wake us up to the way reality works. It never felt like he was trying to profit or like he had any ulterior motives like so many other consciousness purveyors. He was able to answer so many of my questions, questions I didn’t know that I had, such as why goal setting doesn’t work, or why most of the self-help and spiritual growth work hadn’t been effective. 

I started doing the 18 Days and brought my daughter in, as suggested. 

I recognized that I’d clung to her when she was born as a way to render and identify myself and changed my smothering ways. This shift had an almost immediate, positive impact on her and on our relationship. 

I kept doing the 18 Days and kept bringing her in.

A lot of people thought I was crazy and made fun of me, but I could see and feel the changes so I kept signing up and showing up. 

In a surprisingly short period of time, my daughter started venturing out of her room more, and engaging. She found better coaches, teammates and training. Even her skin started clearing up. 

The most miraculous part is that when I took her to Mayo to have her heart checked so she could participate in sports, they couldn’t find a problem!!! They said it was a combination of allergies and hormones and that she would grow out of it. She didn’t even have the congenital prolapsed valve!! 

I literally sobbed with relief and I know with certainty that it was a result of working with Mas. 

I don’t try to explain this to too many people because it is too easily explained away as there never being a problem with her heart to begin with, but I know that it could have been a very different scenario if I hadn’t changed my frequencies and I am deeply, deeply grateful for the help and guidance of Mas and the team that makes it possible for him to deliver his gifts.

We still have a ways to go but she isn’t injuring herself and is better able to navigate upsetting situations without threatening to kill herself or sabotaging herself in other ways. 

All of these dramatic, positive changes in less than a year and without therapy! 



The possibilities are so amazing

My life has changed immensely through the work I have done with Mas. The 18 Day has helped me to recover myself from a place of no return. I was broken apart and scattered in different realities and time frames. I had a bunch of different identities and so many different control sources. I also had no conscious realization of all of the psychological abuse I had experienced and I was terrified to live in my body. 

I used drugs heavily including heroin and cocaine. I quit using them a while before working with Mas but had no idea that I was still holding onto the patterns. Also the 18 Day helped me to release all of the residues of the drugs from my body. My brain and nervous system was able to recover from extreme damage that doctors would have told me cannot happen had I gone to them. I also shed so many family patterns, belief systems, abuse patterns and physical issues. I strengthened myself and look totally different from before.

I never had good relationships and couldn’t grow and evolve in this lifetime because I never knew who I was. Now I have amazing relationships that help me to evolve and become an even better version of myself. I learn and grow from every experience now. My body is such a comfortable home now. It is lighter than even the feeling I was chasing through drugs. And now I am learning to expand into realties to get information. I am understanding my abilities more and more. The possibilities are so amazing and when I think back to all of the experiences I had before working with Mas it literally feels like another lifetime. I would recommend the 18 Day to anyone. It is the most profound and powerful product. Its value cannot be measured and the price for what you get is unbelievable! Thank you Mas and Team ~ “*

Steve R.

I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders

I am a 63 year old man who has lived a pretty sedate and quiet life. I usually will investigate extensively before I jump into anything. I did not do this with Mas . For whatever reason I found myself listening intently to him. I signed up for the Personal Optimization and 18 Day last month. Since then, I have received money from unexpected sources. An emotional pattern I have struggled with my whole life that I considered an addiction is gone and the addictive desire is as well. I have never weighed more than 120 lbs and as a 63 year old male I know that is underweight. Today my housemate bought a scale and I weigh 132. This is more than I have ever weighed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and despite the world situation I am the happiest I have been. While I still don’t know Mas particulars I can only go by what I have felt in frequency which is what counts most. Thank you for being a part of my journey. “*


Evan M., Holistic Nutrition Counselor and Massage Therapist

In awe of this incredible process

On the Day 7 AM HR session I experienced a heavy, heavy feeling that pulled me down like a strong magnet – a death experience perhaps? Then it changed. It began to bubble and glitter and the heavy, heavy feeling was transmuted into happiness and lightness! Afterwards I was all bubbly, silly and joyful for a couple of wonderful hours. Definitely in awe of this incredible process. “*

Hayley G


I participated in the last Total Human Reset and I wanted to report my progress.

I find that all in all, I have come into myself more than ever before in my life!

I feel more unity within myself!

A positive “defiance” has set in.

Also, a courageous kind of confidence is installed in my being.

I am also experiencing a oneness of my Spirit and physical state, the I Am presence!

The experiential realization that I AM HEALING MYSELF is coming through in a huge way!!!

I had a brain tumor in 1998 and ever since then, every 6-18 months have had mini-strokes that lasted a very short time. During THR, the mini-strokes increased in timing and duration and I began to get fearful. On one of the meditations, all of the fear resolved. It didn’t matter if I had a massive stroke and was totally debilitated! (On a side note, I am a pretty serious, some would say intense but a calm individual. I like to be even-keeled. That state of neutrality that is characteristic of the Source within.) 

During that particular meditation, I saw people walking around with masks on and envisioned their mouths erased!!! I cracked up laughing out loud during the meditation!

I have been to a neurologist who put me on a medication called Kepra. He told me that it may have the side effects of depression. Which after being on it for 2 days proved to be true. I now take it and set the intention that it will magnify my gifts, talents and abilities and to this point, it has done just that! Much to my amazement, the opposite of depression has occurred! 

The amplification of my gifts, talents and abilities has definitely shown up in my shamanic practice and is more than evident!!!

On another note, there are very few experiential times when I really felt like I found my home. One was when I stepped out of the airport in Peru and looked at a mountain. Another was when I entered a center in Vermont where I was met with applaud by long-lost like-minded individuals. 

 I have to say that that ever alluding frequency and EXPERIENTIAL feeling of family and home actually came through just this morning in doing a replay of one of the THR meditations.

I can truly state that ya’ll are my family even more so than my blood family.

Alignment is profound and everything!

From deep within my heart, I can sincerely state that I love Mas and his angels!!!!


I have found my home and I wasn’t even looking!

Blessings to you all!!!”*

~Paul B.

I literally felt the shift

Today was an amazing Day.  For me the experience went from ‘out there’ to ‘in here’.  I literally felt the shift.  After this morning’s session, as I went through my day, not one but two life events just opened up for me.  One I know is for me.  The other is an opportunity I will be looking into further.”*

Rachel C

clean my body and clear my soul

Today I woke up after three days of fasting. I never thought that I could do it with ease, in such a supported way. In fact, I was not hungry or desperate to eat. I want to continue to clean my body and clear my soul. “*

Carrie H

such a magical experience 

Last week during my fast I had so much energy and clarity. I kind of felt like I transcended my body at some point. I had no sense of discomfort physically at all, therefore I extended my fast to 95hrs and stayed active!! It was such a magical experience “*

Reena S.


Total Human Reset was phenomenal. Over the past three days, I just listened to it again and WOW! I understood what I experienced over February at a deeper level and had an amazing and intense three days listening to the replays so close together. “*

Laura K.

accelerated class was amazing

Last night’s accelerated class was amazing. What an amazing and wonderful feeling. I didn’t  know how good it felt to navigate through my body. I just wanted to stay there. Now I have a whole new tool to use, as well as  the understanding behind it. My body is amazing how it operates  and supports me.”*

Sandra A.

frequencies super-charged, so powerful

The [Total Human] Reset this month is super-charged, so powerful. I was barely functional after meditating for an hour and a half last night. Then I had all these brilliant dreams! I felt something around me in the middle of the night and instinctively invoked Mas’ frequency and I saw the cosmos with beautiful patterns of energy flow and symbols. It was so cool! I soon realized that what I brought in wasn’t ‘Mas’ per se, but that level of frequency…….obviously very very elevated.”*

Lauren S.

I feel totally loved by me

I feel totally loved by me. I’ve never loved myself before like this. Thank you. 

I feel confident, vibrant, healthy and strong.   I have noticed that my two daughters, aged 36 and 19, have changed their attitude towards themselves and others in their workplaces.  One works for aged care and the other works with childcare and they have become more understanding of me as their mum. And they do show me more love.

