Self-Sabotage in Love | XI Human: Deprogramming

Are you tired of sabotaging yourself and holding yourself back from achieving and maintaining a loving relationship?




Are you tired of sabotaging yourself and holding yourself back from achieving and maintaining a loving relationship? In this HyperMeditation, immerse yourself in XI frequencies designed to help you break free from negative patterns, heal from past traumas, and restore self-love. Saying goodbye to self-sabotage frequencies can open a new chapter in your life for rebuilding your self-confidence, self-respect, and giving yourself permission to be your own best friend. You’ll have the chance to rewrite past experiences of self-destruction and fill the void left by self-sabotage. Finally, using the first principle definition of self-compassion, you can forgive yourself at the deepest levels of your being. Ready to say goodbye to self-sabotage and restore your life?

A transformative frequency HyperMeditation designed to help those who, knowingly or unknowingly, repeatedly hinder their own success, prosperity, and abundance in any area of life.

XI Human: Deprogramming is a topic-specific, frequency HyperMeditation that addresses the most prevalent misconceptions, blocks, and barriers to us living from our limitless potential. Created to help remove at the frequency level all that stands in our way including strongly held conditioning, programming, and deeply ingrained lineage patterns. This paradigm-changing session is designed for intense transformation. It is for those ready to strip back the layers of identity, and brave enough to let go of what is familiar, comfortable, and safe, and expose the ability to create a life of your choosing.

In each session, Masati taps into the group, initiating holistic transformation, using the strength of the group to magnify the momentum. The catalyst is not in the words that are said, but in the transformational frequencies that are generated.