In working on thousands of people throughout the world for almost a decade, Mas has found that humanity holds many mis-defined concepts. These distorted definitions have become deeply ingrained in our thinking and serve as roadblocks, standing in the way of transformation and progress.
In the first of the XI Lecture Series, Mas will shed light on the pure definitions of everyday terms, ideas and beliefs to clear the way for a truer understanding and more efficient path forward.
This important event is being offered for free as it will lay the foundation for deeper concepts and discussions to come. Join Mas to learn the truth behind:
(and more)
The XI Lecture Series is an in-depth discussion in which Mas delves into the true mechanics underlying some of the most prevalent and often misunderstood concepts affecting humanity. Mas chooses topics to which he feels drawn, whether current events, common themes or as new information is downloaded for him to share, the series remains spontaneous both in topic and timing.
Expand your awareness and learn the deep science behind our reality and why we experience life in the ways that we do, as well as the tools to unlocking our innate potential to limitless possibilities.