I have lost 5 kilos of weight as my waistline was 33 inches before I did the Total Human Reset and now it is 30 inches. l did the Keto diet and I borrowed Keto books from the library and a human anatomy book so I could understand my body.  

I am happy to have found Total Human Reset and Mas. Thank you for showing me how important I am and explaining the Keto diet and fitness exercises. “*

Dee R.

My skin looks amazing

My skin is looking amazing and I lost a couple of centimeters around my body. “*

Dee R.

I let go of old patterns that blocked me from my full potential

This last total human reset topped all of the programmes for me. It’s been such a wonderful journey, where I could let go of old patterns that blocked me from living my full potential.”*

Martha T

I feel l 20 years younger

After this total human reset, I feel l 20 years younger. I have been with many masters and teachers and gurus and, this Total Human Reset has topped everything. I feel such a gentleness for myself, for others and for the life itself. I have a quiet expanded silence inside. “*

Harry T

Everything I need just gravitates towards me

The recent Total Human Reset programme was amazing and I experienced a lot of changes. 

My awareness of time and space and realities shifted to a new level. I feel more independent and I don’t need help from Mas every time I feel disoriented. I had about 8 new job opportunities and everything I need just gravitates towards me. My skin renewed itself and I noticed my nails about 5 times stronger. Not that I had any issues with my skin or nails, or that I was trying to achieve a result by doing anything special, but I just randomly noticed these results. I feel healthier and stronger. “*


I deserve the most abundant XI life.

I started out being overweight, eating terrible, hating exercise, hating really everything-including myself.  Now I really love myself. I deserve the most abundant XI life.  I did lose inches, my joints don’t hurt as they did before, my skin is healing.  I don’t feel stuck.  I also have a new relationship with XI.  I used to “hang” on Mas’s every word for help.   Respectively, now I don’t need him. I see him as a tool, someone I can go to for advice. I don’t have any of this figured out. My life is not perfect……   that is ok, because I feel really lucky and special as I am now. “*

Aoife S

Fantastic Benefits from THR

The benefit of the Total Human Reset to me has been fantastic. I have been experiencing a much better body shape. I’ve lost heaps of weight. My digestion is much better, my sleep is much better. I have had just a more peaceful and calmer approach. Everything I do outside of the meditations now is much more efficient and effective.”*

Sherri S.

Rediscovering Health and Wealth

I have been in all the THR programs, but did it for the frequencies and the humans involved -not the weight and exercise benefits. I never took the diet and exercise program seriously before. I’m lucky. I’ve always been in great shape. That said, one serious concussion and a pandemic later, it isn’t so easy to just pop into yoga or whatever…It has been a long haul and the concussion has taken its toll. And I am looking at THR much differently. Autophagy is terrific and combined with keto…it is a game changer. The wealth part of THR is so incredible and for those who are first timers, it is such a BONUS! You can’t imagine. I am just so happy to be among such good loving wonderful humans. Twice a day, I get to be in the company of the best that humanity has to offer. I am honored and humbled”*

Kathleen K

Discovering My True Self

During the Total Human Reset, I met my identity, I think for the first time ever and that was a surreal experience. I cried, I laughed, it was almost like coming home. I’m two and a half centimeters taller, my eye color has changed. In total, I lost six kilogrammes, which was pretty amazing considering that I had tried a lot of times to lose weight, and I’ve managed to keep all of it off. I would highly recommend the Total human reset to absolutely anybody.”*

Monica B.

I’d 100% recommend this program

I’d 100% recommend this programme. Whatever you’re looking for, because it focuses on those key components of life, this programme has it for you.”* 

Kylie P

There’s nothing as unique as XI

Total Human Reset is a game changer. For the first time ever, I’m no longer here to fix myself, to find what is wrong. Rather I’m here to live out of my full potential and to access possibilities that I didn’t even think were possible. I feel whole, complete. I no longer seek outside myself. There’s nothing as unique as XI. “*

Emilia B

A deep cleansing of any old patterns

The past Human Reset was a deep cleansing of any old patterns that I had regarding my relationships, health and finances. I saw very clearly that they are very intertwined and I could experience way more peace and calm where I previously experienced stress and anxiety. I’ve been able to support people around me without being drained (which was my previous pattern, I would just ‘lose myself’ in others frequently) and I’ve built a beautiful relationship with my body. I now have days where I can’t wait to wake up and check myself out in the mirror to see how much more beautiful I have become (I know this sounds weird, but if you see before and after pictures you’d understand). “*

Simone N

From Broken to Vibrant

I went from broke, broken, feeling sluggish, depressed, self-doubt, all of that-  to now feeling vibrant, energetic. I’ve broken my cravings that I’ve had for years. I’ve broken through so many self-sabotage patterns. I’ve manifested my dream job. I’ve gotten promoted within my dream job. I’ve got new clients in my business. I’m feeling financially healthier than I’ve ever been. I’ve let go of abusive relationships and toxic relationships in my life without any guilt. It’s been actually a really beautiful letting go process. And I’ve healed my scoliosis! “*

Simone N.

Self-Destruction to True Self

Before the Human Reset, I was coming from a place where I was sacrificing myself and destroying myself, and I was getting a lot of injuries.  Mas helped me realise that and completely shed my identity, and helped me recreate my life through my true self. I feel like there are so many opportunities that I’m expanding into, that I can claim in a different way than before.”*

Kiona B

I’m literally living a new human version of myself

This Total Human Reset was the most powerful one yet. I experienced a lot of abuse, addiction, control, being controlling, fear, pretty much the full spectrum of lack patterns. I was able to disconnect from all of that on such a deep level, that when I look back on it, it seems like a different lifetime- and that’s due to the cellular change that I’ve experienced. I’m literally living a new human version of myself.  “*

Steve R.

From Toxic Patterns to True Love

I did the first THR and had the worst relationship patterns going in. And literally the day after THR ended, I started the most spectacular relationship with my true soul-mate!”*


Freed from Alcohol Addiction

THR took my alcohol addiction away – I’m so grateful.”*

Nancy M.

From Mini Stroke to Miraculous Recovery

A few years ago, the doctor said I had to take aspirin for the rest of my life for a mini stroke I had. I had numerous eye injections because of the incident. I have not taken aspirin since THR about 4 years ago and my optometrist said they have never seen anybody’s eyesight healed as well as mine, and to keep doing what I’m doing. In addition I went down 2 sizes and haven’t gained back the original weight. I eat so much cleaner and healthier. I’m thankful for THR.”*

I FINALLY have been able to let go of needing alcohol.

The most profound transformation during this 18 days that I have noticed (and it has only been one week!) is that I FINALLY have been able to let go of the feeling of needing alcohol.  I realized that my whole life I used alcohol as a crutch to stabilize myself.  While I officially gave up drinking 7 years ago, I still have always had those feelings of wanting a drink for many years.  Even though I rarely, if ever, gave in to it, it was still there.  During this 18 days, I was destabilized enough to where the feeling came up to the point where I went out and actually bought alcohol (haven’t done that in a long time), however, just as I was going to drink it, I had a very profound realization that my feeling like I need to drink is because I am destabilized and that is has been a crutch for me.  Guess what happened next?  I did not drink it because the feeling actually went away.  This is such a huge thing for me because I have battled with alcohol my whole life.  I realized there is a crack inside me that in the past was temporarily filled by alcohol (numbing the pain), but I don’t want that anymore.”*



 Elena D.

Total Human Reset shifts every aspect of you

Total Human Reset will shift every aspect of you….best thing I have ever done. “*

Bridget K.

My thyroid healed

I healed my thyroid during the last THR. During one of the Medihealings, I felt my thyroid working optimally and at the same time an amazing level of self love. It was transformational. “*

Eva P

I lost 30 pounds

I lost 30 pounds from the first Human Reset and have kept it off. I always felt that when I had that extra weight, it wasn’t the real me.”* 

Jenny E.

I finally like what I’m seeing in the mirror

For the first time in years, I finally like what I’m seeing in the mirror. I’m 54 so this means a lot to me.”*

Gemma F.

