To be inspired is to feel that undeniable pull toward something greater—a state where life feels full of possibility and purpose. Rediscover your connection to this flow, aligning with your core potential and nurturing a mindset that sees beauty and meaning in every moment. Join Masati in this Talk & HyperMeditation to cultivate an open, inspired mind and illuminate the path ahead.
Alignment, Clarity, Creativity, Exploration, Flow, Genius, Guidance, Ideas, Insight, Inspiration, Intuition, Passion, Potential, Purpose, Self-Expression
Approximately 3 hours
For maximum benefit it is recommended for you to stay present in your body. You may sit, stand, lie down, or perform light movement.
Masati often suggests to alter any usual routine in order to be most present. For example, if you are used to sitting while meditating, try the frequency HyperMeditations while standing up.
While they are not recommended while driving to avoid any disorientation or sleepiness, you may play the frequency HyperMeditations in any setting such as work, at home, while exercising, etc.