Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening of Wealth | XI Lecture Series

Through his advanced knowledge and abilities, Masati has been sensing and predicting a massive, global financial shift.



Through his advanced knowledge and abilities, Masati has been sensing and predicting a massive, global financial shift.

The coming financial storm is going to affect everything and everyone. It’s not just the rules of the game that are changing…it’s a completely different game that even the experts won’t know how to play.

Money as you know it will cease to exist. It will be the end for many, including those who think the current version of wealth will keep them safe. It will be the beginning of the most brilliant opportunity for those who choose to embrace the new consciousness of wealth.

Join Masati who escaped death multiple times and traveled to the outer limits of consciousness to bring back a completely different definition of wealth that provides true security and freedom.

The more you have, the more you have to lose. If you have more than $5,000 in the bank, this seminar could keep your nest egg from losing more if its value and could be the key to turn it into a fortune. If you’re wealthy, find out three things to do immediately to help protect your wealth from the coming financial storm.

In the near future, wealth will not be defined by how much money you have, who you know, or financial accomplishments. Join Masati to find out the rules of the new game as he redefines everything we know about building, sustaining, and fulfilling wealth in the new wealth consciousness.

The XI Lecture Series is an in-depth discussion in which Mas delves into the true mechanics underlying some of the most prevalent and often misunderstood concepts affecting humanity. Mas chooses topics to which he feels drawn, whether current events, common themes or as new information is downloaded for him to share, the series remains spontaneous both in topic and timing.

Expand your awareness and learn the deep science behind our reality and why we experience life in the ways that we do, as well as the tools to unlocking our innate potential to limitless possibilities.