THR Shifted My Partner’s Frequency

It’s fascinating how doing THR has been a catalyst for my partner to have a total shift without him even listening to the meditation. He has changed to match my changing frequency..and mirrors my shift…it is amazing…he just got it…amazing stuff. I’m so grateful. “*

Maria G.

THR truly changed my life.

THR truly changed my life. Everyday is getting better and better! The diet is amazing! “*

Valerie C.

I don’t think I have ever felt this safe in myself

Lots has changed this month. New opportunities have arisen, I’ve been having fun and trusting myself in ways I haven’t before. I feel safe in my home, body and work and I don’t think I have ever felt this safe in myself. I know THR has been the catalyst. “*

Liliya T.

I’m 51 but look and feel like I’m in my mid 30’s!

I’ve done all of the Total Human Resets- I’m 51 but look and feel like I’m in my mid 30’s!”*

Shannon L.

My senses are brighter than ever before

Today I took a walk in the forest and all my senses were brighter than ever before and nature took me into a deep stillness. I also felt so young. Even though I am 80, I felt like I was 60 or younger.  Thank you again. “*

Harry T

30 Years of Pain Relieved

I am so glad I did the THR!!!.  I have always eaten well but honestly, was afraid of consuming fat.  So I was very reluctant to try MCT oil and Ghee but I trusted Mas (and by extension Alli) and do think the keto has really made a difference.  I would not have tried keto (and I have tried everything else!) if it were not for Mas.  I just finished a two day fast (with nothing but keto coffee).  The crazy thing is that since the THR started, I have gone through two bottles of MCT oil and two jars of ghee, but I think I am losing weight! More importantly, I think my liver is healing, as well as my brain.  For the last 30 years I have had a pain in my back near my liver.  Doctors were not able to figure out what it was- I had CT scans, MRIs, liver enzyme tests, sonograms, chiropractic care and no one could figure out why I had a constant pain.The closest I ever got to figuring out what was going on was from my acupuncturist, who told me I had a weak, congested liver and that I was experiencing nerve pain.  Well, every single day on the THR (and even every single day since then), I opened up my fast with Alli’s lemon and blueberry slushy.  And lo and behold, after a few weeks, I could tell that I was experiencing less pain, which is something that has not happened to me in 30 years!!!!!!”*

Violet D.

My liver feels better

I am so very looking forward to THR.  I started to feel the effects as soon as I signed up.  Already after just 2 days, my liver feels better and I am hopeful and optimistic.”*

Violet D

medicine for my soul

THR is off the charts!  Each session has been crafted with love and inspiration.  Mas’ Medihealings are medicine for my soul “*

Violet D.

loving every moment of this wild experience

I’m loving every moment of this wild experience…thank you Mas. “*

Alexandra R

The Global Impact of Total Human Reset

This THR has been the most empowering and results driven program that I have ever experienced. There was zero coincidence in the global timing. The work being done here is also on behalf of humanity and the impact of this collective with Mas at the helm has profound beneficial effects. Do not think for one moment that what trials we face are simply our own. We signed up for this magnificent event on a multitude of levels.”*

Leon B.

The 18 Hour Fast was miraculously easy

I never thought I could ever fast for 18 hours and not eat food for so long. It is my first time and it has been miraculously easy. “*

Michelle K.

I released decades worth of patterns

I released decades worth of patterns in just 10 days with Total Human Reset.”*

Petra G

Most profound and healing experience in my life!

This THR has been the most profound and healing experience in my life! Everything I have been searching for on an emotional and spiritual level I am experiencing and more. It is beyond words! So much has and still is being cleared and replaced with PURE LOVE and PURE JOY! It is so beautiful! I am sitting here as I write this crying tears of pure joy! Thank you Mas and Team!”*

Donna R.

My true self is shining

Thank you Mas and team. I’ve changed so much and even my family is commenting. So many deep filters are leaving and my true self is shining.”*

Nicola D

Purging the Past

This is the first THR where I was off meds and I have definitely been purging the cellular debris of all the old medications during this THR.”* 

Hope C.

This THR Awaken has been awakening on steroids.

This THR Awaken has been awakening on steroids. I’m feeling very very solid right now. So many downloads and physical shifts. Incredible and profound. “*

Jamie P.

I’m excited to see my life from a higher perspective

Such a wild ride. I’m excited to see my life from a higher perspective and all the patterns that I released from a new awareness “*

Parker L

A humbling journey

It’s been a humbling journey and I am in gratitude for everything I accomplished and for being a part of the group. “*

Belinda A.

An amazing reset

This has been an amazing reset. I don’t crave sugar or chocolate now! “*

Jacinta M.

Its beautiful and brutal at the same time

Just want to say how much of a pleasure it’s been to take this journey over the past weeks. It’s been beautiful and brutal at the same time, tears of pain to tears of happiness. Thank you Mas for the frequencies and guidance to find this higher version, and Alli for your guidance in finding a healthier intake. Words don’t come close.”*

Sebastian R

results are incredible

I did the whole diet and fasting and hardcore exercise with the THR this time and results are incredible”*

Carrie P.

I feel more free

THR was amazing! I feel more free. Thank you team!”*

Gloria D.

Life changing and powerful

This THR was the most transformative THR so far. Life changing and powerful.”*

Sol L

THR changed my life AGAIN 

THR changed my life AGAIN “*

David W

Total Human Reset was unreal

Total Human Reset was unreal. Such huge changes”*

Alberto B.

I felt like I was meeting my body for the first time

As a result of the Total Human Reset Program, I felt as though I fully came to inhabit every part of my body, and in some ways, I felt like I was meeting my body for the first time. I was aware, as if with an epiphany, that I completely trusted my body. And lastly, I completely trusted the universe and therefore my journey in it. “*


Sandra T

Transformed My Relationship with Food

The way Alli set up the entire meal plan was beautiful and  she primed the group with her take on nutrition, food, and fasting. It was not about  lack but about recapturing the essence of our relationship with food, to allow it to nurture and not be such a negative struggle. I have never encountered such a nice way to go about changing my relationship with food, or to frame a new eating program. Wow. Personally, I have struggled with sugar cravings a lot. I had been diagnosed with insulin resistance and took Metformin for years which is something diabetics take. But I’m not diabetic. Nutritionally, I was in crisis in many ways. 

Now, I am no longer on any medications. “*

Sandra T.

From Medication to Mindful Living

I took anti depressants and anti anxiety medication for nearly 25 years, and for the past 10 years I also took medication for blood pressure and insulin resistance. I don’t take anything anymore. I don’t eat packaged foods, gluten, corn products or sugar. I treat myself and my body with more love and reverence. It’s made a world of difference.”*

Jennifer B.

THR changed how I eat and feel about my body

I did the Total Human Reset program with Mas back in October and it totally changed how I eat and how I feel about my body. I no longer take any medications and I have lost nearly 40lbs. I’ve begun to see everything in a new way.”*

Jennifer B.

Two years alcohol free

I’m two years alcohol free this year after THR “*

Tara W.

Unlocking Vocal Freedom: A Singer’s Journey with XI

Loving the Total Human Reset! As a performing singer, it’s so interesting to notice the impact on my voice. So much freedom, strength, openness. this happened when I did the 18 Day too. When frequency is elevated and attuned, there is a natural freedom in expression. It’s beautiful and I’m grateful for this work and this community! “*

Chad E.

Lighter than ever before

A year of 18 Day meditations and I’m more stable and happy, and lighter than ever before. I take longer than some to let go but I’ve healed layers and layers of distortion and trauma in a short time.”*

Eva P.


This has been the most transformative experience for me”*

Silvia M.

A totally fresh slate

Wow, so much has shed from me this 18 Day- layers I didn’t even know were buried. Today I felt like I’d woken up with a totally fresh slate.”*

Samuel F.

More vibrant

Everything looks clearer and more vibrant. Thanks Mas”*


Truly magic

Thank you Mas! These 18 Days have been truly magic. So many moments of pure connection and bliss. Thank you so very much for shining your light.”*

Shonda A.

I feel a calmness

I feel a calmness that I haven’t before. My heart rate lowered and my body relaxed like in no other meditation. I’m staying in this place- it’s awesome.”*

Sammy R.

The heaviness in my head was lifted

On day one when Mas started talking I could feel the frequencies right away. It sounds strange but there was a lightness in my body and the heaviness in my head was lifted.

For the days leading up to day one of the 18-day meditation I had been feeling very positive and good and I wonder if the frequencies actually took effect a little bit before the 18 days started. My life was going much smoother than usual. Something I could get used to.”*


Terra J.

Stick with it!

Those facing challenges- stick with it! I quit previous 18 Day programs because I became sick. I was ‘called’ to this 18 Day and it has been transformative! I’m experiencing fabulous new financial opportunities and relationships, a marvelous enhancement in my relationship with my wife (who is also doing this 18 Day), and a healthy attitude towards work.”*

Ian M

Feels like a graduation to a new reality

This is my first Accelerated 18 Day and holy fucking shit, it feels like years of transformation! I’m getting to the core of my childhood anxious attachment wounds and really stepping into a new self and reality free from those patterns! It’s the deepest work I have ever done and clearing this feels like a graduation to a new reality.

I’m feeling so connected to my higher self and I’m stable on the inside, whatever is happening to me. It’s like I’m ready for anything.”*


I am SO MUCH clearer

The 18 days has been mega – perhaps the most penetrating one of all the 18 days I have done over 7 years. Mas’s frequencies have been epic. They have enabled me to go even deeper to break apart all the old buried trauma from my past and literally extract it out of my DNA. I have felt resolutions to many of my niggly interpersonal and intimacy patterns rising into my awareness. I am SO MUCH clearer who I am in my identity and am solidifying in relationships so they are more fruitful and enjoyable and I can set really good clear boundaries when people try and anchor into me, without the old dramas and annihilating patterns that used to accompany those challenges.”*

Isaac S.

I’m looking forward to the future

The last 18 Day broke me down completely. My job terminated me without cause and my 15 year abusive relationship is ending. It’s such a peaceful process. The 18 Day changed my whole perspective and I’m looking forward to the future.”*



Now I savor the richness of life

This last 18 Day was super strong and I often feel like I am dying. But I know this is because I have shed frequencies that are no longer beneficial. I feel different on the inside. Much happier and calmer. I feel like before, I was a walking zombie. Just doing what everyone does, going to work, coming home, cooking dinner, like I was definitely on the hamster wheel of life. I feel like now I savor the richness of life and appreciate the little things.”*


Violet D.

There are no words

Wow, there are no words anymore for the 18 Day transformation! I’m really feeling today’s Medihealings settling in. No words, just love.”*


Extremely powerful meditations

The extremely powerful meditations with Mas’ high frequency transmissions became the platform to experience, to sit, and to breathe each morning and night during our 18 Days and even more so now as my body adjusts and readjusts to new frequencies and new ways of thinking and being.”*



They just keep getting more amazing.

Every 18 Days I tell myself this one is the best one yet! But they just keep getting more amazing.”*


I have noticed a huge shift

I have noticed a huge shift in how I take in “things” in general – even bad news does not affect me emotionally as prior to starting the 18 day program. And we are not even finished yet!”*


My lungs were stronger

By the end of the 18 Days my lungs were stronger and I was not coughing so much. My spine, which was silent for so many years, was also waking up.”*


Grace P.

This is what Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad were trying to convey

After a few years of XI work, you realize that this is not a therapy program, or a success program, or a program to delete patterns. It is a tool to open our eyes and we realize this is a ‘way of life’. It is a tool to help us think and remember beyond our limited mind. That’s when we stop complaining, because we know why our life is the way it is. We continue our XI journey because of our desire to connect to the purest source. It’s not about maintenance. We use everything and every opportunity to connect to our purest self. This includes the 18 Days, because it’s the fastest and best out there. At least the best I have come across. Money, joy, love, peace are all bonuses along the way. This is what Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad were trying to convey with the limited vocabulary they had during their times.


Aisha N.

Mas’s contribution to Humanity is Over and Above

The 18-day XI experience has been fantastic..It’s been 7 years since my 3 XI Limitless 21-Day Classes with Mas and a huge part of my sensing of My awakening in Body, Mind and Spirit is contributed to those past classes. Mas’s contribution to Humanity is Over and Above what is offered out there to change your DNA, Frequency mind consciousness, back to who We originally were created to be..releasing, taking our power back, never living for the Matrix of society ever again and all of the millions of years of deliberate programming. Deep Gratitude for you Mas and XI Team for bringing this together. Much Appreciation, Love to Mas, team and loved ones..Thank you!!”*

Miranda T.

Most definitely life-changing

I feel the frequencies on the replays….most definitely life-changing still”*

Amanda T

XI is my continual reference to the Truth

During my first 18 Day Human: Upgrade I immediately began to understand how little I knew of my True self. Although staggering, it was the most welcome revelation on my path as I began to realize through XI and Masati how our reality actually works. As a long time “Truth Seeker”, XI is my continual reference to the Truth of our reality, helping me realize experientially that I do have the courage to find my Truest nature. The difficulty on the path is deceptive because the Truth is so simple, and so are the XI tools.”*


It ripples out through my life

The 18 Day transformation is like dropping a pebble into a lake. It ripples out through my life. It is seamless, so quite hard to describe.”*


I am the happiest I have been

I signed up for the Personal Optimization and 18 Day last month. Since then, an emotional pattern I have struggled with my whole life that I considered an addiction is gone and the addictive desire is as well. I have never weighed more than 120 lbs and as a 63 year old male I know that is underweight. Today my housemate bought a scale and I weigh 132. This is more than I have ever weighed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and despite the world situation I am the happiest I have been.”*

Evan M.

Life altering

Being once again, in person with Mas… His kindness and compassion and the generosity of his time spent with each of us…Unselfishly sharing his abilities…

For me, Is difficult to even put into words.

I experienced healing and transformation with just his touch. My body became stronger, more in alignment, as I was reminded to bring my body into the higher consciousness with me and not leave it behind.

He healed my body and my mind, allowing this amazing shift to flow as a natural state of being.

This was a life altering day for me and a massive, more comfortable shift into my higher Consciousness. ”* 

Linda H.

I am finally seeing results

August of 2015, was a time of big shifts for me. I reached out to work with a Shaman, to help me understand what was happening. These sessions went on for 3 years at a starting point of $250 per session and more when my children were brought in. Being separated and not receiving financial support placed challenges on my finances. However, I did just about everything she suggested. Things were good, until I started to see deeper truths as she cleared the patterns and distortions through a process called “Soul Clearings”. This is when I began to question, why am I not seeing results? Why do we have to stay under this umbrella to do property clearings? I wasn’t seeing changes in my relationships, still going through the same shit I was going through when I started in 2015. I filed for bankruptcy in 2017. It wasn’t making sense. As I look back, it seems that she was not removing the contracts that were attached to me and this tribe. That frequency was still running my program. 


I came across a shared Facebook post from someone that was connected to Mas. June 4, 2018, is the day I registered  for a group session and that was the day I decided to end the sessions with the Shaman. 

I devoured Mas’s everything. I  listened to his podcast, participated in IGHs, more than several 21 days, both Human Resets, Crystalline Skulls. Anything I felt could help me make quantum leaps, I was doing it, because I felt that I had gotten behind in my evolution. Things started to unveil. I realized in moments when I would submit payment, I enjoyed doing so. I was in such gratitude because I was seeing results and noticing and becoming aware of the truth of who I am. My children were thriving and evolving into the truth of who they are. I no longer see myself as separate from anything. It just is. My finances are turning around. They are still not the best – however, I am not concerned, because I know it is not the truth and I control my reality. My health and wellbeing is becoming a place of embodiment. I walk as if I am the frequencies of Joy, Happiness, Beauty, which emanates Love.  I am able to observe and delete patterns as they arise in seconds. The relationship between me and my ex-husband is really good. He sees the changes in me, and he is changing within himself. I no longer play the victim of that relationship. My mother is no longer trying to jump into my body. She is waking up herself.  Mas appeared in my field in exact timing. If I would have not questioned, I would definitely still be in the distorted fields of my reality. There is so much more I could say about the changes in my life and within myself. ”*


More powerful than counseling

I took over 100 hours of counseling after a big accident but this is the most powerful experience I am going through. ”*  


If only more parents knew about Mas

I discovered that my teenage daughter had been cutting herself. I immediately scheduled a session with Mas and I honestly believe he saved my little girl.

She had been struggling with emotional turmoil due to social harassment via a toxic friendship at school.  But for months I had noticed that she wasn’t herself energetically. She didn’t seem like my daughter.

Within a minute of my session, Mas had detected that the spirit of an angry teenage boy had overtaken her. I know it sounds weird, but this resonated so deeply with me. It explained so much!

When my daughter walked down the stairs the morning after my session with Mas, I nearly broke into tears. She felt lighter, brighter, happier. She felt like herself. I got my baby girl back!

There are no words to describe the depth of a parents’ pain when they know their child is suffering. Too often, we look to physical circumstances to explain an inexplicable shift but with the help of Masati, we were able to pinpoint and remove the non-physical issue that was changing my daughter, her attitude, behavior, and even her appearance! My gratitude is infinite. Thank you, Mas for helping me and my child,

P.S.: If only more parents knew about Mas! ”*

Renee S.

Mas comes with something entirely different

Mas comes with something entirely different. It’s like tuning a radio station from one radio channel that’s sketchy and blurry to another radio channel that’s pristine, accurate, loud, with good quality sound. In a way, now I see that’s what Mas basically does for you, so that you become a pristine transmitter of your own essence, rather than a mishmash of borrowed frequencies. He enables you to come into that pristine transmission, so that you want to kind of up level your diet, your exercise, detox, your health, physical physicality, as well as having spiritual experiences so that there’s no separation between the physical, the material and the spiritual. ”*

Isaac S.

A brand new life is appearing right in front of me

I am really expanding quickly and effortlessly with this 18 Day. My business is growing and shifting into more abundance and it’s like the details are working themselves out. People are flying across the country and driving hundreds of miles to come to see me for sessions. My health is coming back and food and sugar cravings are almost gone. I have been craving nature, water and healthy foods instead.  I have released a lot of distortions and am seeing a brand new life appear right in front of me. ”*

Jane O. 

For the first time I am financially independent

Since I started with Mas this year, I cannot express how much my life has transformed.

I got into an amazing and healthy relationship which I never thought possible. I have deleted these patterns I never thought would leave me and I have changed the relationships across the board. For the first time I am financially independent. The abundance that’s taken over is hard to believe. It truly brings me to tears

I just look and feel like a different person I couldn’t even recognize myself . My skin is glowing, You wouldn’t believe it unless you see it.

I am so grateful to finally be able to step into myself. ”*


 Hema S.

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness

I totally changed my body, health and spiritual awareness after the last Human Reset last April. Everything in my life is amazing……love that you and Fei give so much of your time to make this available to people all over the world. It is going to be a great October and I am looking forward to discovering and using my gifts and abilities.”*

Jenny D.

All cells at a deep deep level have been reset

Though it wasn’t easy and there were moments of the mind playing tricks and release of deep cellular memories and patterns, I feel absolutely AMAZING today.

The body feels totally new. All cells at a deep deep level have been reset. I can feel everything operating at an extremely high level of efficiency.

And it’s a lot easier to maintain the timeless spirit and timebound physical body in absolute equilibrium.

For those that are gung-ho and have the burning desire to fully embody their highest and purest potential in physical form, I highly highly recommend a deep cleanse and reset such as this.”*


Gaining my vision back in a blind eye.

Gaining my vision back in a blind eye. People respect me now. I’ve always had death patterns and could never hold onto anything and now I know for a fact that nothing is going away. People are nicer to me. I used to get walked all over. My life has changed TREMENDOUSLY. I can’t even begin to express myself on this subject! “*

Destiny M.

Healing and Hair Growth with Total Human Reset

I have been battling an auto-immune disease which causes hair loss (similar to alopecia) for eight years. At my latest checkup with my dermatologist yesterday she said it seems to be no longer active. There are signs of vigorous hair growth and the redness and itching are gone. I will be weaned off the medication I have been taking for 6 years. Also, I have lost 23 pounds on the Human Reset program.

Thank you Mas and Alex for helping me to reset my body and my life!”*

Jemma M

Overcoming Sciatic Pain with Total Human Reset

This morning’s medihealing was really powerful for me. I did the last two Human Resets but my sciatic nerve started screaming with a vengeance when I tried to do the exercises, so I wound up just doing the medihealings. But after this morning’s call I was prompted to do the HIIT session. Alex Ali Sajady you nailed this one for me. Got through all 3 sets and did not get so much as a whimper from my sciatic nerve!”*

Petra N.

13 Pounds Deleted with Total Human Reset

I was curious as I stepped on the scale and found that I have deleted 13 pounds since we started”*

Lorraine F

I have more energy today than ever.

I lost about 9 lbs in the past two weeks since starting the 20 hour fast.  I really like the 23 hour fast and even going longer. I will make it a part of my weekly routine as I find the benefits of having my body cleaned of all the junk very valuable.

I have more energy today than ever. I feel more aware of when my patterns with food are running things. I’m also more aware of detox and past things coming up. I am finding when I become aware of them, it’s easier to delete them now more than ever.”*


Kyle G.

After cancer, I felt strong because of Human Reset

I have been doing the Human Reset…wow is all I can say… 

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


I dropped 5.5 inches

I dropped a body total of 5.5 inches during this THR, Altered Carbon with 3 days a week of strength training. “*

Joan B.

I feel so youthful and vibrant

How do I express what I really feel? I am 77 years old and it feels like I am in my 40s or early 50s… I feel so youthful and so vibrant and it is incredible! I have been with many many masters, teachers and “Gurus”, but Total Human Reset topped everything! It is the second time I did it and the world should do THIS and everything would be completely different. “*


Harry B.

I feel full of hope

I’ve had cancer for the past 6 years. When I last saw Mas a couple of years  ago in London  it was growing out of control. Thankfully it stopped. My body was weak from years of treatment but since doing the human reset it feels strong- so much stronger. I feel full of hope. 

I can’t thank you enough. For once I look forward to the next scan. “*


My body feels strengthened and vibrant.

The Health Optimization Medihealing is fantastic!  Highly recommend it.  After listening to the replay I felt balanced, physically healthy, and energetic.  Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I have a sense of my internals’ energy being about 30 years old (my chronological age is 60).  My body feels strengthened and vibrant. “*

Jean R.

I was suicidal

I was suicidal when I first came to you during a Mas on Sunday. Now, my life has positively changed forever. “*

Deirdre G.

This life long burden has simply disappeared

This is my testimonial about overcoming a lifelong addiction pattern. I am a 63 year old single male who had a compulsive sexual addiction, mostly on the internet but at times with others. I knew that there had to be other root psychological causes for my behavior but as with all addictions, insight did not stop this visceral autopilot need to satisfy my desires.  Any spiritual principles I have made no difference. Because it did not disrupt my life in too great a way other than perpetuating self hatred and a weakened physical state, I never admitted it to anyone privately or professionally. 

After the 18 Day I have not had the thought, the desire or the need to act on it in any way. I was not looking for this to be the end result of my 18 Day and in fact it was not even on my mind at the time. In short it was not a conscious or desired outcome when I started the 18 Day. I cannot link any other reason other than my work with Mas as the literal overnight cessation. I am so grateful and amazed that this life long burden has simply disappeared without any further explanation or need to find the root cause but attribute it to Mas and deletion of that frequency. It is truly incredible . 

This addiction prevented me from seeking out more healthier productive relationships because so much of my mindset was one pointed. I now see my life aligning with my true authentic holistic limitless self and know it’s never too late to make a new beginning. “*


Evan M.

I accomplished something I didn’t believe was possible

For the last 14 years, I was “crippled” by fear. For the longest time, I believed it was a physical illness. I tried different modalities, ate healthy, consumed herbs and supplements, did many detox regiments, you name it. The last diagnosis was Lyme disease.

It wasn’t till I cleared out multiple layers of my ill beliefs and programs while working with Mas and seeing the incredible power of fear that is pinning me down.

Today, I accomplished a strenuous hike of 11 miles and over 2,300ft of elevation gain to 12,600 ft. I burst into tears when seeing the beauty around me and realizing that I accomplished something I didn’t believe was possible anymore. Thank you Mas for lighting the way. “*

Sherri M.

The weight hasn’t come back

I have changed so much, resetting my frequencies in all areas. I lost 30.84kgs and the weight hasn’t come back….and so much more. Thank you “*



  90% of my symptoms are gone


At the beginning of January 2020, before my private session with Mas, I was experiencing extreme pain, numbness in my body, loss of movement in both arms  and paralysis in my right leg and torso that would come and go.

I was going to doctors but they didn’t have any diagnosis for me. At best they would only give me pain medication which would make me more ill and I ended up in the  emergency room on numerous occasions over a year and half.

After Mas’s private session I started feeling more in control of my brain and did some research. I found a doctor in San Francisco who reviewed my blood results and diagnosed me with chronic neurological Lyme disease. When he repeated the test a few months after I had sessions with Mas he was baffled because all the parasites in my blood were gone. At that point I hadn’t even taken any medication for it!. As for now I am on regiments of herbal drops to treat the chronic infection due to Lyme disease and  90% of my symptoms are gone.“* 

Alexandra G.

My mental sharpness has increased

I got so many benefits from this program. I feel more youthful, more joyful. My mental sharpness has increased. I walk with more confidence, I lead with more confidence. The best benefit that I got from this program is definitely my relationship with my youngest daughter. She used to push me away and now she hugs me, she kisses me good night, goodbye and she says she loves me. So thank you Mas and thank you for the amazing group that we had. “*

Samantha D.

Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time

Before doing the Human Reset program, I had digestive and intestinal problems. Now all of that has been improved. I am more here in this body- now than ever. Everything seems like I’m seeing it for the first time. In this program, there are exercises that are included that strengthen your core and now I am able to get up off of the floor without having to grab on to anything. This program is really amazing. It’s powerful and it is life changing and I would highly recommend it for anyone. Thank you Mas. Thank you Kristin and Alex and the Mas team.”*

Donna R.

Sensational changes

I just did the Human Reset  and had sensational changes. Physically, I felt  much more energy…. losing fat, building lean muscle. Mentally, I felt much more clarity, more sustained energy in the brain and a much more positive attitude. And spiritually, I had a lot of realizations. 

I would like to recommend the Human Reset to everyone who’s willing, no matter what your level, because you’ll change for sure in all aspects. You will have lots of exercises, diets, the  Mastermind  (which is a group of people who help to keep you committed), and then especially the frequency work, which is the basis of everything and keeps you going on in this amazing journey. “*

José S.

Discovering My True Self

Before the human reset program, I had been working with Mas for over a year, so I had some distortion patterns cleared. But during this program, I cleared real deep ones. I got to know who I am and what I am -strong and stable. My communications changed. They’re straightforward without any expectation of an outcome. I see things more clearly around me. I see more opportunities. I am a new version of me- I know it, I feel it. My thoughts, my consciousness-they are different on a different level. The old version of me is no more. My body changed, my body shape changed- it looks healthier. It is the form that I am pleased with. 

Do I recommend this program?  Of course!  To anybody- all walks of life. I think any person can benefit from a program that shows them who they are because that’s the best place to create your life from. Thank you Mas and the Human Reset team for making this available. See you later.”*


Mandy M.

The only program that can help you re-engineer your body

This Human Reset is my third one and it is beyond words -just beyond words! You see that I’m building muscle, I lost  fat under the skin, I lost visceral fat. It was simply amazing.  I just want to tell you from my heart, that Human Reset -Altering Carbon is the only program on planet earth that can help you re-engineer your body. I’m living proof. “*

Jenny N.

I could feel the expansion

Before Human Reset I didn’t feel good, I just kept getting tired and there was something missing and no matter what I did, it would seem to be like that. During Human Reset I enjoyed the diet, I managed to last for 26 hours. I felt clean and clean. I could feel the expansion, I felt my spirit body merge with my physical body and I am so grateful to you all. I am now 78 years young and I would recommend this 100%. “*

Sarah P

I own my health for the rest of my life

I would highly recommend Mas and Human Reset. I would say the biggest change is my attitude, my sense of peace and wellbeing, and that I own my health for the rest of my life. I’ve been with Mas for three months now and it has been a remarkable shift and change mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I am well grounded in who I am and what I want out of life and have the ability to love myself and love others more than ever. Thank you Mas and thank you to your team as well and to Alex and Kristen for the wonderful program.”*

Kia K.

Revitalized and Rejuvenated

I’m a medical doctor with a holistic approach. My passion is reverse aging, anti-ageing, aesthetics and beauty. Before Human Reset, I was sick, tired, drained, overweight, overwhelmed, I had a lot of pain, and I was broke. After working with Mas, XI and Human Reset I’ve recovered my vital force, my youthful look, my health and vibrancy. I even lost about 15 kilos in a short period of time. I’ve recovered my hair and its color. The reverse ageing process has been very intense. I was detoxing a lot at all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

I highly recommend the Total Human Reset. I have high resonance with Mas and the HR team’s work,  tapping into the simplicity, purity and transparency of this process. I want to keep upgrading to higher levels of consciousness and fully integrate my spirit with this human reality for the benefit of myself and others. So thank you very much and a big hug from Colombia.  “*

Andrelo L.

I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle

Before the Human Reset I was feeling really fearful about fasting, and  exercising while fasting. I was also fearful about doing longer meditations and fitting all of this into my  schedule. But as it turns out, it was really easy and pretty seamless. And I realised how strong I am and how capable I am of taking control of my own body and my own lifestyle. I’m really looking forward to the next Human Reset and I’d recommend it to anyone as a way to feel empowered and in control of your own life. And I’m just so thankful.”*

Sarka T.

my  scoliosis went away

During the last HR class, my  scoliosis went away, just minor muscle imbalance left which I’m working on. My eye color changed and I have started to notice my facial structure changes now.”*

Grace R.

Dramatic positive changes

Before I started working with Mas, my oldest daughter was not doing well. She was literally hitting her head against the wall and pulling her hair out. She would regularly threaten to kill herself. She even came after me with a bat. 

She kept having the same negative scenarios with her coaches and sports/performance where she would not be seen, not be treated fairly, and would injure herself or sabotage her performance. 

Physically, she had bad acne that wasn’t responding to any treatments. 

On top of it, and most importantly, she was having debilitating cramps and stabbing chest pains and passing out at school or whenever she did strenuous cardiovascular exercise.

Her father’s family has heart issues – a congenital prolapsed valve (supposedly asymptomatic) and her dad’s brother had to have a valve replacement at Mayo five years ago Needless to say, it was very scary. 

We tried traditional therapy which seemed to make things worse. 

We tried supplements, bodywork, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, flower essences with some improvement but not really getting deep, lasting change. She just wasn’t herself and she didn’t want to be here. 

A trusted friend told me about how Mas had helped her sister who had breast cancer so I checked him out. 

I was immediately impressed with Mas’s authenticity. What he said made sense and felt true. And best of all, it wasn’t about his ego. He wasn’t trying to be a guru, it was the opposite. He was trying to wake us up to the way reality works. It never felt like he was trying to profit or like he had any ulterior motives like so many other consciousness purveyors. He was able to answer so many of my questions, questions I didn’t know that I had, such as why goal setting doesn’t work, or why most of the self-help and spiritual growth work hadn’t been effective. 

I started doing the 18 Days and brought my daughter in, as suggested. 

I recognized that I’d clung to her when she was born as a way to render and identify myself and changed my smothering ways. This shift had an almost immediate, positive impact on her and on our relationship. 

I kept doing the 18 Days and kept bringing her in.

A lot of people thought I was crazy and made fun of me, but I could see and feel the changes so I kept signing up and showing up. 

In a surprisingly short period of time, my daughter started venturing out of her room more, and engaging. She found better coaches, teammates and training. Even her skin started clearing up. 

The most miraculous part is that when I took her to Mayo to have her heart checked so she could participate in sports, they couldn’t find a problem!!! They said it was a combination of allergies and hormones and that she would grow out of it. She didn’t even have the congenital prolapsed valve!! 

I literally sobbed with relief and I know with certainty that it was a result of working with Mas. 

I don’t try to explain this to too many people because it is too easily explained away as there never being a problem with her heart to begin with, but I know that it could have been a very different scenario if I hadn’t changed my frequencies and I am deeply, deeply grateful for the help and guidance of Mas and the team that makes it possible for him to deliver his gifts.

We still have a ways to go but she isn’t injuring herself and is better able to navigate upsetting situations without threatening to kill herself or sabotaging herself in other ways. 

All of these dramatic, positive changes in less than a year and without therapy! 



The possibilities are so amazing

My life has changed immensely through the work I have done with Mas. The 18 Day has helped me to recover myself from a place of no return. I was broken apart and scattered in different realities and time frames. I had a bunch of different identities and so many different control sources. I also had no conscious realization of all of the psychological abuse I had experienced and I was terrified to live in my body. 

I used drugs heavily including heroin and cocaine. I quit using them a while before working with Mas but had no idea that I was still holding onto the patterns. Also the 18 Day helped me to release all of the residues of the drugs from my body. My brain and nervous system was able to recover from extreme damage that doctors would have told me cannot happen had I gone to them. I also shed so many family patterns, belief systems, abuse patterns and physical issues. I strengthened myself and look totally different from before.

I never had good relationships and couldn’t grow and evolve in this lifetime because I never knew who I was. Now I have amazing relationships that help me to evolve and become an even better version of myself. I learn and grow from every experience now. My body is such a comfortable home now. It is lighter than even the feeling I was chasing through drugs. And now I am learning to expand into realties to get information. I am understanding my abilities more and more. The possibilities are so amazing and when I think back to all of the experiences I had before working with Mas it literally feels like another lifetime. I would recommend the 18 Day to anyone. It is the most profound and powerful product. Its value cannot be measured and the price for what you get is unbelievable! Thank you Mas and Team ~ “*

Steve R.

I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders

I am a 63 year old man who has lived a pretty sedate and quiet life. I usually will investigate extensively before I jump into anything. I did not do this with Mas . For whatever reason I found myself listening intently to him. I signed up for the Personal Optimization and 18 Day last month. Since then, I have received money from unexpected sources. An emotional pattern I have struggled with my whole life that I considered an addiction is gone and the addictive desire is as well. I have never weighed more than 120 lbs and as a 63 year old male I know that is underweight. Today my housemate bought a scale and I weigh 132. This is more than I have ever weighed. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and despite the world situation I am the happiest I have been. While I still don’t know Mas particulars I can only go by what I have felt in frequency which is what counts most. Thank you for being a part of my journey. “*


Evan M., Holistic Nutrition Counselor and Massage Therapist

Freedom from Fibromyalgia


I have been doing Mas work for quite some time now and finally after quite a few 18 Days and Total Human Resets (THRs). I have come out on the other side. When I started I was almost bedridden with fibromyalgia. Nothing was working. I was actually quite suicidal. 

After working with Mas , I do not have any health symptoms anymore, workout almost daily, eat healthy and feel so much more present. I was on anti- depressants before and now I take no drugs at all. I have also stopped drinking alcohol to cope.“*  

Bernie S.

I’m finally healthy

My thyroid numbers were off the charts! I had a cyst and all. I got my blood work done after Mas worked on me on the 13 days and wow! My thyroid numbers dropped and swelling of the cyst is gone! It’s safe to say I’m finally healthy thanks to Mas!“*


Marena S.

I got off all antidepressants

I got off all meds and antidepressants within 2 months of practicing XI. Spatial referencing is everything. “*

Saoirse G.

It pulled me from the dark to the light

I listened to your podcasts while I was in a bottomless depression and I swear it pulled me from the dark to the light. “*


I literally can not be depressed

I literally can not be depressed after doing XI work. It feels like I forgot how to access the feeling of depression. My life was in heavy depression before XI. “* 

Jonas Y.

I have healed my scoliosis

Ever since starting with Mas a couple of months ago my entire life has changed. Most surprisingly perhaps, is that I have healed my scoliosis. I knew that Mas’ work worked on an emotional level, mental level, spiritual level and generally makes me feel more like ‘me’. But I was absolutely flabbergasted to see the physical changes as well: both my massage therapist as well as my physiotherapist confirmed that my scoliosis, which I have been born with, had been completely ‘healed’. I still hardly believe it but I know that this has been because of XI.“* 

Simone N.

I did not have migraines since

I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so lucky to receive a scan from Mas during the 18 Day Medihealing and I did not have migraines since. I had them for almost 23 years with not one single month of a break. It really is a miracle and I am so grateful!!!!!“*

Leanna B.

The doctors were surprised

I had a stroke and dehydration on January 31st and was hospitalized. I went through a series of tests for my heart and brain and the doctors were very surprised that I had no damage. Then on August 15, 2021 I suffered a heart attack and once again the doctors were surprised that I had no damage and that my heart repaired itself. It was when they reported this to me, I knew that the work I did with Mas saved me and I am doing well! It is a miracle. All the Doctors were so surprised and I was sent back home after all of my tests were good! I am going to continue to work with Mas to keep my blood flowing! I am very grateful!“*


 Iris L. 

It’s a miracle that I am still alive!

Thanks to Mas and all his great work it’s a miracle that I am still alive! Medical doctors as well as everyone else are impressed. Since being with Mas I’ve lived through blood clots to the brain, massive stroke, surgery, Covid, but take no medication prescriptions.

Swimming my laps a few times a week , walking, doing yoga, clean diet, and I’m 70 yrs young !“* 

Margaret N.

Now I thrive 360 degrees

I’ve overcome trauma, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, diseases, addiction, abuse and poverty. Now I thrive 360 degrees.“*

Amanda D.

Destructive Behaviour is Gone

I used to know an anxious and angry child whose outbursts and negative behaviour almost had her committed to a residential behavioural treatment program. Sara would destroy toys and  property, spit, throw her shoes and scream non-stop. She started picking at herself and eating her hair. Her outbursts of anger were destroying her relationship with peers and teachers and hurting her family. The stress it caused was overwhelming. I had regular calls from her school and she was often threatened with suspensions. After meeting Mas, Sara has changed. She is playful, empathetic, open to connections, has made friends and now has the ability to work through emotions in a healthy way.  She has started a business selling her own arts and crafts at school- all on her own, and she’s making a profit. She’s 10 years old. The child I once knew is gone. “* 


I have not had to get adjusted and went off pain medication

For over a year I have not had to get adjusted and went off pain medication. This was after 10 years of having my back/scar tissue worked on every 3 weeks and taking daily pain medication. “*


 Sandy T.

I have never had a migraine again.

In my first ever appointment with Mas (6.5 years ago), he picked up that I had a neck issue and asked if I had headaches. I had suffered severe migraines for years. I had around 8 plus per month with constant headaches in between. I was in high pain relief taking Tramadol (an opioid) for this. Other medications didn’t help and made things worse. MRIs could not find the cause.

A few seconds after Mas mentioned this I felt a release and the headache I had at the time went and I have never had a migraine again.

He explained the ‘spiritual’ reason around this, which was that I had had a noose around my neck, which he released.

I was fortunate to have a miracle cure on my first experience with Mas, (and I hadn’t even set up the appointment to discuss migraines!)- so I knew XI was powerful and like nothing else out there and have been working regularly with XI to this day. “*


 Giselle M. 

Chronic back pain, anxiety, IBS, and depression are all gone!

I had just begun a journey of healing when I was introduced to Mas in 2018.

I was on a leave of absence from my teaching position due to stress. My physical symptoms were acute anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, IBS, eczema, brain fog, and depression. Years of therapy, diets, supplements, exercise, meditation, yoga, and numerous doctors were only successful at helping me find temporary partial relief. 

My physical body was constantly itching and experiencing immense pain. Distractions and hours of meditation and yoga out in nature would help me find some peace, but the underlying patterns would return and play out again and again.

Since I began working with Mas in 2018, I am completely off anti-anxiety medication that I had for panic disorder for 20 years. All of my physical symptoms from stress disappeared without further therapy (just yoga, nature, and mindfulness) or medications. I have a healthy relationship with food finally! (I was bulimic off and on for more than a decade.) Chronic back pain, anxiety, IBS, and depression are all gone! “*


 Bethany C.

clean my body and clear my soul

Today I woke up after three days of fasting. I never thought that I could do it with ease, in such a supported way. In fact, I was not hungry or desperate to eat. I want to continue to clean my body and clear my soul. “*

Carrie H

I feel totally loved by me

I feel totally loved by me. I’ve never loved myself before like this. Thank you. 

I feel confident, vibrant, healthy and strong.   I have noticed that my two daughters, aged 36 and 19, have changed their attitude towards themselves and others in their workplaces.  One works for aged care and the other works with childcare and they have become more understanding of me as their mum. And they do show me more love.

I have lost 5 kilos of weight as my waistline was 33 inches before I did the Total Human Reset and now it is 30 inches. l did the Keto diet and I borrowed Keto books from the library and a human anatomy book so I could understand my body.  

I am happy to have found Total Human Reset and Mas. Thank you for showing me how important I am and explaining the Keto diet and fitness exercises. “*

Dee R.

My skin looks amazing

My skin is looking amazing and I lost a couple of centimeters around my body. “*

Dee R.

I feel l 20 years younger

After this total human reset, I feel l 20 years younger. I have been with many masters and teachers and gurus and, this Total Human Reset has topped everything. I feel such a gentleness for myself, for others and for the life itself. I have a quiet expanded silence inside. “*

Harry T

Everything I need just gravitates towards me

The recent Total Human Reset programme was amazing and I experienced a lot of changes. 

My awareness of time and space and realities shifted to a new level. I feel more independent and I don’t need help from Mas every time I feel disoriented. I had about 8 new job opportunities and everything I need just gravitates towards me. My skin renewed itself and I noticed my nails about 5 times stronger. Not that I had any issues with my skin or nails, or that I was trying to achieve a result by doing anything special, but I just randomly noticed these results. I feel healthier and stronger. “*


I deserve the most abundant XI life.

I started out being overweight, eating terrible, hating exercise, hating really everything-including myself.  Now I really love myself. I deserve the most abundant XI life.  I did lose inches, my joints don’t hurt as they did before, my skin is healing.  I don’t feel stuck.  I also have a new relationship with XI.  I used to “hang” on Mas’s every word for help.   Respectively, now I don’t need him. I see him as a tool, someone I can go to for advice. I don’t have any of this figured out. My life is not perfect……   that is ok, because I feel really lucky and special as I am now. “*

Aoife S

Fantastic Benefits from THR

The benefit of the Total Human Reset to me has been fantastic. I have been experiencing a much better body shape. I’ve lost heaps of weight. My digestion is much better, my sleep is much better. I have had just a more peaceful and calmer approach. Everything I do outside of the meditations now is much more efficient and effective.”*

Sherri S.

Rediscovering Health and Wealth

I have been in all the THR programs, but did it for the frequencies and the humans involved -not the weight and exercise benefits. I never took the diet and exercise program seriously before. I’m lucky. I’ve always been in great shape. That said, one serious concussion and a pandemic later, it isn’t so easy to just pop into yoga or whatever…It has been a long haul and the concussion has taken its toll. And I am looking at THR much differently. Autophagy is terrific and combined with keto…it is a game changer. The wealth part of THR is so incredible and for those who are first timers, it is such a BONUS! You can’t imagine. I am just so happy to be among such good loving wonderful humans. Twice a day, I get to be in the company of the best that humanity has to offer. I am honored and humbled”*

Kathleen K

A deep cleansing of any old patterns

The past Human Reset was a deep cleansing of any old patterns that I had regarding my relationships, health and finances. I saw very clearly that they are very intertwined and I could experience way more peace and calm where I previously experienced stress and anxiety. I’ve been able to support people around me without being drained (which was my previous pattern, I would just ‘lose myself’ in others frequently) and I’ve built a beautiful relationship with my body. I now have days where I can’t wait to wake up and check myself out in the mirror to see how much more beautiful I have become (I know this sounds weird, but if you see before and after pictures you’d understand). “*

Simone N

From Mini Stroke to Miraculous Recovery

A few years ago, the doctor said I had to take aspirin for the rest of my life for a mini stroke I had. I had numerous eye injections because of the incident. I have not taken aspirin since THR about 4 years ago and my optometrist said they have never seen anybody’s eyesight healed as well as mine, and to keep doing what I’m doing. In addition I went down 2 sizes and haven’t gained back the original weight. I eat so much cleaner and healthier. I’m thankful for THR.”*

I am 75 and look 20 years younger

I am 75 and look 20 years younger. My friends that I have known forever are always asking me my age. Last year I did the frequency facelift and my face did change and I was able to heal a rotten front tooth that was about to be extracted. My dentist’s mind was blown away the morning of extraction when I asked her to X-ray my tooth just one last time. I still have my tooth. I think to myself 75 is the new 55.“* 

Beth K.

Anti-aging that works

I am an expert in anti-aging medicine. This is the only thing that actually works.“*

Carla D.

Coming off my psych meds

Mas, I’ve been doing really well coming off my psych meds since my private session with you.“* 

Peter A.

I went from feeling depressed to feeling neutral

Simply listening today has transformed my experience. I went from feeling depressed to feeling neutral.“* 

Shane L.

The pain is so much less

I just needed to say thank you! It was such a big help I got from Mas today. I haven’t walked a single step without pain for the last year. Already now, a few hours after the private session, the pain is sooo much less. I’m so happy and so grateful…!“* 

Hayley P

Perfect blood work

I just had blood work done and it’s perfect. I’m 65 and people think I’m in my 40’s. “* 

Theresa W.

Alcoholism removed

The first time I saw Mas live, it was like a $20 event and he removed alcoholism from my DNA. $20 after hundreds of thousands of dollars of ineffective treatment.“*  

Leslie R. 

I came off all my medications

I came off all my medications through spatial referencing- such a freeing experience. This is the most amazing ‘prescription’ that I’ve ever seen work for myself.“*  

Liz D.

Helped me bring down the fever from 103 to normal

I had signed up for the Health Meditation last Sunday because right now I have a houseguest called ‘cancer’ and they found another abnormality in my pancreatic and bile ducts.  That evening I was so sick that I didn’t have the energy to turn on to the talk and just intended to be there in Spirit. In my mind I just put myself on the computer and the next morning  I listened to the replay. I am sure that I was ‘present’ at that live meditation. That health meditation and later playing the ‘infection’ meditation helped me bring down the fever from 103 to normal by the next morning and the infection meditation cleared up the discomfort in my lower abdomen. Please tell Mas “THANK YOU for who you are and bringing light and the new science into our world.“*


 Rose C.. Ph.D., BCPP, Integrative Health Practitioner

All tests came back 100% normal and healthy!

Hi Mas and Team, I have had a cool little win. I have had abnormal pap tests for years and subsequently was put in the pre-screening clinic at the hospital as they are looking for cancer. I was last there May 16 2022. I told my Dr. about autophagy and some of the other things I am doing and he told me I belong to the “Harry Potter school of medicine “and mocked me. Well well- I just got a call from him about my results and they found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, no bad cells at all, No HPV that apparently causes the abnormal cells and is only treatable by a nasty vaccine. He was stunned and told me all tests came back 100% normal and healthy! I admit I had to hold back from a told ya so “Harry Potter” for the win comment. Ha ha Ha Haaa I got “kicked out” of the pre-screening clinic. XI is eternally awesome! “*

Leah R.

I FINALLY have been able to let go of needing alcohol.

The most profound transformation during this 18 days that I have noticed (and it has only been one week!) is that I FINALLY have been able to let go of the feeling of needing alcohol.  I realized that my whole life I used alcohol as a crutch to stabilize myself.  While I officially gave up drinkin